agenda today we are going to discuss the plan for the reit pairs group
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· Today we are going to:
. Discuss the plan for the REIT Pairs group projects
. Go over this year's pairs, and the material that is available from blackboard and other sources to get you started on your analysis
· Assign students to teams, and have each team pick a REIT pair
Class Structure: Presentation Weeks
· Two teams per class
· Class split in two slots, approx. 1h 15 minutes each
· Each slot is organized as follows:
· Class discussion on asset class/sector for the REIT pair (10/15 min)
. Team members present their analysis (approx. 40 min)
· Clarifications questions are allowed during the presentations
. The presentation is followed by class discussion on the team's analysis and recommendation
· I will take attendance at the beginning of every class
· Team Presentation Slides: Due on presentation day
The presentation should contain:
• (Brief) Asset class/sector overview
• Qualitative description of the two REITs, focused on risks and opportunities
· Overview of quantitative analysis (Excel Model + Multiples)
· Recommendation (which REIT to overweight/underweight, or maintain current weights)
· Excel Model for REITs pair: Due on presentation day; adjustments possible after presentation
· Memo with synthesis and recommendation (2 pages)
Team Members Evaluation
· After the last class meeting, I will hand you a survey in which you can offer feedback on your team members
· Please ... be professional when working with your peers!
· Consider your team as a "mock" corporate environment
Overview of Information Sources
• I have posted reports from Greenstreet on each sector and individual REIT, they are in the folder REIT Pairs on blackboard
· While there are reports for all sectors, comprehensive Greenstreet outlooks for 2023 have not yet been published for a couple of sectors; I will post them when/if they become available
. You can access the 10-Ks of the individual REITs on their websites, usually in the investors' relations section
Overview of Information Sources
. Listen to recent earnings calls, they bring to the spotlight a lot of subtle information that is frequently lost in the 10-Ks notes; they also give you a sense of how the REITs management thinks of their business
· Read news in the financial press covering your REITs, listen to management interviews
· has also additional information on individual REITs and asset classes/sectors
. S&P Capital IQ can also be useful, but the information available there overlaps with the other sources discussed above
Sector Overview in the Presentation
. Keep the sector overview in your presentation short!
• We have a pre-presentation class discussion on the sector
· Trends and other sector information is available from Greenstreet
. Focus your sector overview on factors that influence your analysis of, and decision on, the pair
. Or offer unique insights that are not already discussed in the Greenstreet reports
REIT Pairs
. Let's now review the REIT pairs for this year
· We have a broad choice of asset classes: multifamily, office, retail, manufactured homes, healthcare, gaming (and lodging), self-storage, and data centers
· For each pair, I will give some context, and discuss how "close" the is pair, based on the REITs characteristics
· "Very Good matches" are likely the easiest to analyze, since REIT characteristics are very similar; however, these might also be the pairs for which it is hardest to make a recommendation
· "Acceptable matches", have some differences, which you need to ponder in your analysis; while harder to analyze, these pairs may offer interesting spread trades
EQR and UDR: Multifamily (1) Very Good Match
Equity Residential and UDR Inc. •
• 5-year Returns correlations. 93%
. Mkt Cap. EQR: $23.4 Billion, UDR: $12.5 Billion
· Leverage. EQR: 19%, UDR: 25%; for both debt is mostly unsecured, fixed rate, long maturity
· Asset Mix. EQR (66% A-Class), UDR (39% A-Class)
· Locations. EQR: (LA, Boston, Seattle, NY, Virginia, SF), UDR: (Boston, Orange County, Dallas, Virginia, NY, Seattle)
· Private Mkt Cap rates. EQR: 5.5%, UDR: 5.6%
Let's Organize the Teams!
I believe this is a solid line-up of potential bets:
. In total, the pairs account for 24.3% of the benchmark portfolio
· Combined, you can achieve a maximum active weight of 15.7%
Let's get down to business, we have 10 pairs for 10 teams:
. Let's first revies students' assignment to teams
· You can then discuss your preferences with your teammates
. And finally, in turn, each team will pick a pair
The Excel Valuation Model
. The last topic we need to discuss in class is the valuation model
· Uses both FFO and NAV analysis, plus assumptions on growth, to produce future price estimates and IRRs for REITs.
. I will make the model available on blackboard in the next couple of days, and I am happy to start discussing some of the mechanics with teams 1 and 2
· Extensive discussion of the model will be next week
· By next week, start reviewing the information related to your pair:
· Go over what is on blackboard
. Download the REITs 10-Ks
· Look into recent news, listen to earnings calls, etc.