The representative individual maximizes:
EU =
+BEL- -], y<1
where y> 0 is the coefficient of relative risk aversion. There is only one physical asset
in the economy, namely capital. The individual has an initial wealth, W, consumes
W-K in period 1, and saves (invest) the rest. The return from the investment is
consumed in the second period. Thus
C₂ = KZ,
where Z is the stochastic return on capital. The log of Z is assumed to be normally
distributed with mean and variance o² (obviously and o² refer to a different
random variable here as compared to Question A(b)(ii) above). Thus the expectation of Z
is e(+¹/2) (you are not required to know how to derive this). Note that if Z is lognormal,
so are powers of Z. Hence the expectation of Z" is e(+¹²/2)
(a) Calculate the optimal savings decision. (Note that Hall's Euler equation does not
apply here. Why not?) How does an increase in ² affect saving?
(b) Does your answer to part (a) say anything about the effects of an increase in
uncertainty on savings? (See also question (c) below - in fact, you may wish to
attempt (c) first.)
(c) Holding constant the expectation of Z, how does saving respond to a change
in o²?
(d) How is your answer to (c) affected if y>1, and what is the economic rationale
for this?
Fig: 1