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INSTRUCTIONS Data is given in the document There are 51 questions you don't need to answer them, you will do the lab report only and you will provide the graphs and the anova results You have to do it as per the rubric and provide the reference as well Experiment is about barb fish - it is also mentioned in the document Student note The two figures also should be included in the report under results section and with a description underneath as in the rubric Need outside references and cannot use the introduction section which is in the document/n Methods Information Worksheet Fill out the following information as best that you can for your study. Not every question will be applicable to your specific experiment or study system, especially if you are doing a field study. Depending on how prepared you are to begin your experiment, you may not be able to fill out all of this information today-remember to come back to anything you skipped and fill it out later! If you run into anything you're not 100% sure about, ask your TA or lab coordinator so that they can help you finalize your experiment. Keep this sheet to use as a reference later when you go to write your rough draft and final paper. Holes closer to front KIA CELL: 9163173526 STEPH CELL: Standard error of median: 1.253 x SEM Stress behaviors: average of stress behaviors for all treatment groups in a bar graph: error bars for standard error of mean Discussion section: reliability include multiple replicates of demonstrators that could tell us the tank of demonstrators was particularly good or bad and then take the average between those tanks for a more accurate view for how the fish learn; restraints of class Median Maze Completion Time of School (s) 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trial Number 13 14 Excel data below ⚫Control 25% demonstrators 37.5% demonstrators 50% demonstrators 1 of 19 SE SE median 300 12.569805 4.189935 5.2499886 300 9.1923882 3.0641294 3.8393541 216 48.843043 16.281014 20.400111 50 4.1382363 1.3794121 1.7284034 31 13.287346 4.4291154 5.5496816 36 10.273927 3.4246423 4.2910768 47 92.642843 30.880948 38.693828 80.5 139.13553 46.378511 58.112274 110.5 93.321162 31.107054 38.977139 45.5 116.35874 38.786248 48.599168 41.5 124.62744 41.542482 52.052729 25 127.61298 42.537658 53.299686 39.5 118.86607 39.622024 49.646396 87.5 80.002567 26.667522 33.414405 16.5 8.5596645 2.8532215 3.5750866 15 8.0256286 2.6752095 3.3520375 7 12.339686 4.1132288 5.1538756 6.5 11.236897 3.7456324 4.6932774 9.5 10.82243 3.6074768 4.5201684 4 9.3808315 3.1269438 3.9180606 3.5 3.3990545 1.1330182 1.4196718 145.5 42.473311 14.15777 17.739686 76.5 78.74178 26.24726 32.887817 154 51.920097 17.306699 21.685294 133.5 65.130501 21.710167 27.202839 41.5 29.594582 9.8648607 12.36067 21.5 46.909487 15.636496 19.592529 48.5 18.258071 6.0860235 7.6257875 24.5 10.69045 3.5634832 4.4650445 treatment groɩ Median time stdev control control control control control control control control control control control control control control 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 17.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 13 15.175168 5.0583892 6.3381617 9.5 18.703991 6.2346637 7.8120336 12.5 33.613082 11.204361 14.039064 10.5 40.530192 13.510064 16.92811 7.5 101.56903 33.856343 42.421998 17 67.811582 22.603861 28.322638 9.5 1.407886 0.4692953 0.588027 11 11.389218 3.796406 4.7568967 8 28.154865 9.384955 11.759349 16.132819 5.3776064 6.7381408 24 10.514446 3.5048153 4.3915335 19.5 19.398085 6.4660284 8.1019336 38.5 51.135674 17.045225 21.357666 4.5 21.293862 7.0979541 8.8937365 5.5 6.4972522 2.1657507 2.7136857 5 1.1649647 0.3883216 0.4865669 4 1.3887301 0.46291 0.5800263 3 1.0350983 0.3450328 0.4323261 1.5 6.0812945 2.0270982 2.539954 3 15.609063 5.2030211 6.5193854 17 1.5059406 0.5019802 0.6289812 10.5 14.33278 4.7775932 5.9863243 8 8.5178384 2.8392795 3.5576172 8.5 39.376389 13.125463 16.446205 62 35.894438 11.964813 14.99191 16.5 29.061511 9.6871704 12.138024 74 14.297228 4.7657425 5.9714754 2 of 19 12 10 8 ||.|| 0 Control 25% Demonstrators 37.5% Demonstrators 50% Demonstrators Treatment Group treatmemt grou Mean behavio STDEV Control 25% Demo 3.9285714 1.7743595 37.5% Demo 8.7857143 3.9258232 50% Demor 7.5714286 3.1061796 9.2142857 2.5773741 SE 0.6965876 0.4795566 1.0610333 0.839508 3 of 19 Oneway Anova Summary of Fit Analysis of Variance Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square fish 3 83064.14 Error 52 161242.71 27688.0 3100.8 8.9293 F Ratio Prob > F <.0001* C. Total 55 244306.86 ▾ Means for Oneway Anova Level Number Mean Std Error Lower 95% Upper 95% 0.5 14 17.143 14.882 -12.72 47.01 0.25 14 7.214 14.882 -22.65 37.08 0.375 14 60.929 14.882 31.06 90.79 control 14 104.143 14.882 74.28 134.01 Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance Means Comparisons ▼ Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey-Kramer HSD ▸ Confidence Quantile ▸ HSD Threshold Matrix ▸ Connecting Letters Report Ordered Differences Report Level - Level Difference Std Err Dif control 0.25 0 50 100 150 96.92857 21.04696 41.0679 control 0.5 87.00000 21.04696 31.1393 Lower CL Upper CL p-Value 152.7893 0.0002* 142.8607 0.0007* 0.375 0.25 53.71429 0.375 0.5 43.78571 21.04696 21.04696 -2.1464 109.5750 0.0636 -12.0750 99.6464 0.1730 control 0.375 43.21429 21.04696 -12.6464 99.0750 0.1822 0.5 0.25 9.92857 21.04696 -45.9321 65.7893 0.9650 4 of 19 Oneway Anova Summary of Fit Rsquare 0.348216 Adj Rsquare 0.310613 Root Mean Square Error 2.951764 Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) ▾ Analysis of Variance 7.375 56 Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square fish ratio 3 242.05357 Error 52 453.07143 80.6845 8.7129 F Ratio Prob > F 9.2603 <.0001* C. Total 55 695.12500 Means for Oneway Anova Means Comparisons Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey-Kramer HSD ▸ Confidence Quantile HSD Threshold Matrix ▸ Connecting Letters Report ▾ Ordered Differences Report Level - Level Difference Std Err Dif control 0.25 5.285714 1.115662 0.375 0.25 4.857143 1.115662 0.5 0.25 3.642857 1.115662 0.68178 6.603934 0.0101* control 0.5 1.642857 1.115662 -1.31822 4.603934 0.4611 0.375 0.5 1.214286 1.115662 -1.74679 4.175363 0.6981 control 0.375 0.428571 1.115662 -2.53251 3.389649 0.9805 Lower CL Upper CL p-Value -20 2 4 6 8 2.32464 1.89607 8.246792 <.0001* 7.818220 0.0004* Part 1: Study system 1. What is the scientific name of your animal(s)? → Puntius Tetrazona (Tiger Barbs) 2. Are you testing other phenotypes, strains, or hybrids than just the wild type? If so, list the phenotypes/strains/hybrids you will be using. → No, only Wild type 3. How many individuals will you test of each phenotype/strain/hybrid, including the wild type? We have a total of 24 tiger Barbs 5 of 19

