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Description: The purpose of this part is to get familiar with Java, IntelliJ, and REST API. 1. Install Java SDK 11 and IntelliJ in your computer. (Google the web/YouTube for these.) 2. Use Spring Initializer to create a Java project. ( Select Maven Project Language O Grade - Groovy O Grade - Kon Maven Java O Kotlin O Groovy Spring Boot 3.1.0 (SNAPSHOT) 3.1.0 (M1) O 3.0.5 (SNAPSHOT) 3.04 2.7.10 (SNAPSHOT) Project Metadata O 2.7.9 Dependencies Spring Web WEB ADD DEPENDENCIES.. CTRL+B Build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container Group com.example Attact demo Name demo Description Demo project for Spring Boot Package name com.example demo GENERATE CTRL+ EXPLORE CTRL + SPACE SHARE... ( 3. Create a Java class called WelcomeController. 4. Add code to the above project to print 'Hello World!' and 'Welcome to CS 7319!' on the root ("/") and "/welcome" page respectively. (A little bit different from the above YouTube.)/nPart 2 REST API - Cat Container: (Return Cat facts and pics.) (3.5pts) Description: The purpose of this part is to get familiar with the using a container in REST API- get/post/put/delete and database operations (Postgres). 1. Install Postgres (PgAdmin) in your computer. Use port 5432 and postgresl as password for postgres - i.e. username/password - postgres/postgres1 - Postgres server 12 will be fine. ( 2. Open the Java base code for Part2 in IntelliJ - (unzip 3. Open PgAdmin and create a database called 'catcards'. 4. Open the query tool under 'catcards' and run the catcards.sql to create the database tables for this project. 5. Read the file to create a container and fix the missing codes. 5a. You will create a CatFact container under 'model' and fix the missing codes in this app. 6. Take a screenshot of the catcards and put them in a PDF named "CatCards.pdf" after you fix the codes. 7. Zip the source codes and name the file "". 8. Submit the above two files to Canvas./n

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3