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ELEC2042 Minor Project

Three Floor Lift

We have seen a lift that moves between two floors in lectures.

We will now extend this to three floors.

Your lift, and the state machine, will start on floor zero. The 10 available flip flops will all be reset

to zero on start.

When a floor button is pressed the corresponding input changes to 1. When the button is released

the corresponding input will change back to 0. When a floor is signalled your lift should start to

move to that floor. As the lift moves if the button for the current floor has been pressed then the lift

should stop at that floor.

Your lift should implement an elevator algorithm, that means that it continues moving in the current

direction until it reaches the last floor requested in that direction. It should not reverse direction

without stopping at all floors (either up or down) that were requested.

In a practical sense it means if the lift is currently at floor 0 and buttons 1 and 2 are pressed it will

start to move upwards. If when moving, but before floor 1 is reached, button 0 is pressed the lift

should only move back towards floor 0 after floor 2 has been reached.

The lift optionally has doors. This is signified by setting the Has_Doors output to 1. If set to 1 this

output must remain as 1, it is a fault if this output changes from 1 to 0. Your lift controller can

request the doors be opened by setting the Open/Close output to 1. When that output is 0 the doors

will close. The Door_State input will identify the current state of the doors.


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Three Floor Lift

Minor Project v1/nYou are to produce a PDF document that describes your project, and the equations that will

implement your lift controller.

The PDF document details each of the following elements:


A high level summary of your design. In this summary you will describe the thinking that

was behind your design, and why you have the elements you do in your design. This design

is a conceptual description of your solution. You will need to create a Moore design for your


2. The state transition diagram. This will hold each state the system is in, and what causes a

transition between those states.

3. Details of the memory elements utilised in your design, as well as the different

combinatorial circuits.

• It is possible, and required, that this design can be accomplished with less than 11 D flip

flops as the memory elements. These can be called: DO, D1, D2, up to D9as the D inputs to

each, and Qo, Q1, Q2, up to Q9as the outputs of each D flip flop.

4. A state transition table detailing the inputs and outputs of the combinatorial circuit


• The inputs will be Floor_0, Floor_1, Floor 2, Button_0, Button_1, Button_2,

Door_State as well as the current state Qs (Q0, Q1, Q2... Q9).

• The outputs will be D0, D1, D2... D9 (the next state), Has_Doors, Open/Close,

Up/Down, as well as Move/Stop.

5. Karnaugh Maps for your combinatorial circuits.

• You will need to use a don't care techniques to simplify the Karnaugh maps so they can

be completed by hand.

6. Minimal Sum of Products equations for your Kamaugh Maps.

• For the minimum SoPs you will also enter these in a special submission box which will

be automatically graded.

The equations for the Minimal Sum of Products will be entered into a quiz on iLeam. These

equations will be graded using a lift simulator to ensure your lift operates correctly. The functioning

of your lift will dictate the grade level of your assignment.


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Three Floor Lift

Minor Project v1/nThe Inputs, and their means are detailed below:



Floor 1


Button 0




The Outputs, and their required meanings are detailed below:


The lift will move when 1, or be stationary when 0

The lift motor should move up when 1, or down when 0

The doors should open when 1, and close when 0

When 1 the lift has doors, when 0 door inputs and outputs

are ignored






Meaning (When 1)

The lift is registered as present at floor 0

The lift is registered as present at floor 1

The lift is registered as present at floor 2

The request button has been pressed for floor 0

The request button has been pressed for floor 1

The request button has been pressed for floor 2

The doors are closed [00], opening[01], open [11] and



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Three Floor Lift

Minor Project v1/nGrading will consist of a series of tests on the equations. The document may be examined for

additional detail if questions arise from the running of the equations. Your equations will be run in a

simulator and your lift will be given a set of inputs. The outputs will be examined to verify the lift

performs as it is supposed to perform.

For a HD grade the door functions must be implemented. However, if your code asserts Has_Doors,

and the doors don't function then the highest grade you can obtain will be credit.

You will be awarded the LOWEST grade for which you qualify:





Minimal Solution with all elements of the document present, some problems with

overview of the solution, incorrect justification of the solution chosen, SoP are not

minimal, Lift equations move between all three floors in perfect cases, but some

errors in other test cases. Asserts Has_Doors and doors do not fully function.

Distinction Solution that works and adequate justification, mapping between state diagram and

state transition table is unclear. The lift passes all non-door tests and does not pass

all door tests.

Reasons for awarding this grade (OR list)

No submission, submission is not readable, submission does not answer the criteria.

Minimal Solution, some faults are present, some elements of the solution are

missing, Karnaugh Maps are not present.



Solution that works with a complete and detailed justification and all elements

required are complete. The lift functions and doors open/close. Also, the machine

tests all pass.


