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Each student is required to write a paper on any subject discussed in this class,

or any subject pertinent to safety in the manufacturing or construction


The subject matter should be relevant to safety in the workplace.

One approach is to describe the recognition of a hazard and its elimination or

control, and how and or why an injury took place or was prevented, what was

learned from the situation, etc.

If you are looking for a topic contact me.

I keep safety magazines in my office that can get you started.

The target length for the paper is four (4) pages of single spaced text, 12-point


Additional pages of pertinent graphics, photographs, etc. can, and probably

should, be included.

Turn It In will be used to verify academic honesty.

Don't just summarise one of my lectures.

Do some research.

The best papers teach me something I don't know./nThe topic for the paper is -

Safety in high-risk industries- Investigate safety measures and best practices in

high-risk industries such as mining, oil and gas, or manufacturing.

It should have



Examples or case studies



Please don't use AI for this assignment. If caught you will be failed in this


Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Most Viewed Questions Of Health And Safety Management

TASK 1 "Engineering models for enclosure fires can be classified as either probabilistic or deterministic. The deterministic models can roughly be divided into three categories: computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, zone models, and hand-calculation models". You are asked to write about the use of these deterministic models in fire engineering applications. The following points can be included in your report. • An introduction to various models advantages and limitations of each model. The main process involved in these models. application of these models in fire engineering disciplines. (Approx. word count - 800 words) [25 marks]

Part I: Initiative Proposal Write a 350-to 525-word summary of the sustainability initiative you want to promote at the health care setting you selected. Your proposal should: Create a clear vision or mission statement that defines the scope of the initiative and would generate buy-in. Define what outcomes you expect to achieve over time. Be specific with what you can realistically deliver.

Question 1 Discuss the interrelationship between safety managers and safety engineers. In your discussion, include the roles and responsibilities of each, and give at least two examples of when the two professions interact with each other.

TASK 2 [25 marks] Assume X litres of liquid fuel leak into a circular, X m² area and ignites and as you aware "the hot gases rise, cold air will be entrained into the plume, causing a layer of hot gases to be formed under a ceiling". In order to make the assignment individual for each student, refer to table 3.3 of the Enclosure Fire Dynamics text book and choose one of the fuels listed. Students can also assume the amount in litres of fuel and the dimension of the circular area after confirming with the Module tutor. Read Chapters on Energy Release Rate and Fire Plumes and Flame Heights from the textbook by Karlsson, B., and Quintiere, J. G. (2000). Enclosure fire dynamics. CRC Press, Boca Ranton and answer the following questions. Using equations 3.5 and 3.6, calculate the energy release rate. What would be the duration of fire? Calculate plume mass flow and centre line temperature at a height of 5m using all the different plume equations which you have studied in the course FV 3001 (Module lectures were prepared based on the above book). Students are expected to comment on the differences in values. And finally, you need to write about why understanding fire plumes, flame heights, and ceiling jets is significant for a fire safety engineer. You need to include relevant examples in your report. (The approximate word count for this particular subtask is 300 words.) Note: Providing only the calculation without commentary or analysis of various fire plume values in the report is not acceptable.

Part II: Matrix analysis Management has requested that you prepare a matrix analysis of both environmental and financial contexts for your proposed sustainability initiative. Organize and include the following in your matrix: • Estimated current costs involved in your sustainability initiative's processes (e.g., staffing, facility, operating, products, services) Estimated cost to implement initiatives (e.g., new equipment, new contracts, or staff) Cost projections after implementation Social and environmental costs Benefits Cost savings, immediate or over time Benefits over time (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.) Local, state, or national revenue sources for your initiative

2. A company wishes to construct a 40 feet, 3,000 pound bridge between two buildings to allow a forklift to move materials from one building to the other. The forklift weighs 1300 pounds with the driver. The pallets weigh 2,000 pounds and the forklift driver will be moving one pallet at a time. The bridge supports on both sides are capable of supporting 30,000 pounds. What forces are generated in the supports at: 2.a 10 feet from the end of the bridge (from A)? 2.b 20 feet from the end of the bridge (from A)? 2.c 30 feet from the end of the bridge (from A)?

1. What are the loads at A and B? (Assume the plank is 50 feet long and weighs 100 pounds, the block weighs 1800 pounds and its center is located in the center of the beam) A B

When we look at the implementation of mining safety over the past century, have new safety provisions been proactive or reactive? Provide at least two examples. Would you personally consider mining to be a safe profession in current times? Why or why not?

2. Referring to the systematic review on the validity and rigor of applying PDSA methodology in healthcare improvement projects (Taylor et al., 2017), Answer the following questions: Minimum of 1000 words. a. What is the main literature gap behind the methodology of PDSA in the context of articles published in journals aiming to improve healthcare systems according the review paper? What deficiencies have been unraveled with respect to the use of PDSA? CLO 2 b. Describe the four stages of PDSA in terms of their content, milestones and how each stage contributes to the overall improvement project. CLO 1, CLO 3

3. If you want a safety factor of four for the supports, would you meet it? (Hint, you will have to determine the maximum loads at A or B to compare to the ultimate load strength of 30,000 lbs. Think about at which location on the bridge the forklift will generate the maximum load between A and B? Obviously, the max load is when the forklift is located on either A or B. Use one and do the math. Compare your answer to the ultimate load and find the safety factor. Compare the calculated safety factor to 4, is it safe or not. Remember, safe means that the calculated safety factor should be equal or greater than 4)