units since Part 1 is in Ibs, and Part 2 is in kilograms. You can use the following conversion: 1 Ib = 0.454 kg. Please report your results in kilograms. b) Compare the quantity of emissions that are introduced into the environment (air, water,soil) between combustion and process emissions, and CFLS. Given that CFLS consume electricity during their use phase, they are also responsible for some of the electricity-derived Hg emissions released through electric power generation. Compare the emissions from using a CFL for one year to the Hg inside the bulb. Calculate for operation emissions of a bulb in the year 2011, assuming that the weighted average Hg emissions for 1 kWh of electricity production was 0.018 mgHg. A CFL with frequent operation will use approximately 100 MJ in a year. 3.6MJ = 1 kWh. Do the same calculation as above using 0.005 mg Hg/kWh, the emissions rate for electricity in 2017. This dramatic reduction was due to coal power plant closures as well as improved Hg emissions controls on coal plants that continued to operate. Compare the lifetime emissions of a bulb installed in 2011 (with a 6-year life) to the Hg released when a CFL breaks. To estimate lifetime electricity emissions for the CFLS, use the average of 2011 and 2017 annual electricity emissions rates.You are just calculating the emissions of Hg (you don't have to differentiate between emissions to air, soil and water).
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6