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Acceptance sampling is a method that uses small random samples from incoming shipments of products to assess the quality of the entire shipment. Typically, a random sample of size n

is selected from a shipment, and each sampled item is tested to see whether it meets quality specifications. The number of sampled items that do not meet specifications is denoted by x. Aslong as x does not exceed a pre specified integer c, called the acceptance number, then the entire shipment is accepted for use. If x exceeds c, then the shipment is returned to the vendor.In practice, because n is usually small in comparison to the number of items in a shipment, a binomial distribution is used to describe the random variable x. a. Suppose a company uses samples of size n = 10 and an acceptance number of c = 1 to evaluate shipments. If 10% of the items in a certain shipment are defective, what is the probability that this shipment will be returned to the vendor? b. Suppose that a certain shipment contains no defective items. What is the probability that the shipment will be accepted by the sampling plan in part (a)? c. Rework part (a) for shipments that are 5%, 20%, and 50% defective. d. Let t denote the proportion of defective items in a given shipment. Use your answers toparts (a)-(c) to plot the probability of accepting a shipment (on the vertical axis) against Tt=0, .05, .10, .20, and .50 (on the horizontal axis). Connect the points on the graph with a smoothcurve. The resulting curve is called the operating characteristic (OC) curve of the sampling plan.It gives a visual summary of how the plan performs for shipments of differing quality.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

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4) If the bearing of AB is N 38°45'10" E, compute the bearings of the remaining sides.Provide solutions for the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. (Show all work and put final answers in boxes provided) (10 pts)

33 A surveyor counted the number of paces required to cover a 250-ft distance. The results were as follows: 95, 93,97, 98, and 92 paces. Then an unknown distance was stepped off four times, requiring 115, 118, 116, and 117 paces.3.Determine the average pace length and the length of the(Ans.: 2.632 ft, 307 f)second line.

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2.31 An engineering student claims that a country road can be safely negotiated at 65 mi/h in rainy weather. Because of the winding nature of the road, one stretch of level pavement has a sight distance of only 510 ft.Assuming practical stopping distance, comment on the student's claim.

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3.4 A surveyor paces a 400-ft length four times with the following results: 140, 143, 141, and 142 paces. How many paces will be necessary for this surveyor to lay out a distance of 525 f?

Q2. The daily mean flows in a river for three consecutive years are given in Table 2 by class interval along with the number of days (N) the flows belonged to this class. What are 50% and 75% dependable(i) mean daily flows and (ii) mean annual flows for this river ?

6- Calculate the coordinates: Angle ( B ) = 32° 30' 40“ The Azimuth of line ( AB ) = 120° 30' 25“ Coordinate A = ( 220 N , 150 W) Coordinate A = ( 220 N, 150 W) Length ( CD ) = 150 m Length ( BC ) = 200 m Length ( AB ) = 106 m