geff is the effective magnetic which for this device includes both the mechanical clearance-gap and the coil thickness, i.e. lgeff = lg + coil thickness. The remanence of the permanent magnet, Br, is an intrinsic material property which is specific to a particular grade of magnet. By researching manufacturer's on-line data sheets/catalogue, find the room temperature(20°C or 25°C depending on manufacturer) value of the permanent magnet remanence for the manufacturer and grade specified against your name in Appendix A. Some-manufacturers specify typical / nominal and minimum values. For this assignment, please use the typical / nominal values. Calculate the airgap magnetic flux density for your grade of magnet at room temperature. ) The torque produced by the actuator for a current of PART ii CURRENT. d) Find a method for calculating the moment of inertia of the rotor and hence calculates its moment of inertia assuming that both the core and the magnet has a density of 8000 kgm ³.(Hint: You can think of the rotor as a circular rotor with two circle segments removed). e) If the load has a LOAD_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA and the friction is FRICTION, calculate the-time taken for the rotor to move through ANGLE_EXCURSION from standstill (you may-assume that during this excursion, the rotor magnet remains entirely within the span of the stator coil).
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11