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Name: (Note: Every person in the group must hand-in their own copy) A. Huixtan Tzotzil (Mayan; Mexico) a. nibát b. nikóm nivé? d. nitál Group members (up to 3; excluding

yourself) C. LIN 3010 - Module #6 Morphological Analysis Assignment (30pts) r. i. tfibát j. tfikóm k. tfivé? 1. tfitál q. bátemun kómemun vé?emun tálemun S. t. 1 'I went' 'I stayed' 'I ate' 'I came' 'I will go' 'I will stay' 'I will eat' 'I will come' 'I have gone' 'I have stayed' 'I have eaten' 'I have come' e. nabát f. nakóm g. h. m. tfabát n. tfakóm tfavé? p. tfatál O. u. navé? V. natál W. bátemot kómemot vé?emot X. tálemot (15pts) 'you went' 'you stayed' 'you ate' 'you came' 'you will go' 'you will stay' 'you will eat' 'you will come’ 'you have gone' 'you have stayed' 'you have eaten' 'you have come’ 1. Identify the following morphemes (including any allomorphs) 'go' 2 'stay' 'eat' 'come' 2. Identify the morpheme order PAST (9pts) FUTURE ('will') PERFECT ('have') 'I' (1st person) 'you' (2nd person) (2pts) 3. Fill-in the empty cells by translating between Huixtan Tzotzil & English ex. ex. (i) (11) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Huixtan Tzotzil tfik'ót láxemot nak'ót tfaláx láxemun nik'ót English translation 'I will arrive' 'you have seen’ 'I have arrived' 'I saw' 'you will arrive' 'you have arrived (4pts) B. Totonopec Mixe (Mixe-Zoque; Mexico) a. b. c. n?is m?if y?if g. nyu?u h. myu?u i. yu?u 4 'I see' 'you see' 'she sees' 'I plow' 'you plow' 'she plows' m. nha?andza n. mha?andza 'you sneeze' o. hya?andza 'she sneeze' 'I sneeze' nko:?ya mko:?ya f. kyo:?ya d. e. j. n?ekha k. m?ekha 1. y?ekh p. nzi?ik 9. mzi?ik Syi?ik r. (15pts) 'I play' 'you play' 'she plays' 'I get angry' 'you get angry' 'she gets angry' ‘I laugh’ 'you laugh' 'she laughs' 1. Identify the following morphemes (including any allomorphs) 'see' 5 'play 'plow' 'get angry' 'sneeze' ‘laugh' 2. Identify the morpheme order (11pts) 'I' (1st person) 'you' (2nd person) 'she' (3rd person feminine) (1pts)