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Three Floor Lift

Minor Project v1

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

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1. Consider a three-phase power system with one-line diagram shown in Figure 1. The three-phase trans- former between CBs 1 and 2 (CB: circuit breaker) nameplate ratings are listed: 5MVA, 13.8A-138.0YkV, the transformer reactance X₁1 = 3.80 (viewed from low voltage side 13.8kV, resistance is negligible). The impedance of the transmission line between CBs 3 and 4 is ZL1 = (10+j100). -(50 pts) (a) Pick up SB = 100MVA for the entire three-phase system, and rated voltage VB = 138.0kV, calculate the per-unit line L1 and transformer impedance values. (b) If an SLG fault occurs at the midpoint of the line (L2) between CBs 5 and 6, which breaker(s) should operate? If the CB 5 or CB 6 does not operate, which breaker(s) will provide the backup protection? (c) List the operating CB(s) for different zones, which are listed in Figure 2. (d) If the second generator is connected at bus 3, the system (generators, buses, and transmission lines) is protected by overcurrent relays R1 to R12. Assuming the directional overcurrent relays are used for three transmission lines, what is the remote backup relay(s) for R7? And why? G Generator mm www Transformer - GSU Bus 1 depending on which breakfas Bus 3 Transmission line L1 Shunt Reactor L3 Shunt Capacitor Figure 1: A three-phase power system. Bus 2 Distribution Transformer Feeder

The switch in the circuit has been closed for a long time, and it is opened at t=0. Find v(t) for t>= 0. Calculate the initial energy stored in the capacitor. (a). When the switch is closed, calculate the value of Vc. (b). When the switch is opened, find the time constant. (c). Find v(t) for t>= 0. (d). Find p(t) for t>= 0. (e). Calculate the initial energy stored in the capacitor.

Design a buck converter to produce an output voltage of 18 V across a 10-N load resistor.The output voltage ripple must not exceed 0.5 percent. The de supply is 48 V. Design for continuous inductor current. Specify the duty ratio, the switching frequency, the values of the inductor and capacitor, the peak voltage rating of each device, and the rms current in the inductor and capacitor. Assume ideal components.

2.3 If, for a particular junction, the acceptor concentration is 10 17//cm 3' and the donor concentration is 10 16 cm², a) find the junction built-in voltage. b) Assume n; = 1.5×10 10. Also, find the width of the depletion region (W) and its extent in each of the p and n regions when the junction terminals are left open. c) Calculate the magnitude of the charge stored on either side of the junction. Assume that the junction area is 100 µm².

(2) A variable dielectric capacitive displacement sensor consists of two square metal plates of side l =5 cm, separated by a gap of d = 1 mm. A sheet of dielectric material 1 mm thick and of the same area as the plates can be slid between them as shown in below. Given that the dielectric constant (ɛ)of air is 1 and that of the dielectric material is 4: (a) Calculate the capacitance, C, of the sensor when the input displacement x = 0.0, 2.5 and 5.0 cm. (b) The sensor is placed into a bridge as shown below. Given V; = cos(400 n t) V , R3/R2 = 1, and the bridge is balanced when C = C min, find the output voltage, Eth , when the input displacement x = 2.5 and 5.0 cm.

17 Assuming that the switch in Fig. 7.87 has been in position A for a long time and is moved to position Bat t = 0, Then at t = 1 second, the switch moves from B to C. Find Vc(1) for t>= 0.

Two electric circuits, represented by boxes A and B,are connected as shown in Fig. P1.14. The reference direction for the current i in the interconnection and the reference polarity for the voltage v across the interconnection are as shown in the figure. For each of the following sets of numerical values, calculate the power in the interconnection and state whether the power is flowing from A to B or vice versa. a) i 6 A,v= 30 V b) i -8 A,v = -20 V c) i 4 A,v = -60 V d) i = -9 A,v = 40 V

5.2 A 200-km, 230-kV, 60-Hz, three-phase line has a positive-sequence series impedance z = 0.08 + j 0.48 Q/km and a positive-sequence shunt admittance y = j 3.33 × 10-6 S/km. At full load, the line delivers 250 MW at 0.99 p.f. lagging and at 220 kV. Using the nominal TT circuit, calculate: (a) the ABCD parameters, (b) the sending-end voltage and current, and (c) the percent voltage regulation.

5.14 A 500-km, 500-kV, 60-Hz, uncompensated three-phase line has a positive-sequence series impedance z = 0.03 +j 0.35 Q/km and a positive-sequence shunt admittance y = j 4.4 × 10¬6 S/km. Calculate: (a) Z,(b) (yl), and (c) the exact ABCD parameters for this line.

Problem 5.23 Find the magnetic vector potential of a finite segment of straight wire carrying a current I. [Put the wire on the z axis, from z1 to z2, and use Eq. 5.66.]Check that your answer is consistent with Eq. 5.37.