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9. How much of a 1:25 dilution can be made with 4 mL of serum?

Most Viewed Questions Of Analytical Chemistry

. Ozone in the upper atmosphere is depleted when it reacts with nitrogen oxides. The rates of the reactions of nitrogen oxides with ozone are important factors in deciding how significant these reactions are in the formation of the ozone hole over Antarctica. One such reaction is the combination of nitric oxide, NO, with ozone, O3: \mathrm{NO}(g)+\mathrm{O}_{3}(g) \rightarrow \mathrm{NO}_{2}(g)+\mathrm{O}_{2}(g) Use the data to determine the rate law and the rate constant for the reaction at 25°C.

A buffer has a pH of 3.17 and has the following concentrations: 1.0 M HF and 1.0 M NaF A.) A solution is prepared combining 500 mL of the buffer described above with 500 mLof distilled water to create a solution with a volume of 1000 mL. Do you predict that the pH of the final solution should be less than, equal to, or greater than 3.17?Justify your answer.

5. (1 pt.) Two structures of aspirin, also known as acetyl salicylate, are shown below. Note that the structure on the left includes a weak acid functional group as it would exist at a pH < 3. But at a higher pH, the acidic H is transferred to the hydroxide ions in water. The aspirin structure then is then a carboxylate with a negative charge as shown on the right. Non-polar compounds pass through membranes and enter the bloodstream better than polar ones. Given that the pH of the stomach is about 2 and the pH of the small intestine is about 8, where is there greater absorption of aspirin, the stomach or the small intestine? (Hint:charged molecules are polar.)

3. A solution of HI(aq) is added to a solution of methylamine, CH;NH2(aq). An acid-basereaction takes place. All of the water is removed by evaporation, producing crystals of theionic compound methylammonium iodide. lodide.A.) In the reaction described above, methylamine and the methylammonium ionrepresent a conjuqate acid-base pair. i.) Does the methylamine behave as an acid or as a base in this reaction?Justify your answer. ii.) Write the chemical formula (including the correct charge) for the methylammonium ion.

Consider the four reaction-energy diagrams below: Identify the two diagrams that could represent a catalyzed and an un catalyzed reaction pathway for the same reaction. Indicate which of the two diagrams represents the catalyzed reaction pathway for the reaction.

6. A series of 5 two-fold dilutions of concentrated solution is to be done. If 4 mL of diluent is put into each tube, how much concentrated solution will be added to tube 2? (Assume tube 1 is straight/1:1).

2NO2(g) + F2(g) → NO, and F2 can react to produce NO,F as represented above. A proposed mechanism for this reaction has two elementary steps, as shown below.reaction that is consistent with the proposed mechanism.Write a rate law for the overall NO, + F, → NO,F + F(slow) NO2 + FNO,F(fast)

1. In a multiple dilution series, 20 μL of serum from tube 1 and 80 μL of diluent are added and mixed in tube 2. From tube 2, 10 µL is taken and added into 40 μL of diluent in tube 3. What is the dilution factor in tube 3?

Need help with this homework which is 6 summaries of 6 analytic chemistry journal readings from the American Chemical Society (ACS). For each summaries, only a paragraph is needed, like 250 words each. It has to be Analytical Chemistry journals. Here are the link: topArticlesType=recent&journalCode=ancham Choose any 6 articles from the above link and work on this assignment

10. A white blood count is done on a blood sample that has been diluted 1:20. The number of cells counted in the sample is 202 cells/μL. What should be reported for the undiluted sample?