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Most Viewed Questions Of Aircraft Structure

An aircraft climbs at an angle of 15°. The weight of the aircraft is 108 kN and its wing area is 75m². The aircraft's drag equation is given by Cp = 0.035 + 0.025 C2. If the engines of the aircraft produce 45 kN of thrust during the climb what is the fastest equivalent airspeed the aircraft could be climbing at? The answer should have units of ms ¹.

2. Problem 2 For the Front Landing Gear Module, it is specified that a spring is required to soften the wheel forces transmitted to the aircraft. The only location for this spring has been identified as indicated in green in Figure 4 with the following restriction and conditions: SEE DETAIL A- Static Length (L) