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LING2005 assignment is not timed, so relax and do your best to be accurate. You may work with others, but you must provide your own answers here with your name and Carleton email address so that I know that you completed this assessment by the deadline and you can get your grade. When needed, be careful to use the correct IPA symbols. It is an Escape Room style assignment. You must answer ten questions using the data of a unique ConLang provided for you in the text. Given the limitations of the method of the assignment, you will not be trapped - you can navigate through the game even if your answers are incorrect. Correct answers will receive a point. There is one point for each of the ten questions, worth 10% of your final grade. So, relax, make some popcorn, enjoy the game and show me how well you can analyze language! * Indicates required question 1. Email * 2. Name * 3. Email * Find the lost treasure of Stouzhi Island One dark and stormy night, while studying for your favourite course, Linguistic Analysis, you find yourself at MacOdrum Library later than usual. The halls are quiet and your back is stiff from poring over the latest fun Dataset, so you decide to stretch and walk a bit. You wander the aisles of the library, impressed by all the Carleton students fastidiously studying. You get a text from your best friend which makes you laugh, so you slip away to a quiet corner to converse with your funny friend. As you do so, you notice a small, leatherbound notebook sticking slightly out on a shelf. It does not seem to match the books around it on the shelf. It looks old and worn, with no title on its spine. And no call number. How odd. You leave your friend hanging and pull the book out from between the others on the shelf. It makes your skin prickle for some strange reason and you feel.... oddly excited and curious. You flip the cover open and see brown, worn pages with many, many scribbles and markings on the old pages. Your interest is piqued thanks to your new love of analyzing foreign languages, so you decide to check this book out more thoroughly. Returning to your study spot, you review the pages of this mysterious book to find what can only old journal of some long-lost seafarer, describing something involving a treasure! You decide that you really must figure out this mysterious text! The journal (and journey) begins.... This is the journal of Jolly Jimmy Hawkins, Master of the Seven Seas. Today, we rode our fine galley along the windy passage, following the shores of The Mermaids' Sighs, rounding the corner of Dead Man's Bay, when the mists cleared to reveal an island that we had never set eyes upon before. The island stood tall, bulky, and brooding. I wondered why we had never seen it before, nor could I remember seeing it on a map. We set sail for this cursed Isle, the wind fore and driving us back. We gave it all our power and sailed near her, finding one small calm bay along her rocky shores. The men crossed themselves and said a prayer for this Island had a magical feel to it, eerie and forlorn. We dropped anchor and took the ol' sloop to the beach. We found no living humans on the island, but we did find clues to something much, much better. I write this journal for my child, "The Linguist", so that you may decipher the long-lost language of the Stouzhi peoples. My child, if you find this, follow my instructions carefully, for these lead to the lost civilization of the Stouzhi fishing folk. A peaceful fishing group who collected pearls and who is rumoured to have left behind a vast amount of shiny treasure. At some point, pirates lay claim to the island, so the clever Stouzhi hid their treasure and pearls behind clever traps inside the vast network of caves and underground network of temples and rooms where the Stouzhi people once resided. I believe that if you can decipher their ancient texts, my child, you will be able to unlock their traps and uncover the Stouzhi treasure! Alas, I was not clever enough to solve the puzzles, but I have faith in you, my child, so make haste! Follow these clues to the island, for what you find will bring our family fame, glory, and wealth beyond compare! But beware! For if ye misinterpret my clues, your only reward may be death or worse: empty pockets! Here are the notes that I have gleaned and the examples of the Stouzhi language. You must use this data to solve the puzzle and find the treasure! Data that has been analyzed by Jolly Jimmy Hawkins: 1. 