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In order to target a specific region of genomic DNA with CRISPR, researchers must include a guide RNA containing a 20-basepair (bp) long spacer sequence that matches the DNA sequence at the target site. One of the possible risks of genetic engineering methods is "off-target" editing, which occurs when a guide RNA matches a part of the genome other than the intended target site. (i) How many possible guide RNA sequences are there? (ii) Estimate probability that a single site in the human genome matches a random 20-bp spacer. State all your assumptions. (iii) After infection, HIV converts its RNA genome into DNA and inserts itself into the human genome. Imagine you have designed a 20-bp spacer to target and deactivate part of the HIV DNA sequence. Based on the previous answer, estimate the probability that this sequence will have at least one off-target match somewhere in the human X chromosome, which is 300 000 bp long (counting both strands). Note: when P is very small (close to 0), (1-P)^n is approximately equal to (1-nP). (iv) What would be the probability of an off-target site appearing somewhere in the entire human genome (6 billion pairs counting both strands)?

3. The recognition cutting sites of 2 different enzymes (enzymes A: blue star; enzyme B: red triangle) are shown in the map below. In your answer include: a) A prediction of the size (in bp) of the resulting fragments after digestion of the amplicon with the two enzymes mixed together (Mix), when each enzyme is used separately (A and B) and when no enzyme (NO) is used. b) A drawing of these fragments onto the graph below to represent a gel electrophoresis. You can either recreate the picture e.g. in PowerPoint/paint/others and then paste this in your research paper or print this, draw on it, and take a picture of it and then upload this on the research paper. Doesn't need to be perfect but the bands size difference MUST be clear.

Consider the tree below that was obtained by doing the Growing Tree exercise. Which traits do you expect to differ between the flowers on Peak 4 and those of the common ancestor of all populations? Select all that apply. stripes spur length petal tips spur colour anthers blade colour stigmas petal colour

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In the Tree Building Challenge exercise, please use the following steps to build a tree. Identify which tree of the options below is the one that you constructed. 1. Start on Peak 1. Reset the simulation until you get to this starting point. 2. Let some time pass. 3. Move a flower from Peak 1 to Peak 3 4. Let some time pass. 5. Move a flower from Peak 3 to Peak 4 6. Let some time pass. 7. Move a flower from Peak 1 to Peak 2. 8. Let some time pass.

Part 1: When reading a journal or newspaper article that cites statistics or presents statistical results, what are some things that you should consider to assess whether the conclusions are credible? Why? (Hint: review Chapter 1 and the other chapters we have covered in the textbook for specific criteria. The more criteria listed the better.)

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The Biologist's Experiment A biologist is investigating the effect of potential plant hormones by treating 20 stem segments. At the end of the observation period the following length averages were computed: Compound X = 1.18 Compound Y - 1.17 Based on these mean values it was concluded that there are no treatment differences. 1) Are you satisfied with this conclusion? Why or why not? 2) If you were asked for help in analyzing these data, what statistical method would you suggest to be used to come to a meaningful conclusion about the data and why? 3) Are there any other questions you would ask regarding this experiment, data collection, and analysis methods?