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Most Viewed Questions Of Environmental And Human Toxicology

3. The Bureau of Labor Statistics collects input and output data from various countries for comparison purposes. Labor hours are the standard measure of input. Calculate the output per hour from the following data. Which country is most productive?

2) Glenn Parsons draws a distinction between strong and weak aesthetic preservationism. Explain that distinction. Suppose that a lightning strike has ignited a forest fire in northern Ontario that will destroy anaesthetically valuable forest unless it is extinguished. What would a strong preservationist say about a plan to extinguish the fire? Would she be for or against such a plan? Why or why not?What would a weak preservationist say about a plan to extinguish the fire? Would she be for or against the plan? Why or why not? (In answering these questions, limit your explanation of what the strong and weak preservation isn't would say to considerations that follow from their being strong and weak preservationists, respectively). Using the forest fire example, explain why a critic of strong aesthetic preservationism would say that strong preservationism is self-defeating. Finally, explain why Richard Watson would deny that strong aesthetic preservationism is self-defeating.

a) Calculate and report the total emissions of Hg to the atmosphere (from CFLS and industrial processes), and total emissions to soil and water in 2017. You'll need to convert units since Part 1 is in Ibs, and Part 2 is in kilograms. You can use the following conversion: 1 Ib = 0.454 kg. Please report your results in kilograms. b) Compare the quantity of emissions that are introduced into the environment (air, water,soil) between combustion and process emissions, and CFLS. Given that CFLS consume electricity during their use phase, they are also responsible for some of the electricity-derived Hg emissions released through electric power generation. Compare the emissions from using a CFL for one year to the Hg inside the bulb. Calculate for operation emissions of a bulb in the year 2011, assuming that the weighted average Hg emissions for 1 kWh of electricity production was 0.018 mgHg. A CFL with frequent operation will use approximately 100 MJ in a year. 3.6MJ = 1 kWh. Do the same calculation as above using 0.005 mg Hg/kWh, the emissions rate for electricity in 2017. This dramatic reduction was due to coal power plant closures as well as improved Hg emissions controls on coal plants that continued to operate. Compare the lifetime emissions of a bulb installed in 2011 (with a 6-year life) to the Hg released when a CFL breaks. To estimate lifetime electricity emissions for the CFLS, use the average of 2011 and 2017 annual electricity emissions rates.You are just calculating the emissions of Hg (you don't have to differentiate between emissions to air, soil and water).

A person (or organization) who enjoys a benefit, such as clean air or environmental conditions, while paying less than a fair share of the cost. free rider disproportionality environmental justice civil society

There are two tasks for DB01. Both are based on the following materials: • Reading Excerpt: Pages 235 to 244 (sections on "Patterns of Adoption of Information Technologies', 'The Global Transfer of Knowledge about IT', and Politics and Infrastructure) of Cortada, J. W. (2013). How New Technologies Spread: Lessons from Computing Technologies. Technology and Culture, 54 (2), 229- 261. cellaneous_1437965401 Video: Smart Nation Singapore (2022). Smart Nation CityScape.

Read the following speech: Lee Hsien Loong (2022, 25 March), "PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Opening of Dyson's new global headquarters at St James Power Station". PM-Lee-Hsien-Loong-at-the-Opening-of-Dyson-New-Global-Headquarters Identify one issue from the required reading (speech by PM Lee) that is relevant to the course. Based on that issue, state a position (i.e. your argument). Develop and substantiate your position/argument with relevant and accurate information, reasons, and analysis. Your submission will be assessed according to the following:

1. How you would build on the observations made in both selected Task 1 posts in order to deepen your intellectual engagement with course themes. 2. How you might redraft your own Task 1 post. (Some approaches could be reflecting on what would you add or remove, or emphasize more (or less); how would you incorporate points from your selected Task 1 posts into your own Task 1 post, and other insights from researching and writing this assignment.)

INSTRUCTIONS Go to this website, which is hosted by Skeptical Science. Read up and then answer the following questions. This link covers many of the myths about climate change. List two of the myths that you found most interesting. Outline what each myth is, and what the right answer to that question or item is. Has your view on climate change evolved since before taking this course? Why or why not? Choose one the Review Questions from this week's readings and answer it in full. Please tell me how the course is going for you so far? Is it hard, “just right", or easy? Need to do in 250 words, APA format 7th edition citation format

Coal mining is a leading cause of water pollution in surrounding communities creates ash ponds which leach toxins into streams and waterways leads to the removal of whole mountain tops all of these

Intended or unintended impacts of economic decisions that fallon people who are not party to the transaction. externalities market failure third-party effects market exchange