'belmei la 'stauzi 'gwigwII/ = We are (the) Stouzhi people be-VERB-PRESENT, 1st plural exclusive-NOM, Personal pronoun, people-NOUN-PLURAL-ACC 2./lu eufhosafaʊmei la 'klalpæus = We fish happily fish-VERB-HABITUAL-PRESENT, 1st plural exclusive-NOM, happy-ADV 3. / 'belmei la 'gwigwII 'omnað / = We are strong people be-VERB-PRESENT, 1st plural exclusive-NOM, people-NOUN-PLURAL-ACC, strong-ADJ 4. / 'mianaumei la 'kiddæ ljαð barb sɛ ou̟ 'dliku 'pjaðлæ mëƒ lu'¤uſhosi 'ngai 'dwagaui/ = We work together in harmony because (a) fish who is trapped will bite its (own) tail work-VERB-HABITUAL-PRESENT, 1st plural exclusive-NOM, harmony-NOUN-ACC, in-PREP, together-ADV, because-CONJUNCTION, trap-VERB-PAST, who-COMP, bite-VERB, will- AUX-FUTURE, fish-NOUN-NOM, its-3rd singular masc-GEN, tail-NOUN-ACC 5. / jaumei dɅ jæɑl dli baib wɛð ji slɛðmði dá barb / = We share together our treasure here and go (forward) together share-VERB-PRESENT, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, 1st plural inclusive-GEN, treasure-NOUN-ACC, together-ADV, here-ADV, and-CONJUNCTION, go-VERB-PRESENT, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, together-ADV 6. /bл pjas stlstll lulu Buſhosal ſkeí aðıs bayl / = I cut fishing lines for you cut-VERB-PAST, 1st singular-NOM, string-NOUN-PLURAL-ACC, fish-NOUN-PLURAL-GEN, of-PREPOSITION, you-2nd singular-DAT, for-PREPOSITION 7. / du mлf paʊð 'seisaiſus/ = He will step care-ful-ly step-VERB, will-AUX-FUTURE, 3rd singular-NOM, carefully -ADV 8. / tjεf mɅ la 3WIus/ = We will walk safe-ly walk-VERB, will-AUX-FUTURE, 1st plural exclusive-NOM, safely-ADV 9. / pja mɅ paʊð zwæ pjαpjas is sja / = He will lead us to big pearls lead-VERB, will-AUX-FUTURE, 3rd singular-NOM, 1st plural inclusive-ACC, pearls-NOUN-PLURAL-DAT, big-ADJ, to-PREPOSITION 10. /'ftæhiw mëƒ dë lulu'¤uſhosI is barb mdami lulu'¤uſhos/ = Together we will find big fish who hide find-VERB, will-AUX-FUTURE, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, fish-NOUN-PLURAL-ACC, big-ADJ, together-ADV, hide-VERB-PRESENT, fish-NOUN-PLURAL-NOM 11. / pja mɅf að lwul lu'¤uſhosis is sja zwïus, j^ ou̟l sme/ = Will you lead me to big fish safe-ly, my friend? lead-VERB, will-AUX-FUTURE, 2nd singular-NOM, 1st singular-ACC, fish-NOUN-DAT, big-ADJ, to-PREPOSITION, safely-ADV, 1st singular possessive, friend-NOUN, QUESTION MARKER 12. /'belmoi jɛð a spaïs dlu / = This is not (the) correct boat DET-SINGULAR, NEG, boat-NOUN-NOM, correct-ADJ 13. /gwuð að oul 'gimu/ = thank you kind friend 14./saub/Please 15./pjαpjαлs mål ſkeд/ = pearls of knowledge 16. /'lwodлæ/ n. island 17. /'belmoi jεð a 'lwodлæ dlu / = This is not (the) correct island 18. /spε/ = enter 19./ski/ = stone 20. /'J^jI = cave 21. / tjɛf a paчð 3wïus ji ‘ſkaïzju má það búaе/ = He did not walk safe and he will sleep forever walk-VERB-PAST, NEG, 3rd singular-NOM, safely -ADV, CONJUNCTION, sleep-VERB, will-AUX, 3rd singular-NOM, forever-ADVERB 22. /dweд a pjapjα is zwis ljα / = She put big pearls inside bottle put-VERB-PAST, 3rd singular-NOM-FEM, pearl-NOUN-PLURAL-ACC, big-ADJ, bottle-NOUN-DAT, inside-PREPOSITION 23./bлa a 'sjлdзæli lu' euſhosis jî 'pæſto laï 'sj^dzæl± lu'Ouſhosis/ = She cut fish meat and we ate fish meat cut-VERB-PAST, 3rd singular-NOM-FEM, meat-NOUN-ACC, fish-NOUN-DAT, CONJUNCTION, eat- VERB-PAST, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, meat-NOUN-ACC, fish-NOUN-DAT 24. / 'ɛzdɛ lai dw±ni mo√ ji ja±☺ m^ſƒ la baе/ = We drink blue water and we will live forever drink-VERB, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, water-NOUN-ACC, blue-ADJ, CONJUNCTION, live-VERB, will- AUX-FUTURE, 1st plural inclusive-NOM, forever-ADV

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