Open the Lab 1 Digital Map: and answer the following questions. You
may also access this map from Canvas. Go to the Fullerton College
Bookmark. Using the Measure Distance Tool, answer these questions:
1. The Red Pushpin is the location of the library. Imagine that you
were to exit the building (blue pushpin) and walk to your car
(green pushpin). You can only walk along the sidewalk until you
get to the parking lot. How far is it in feet from the building's exit
to your car?______
2. You need to drive from the blue star to the orange star. What is the difference in miles if you take N.
Berkley Ave versus N. Lemon St. and Nutwood Pl?
How accurate are your measurements? Let's find out. Change the Basemap to
Imagery and go to the Valencia High School Bookmark to measure the length of the
football field. Note: Football fields are 100 yards between the goal lines. I marked the
goal lines in yellow on this image:
3. How close were you to the actual length? Return to the Fullerton College Bookmark (with Basemap as Imagery).
4. Using the measure area tool, measure the area of the field I labeled. How many sq. feet is it?
Fig: 1
Fig: 2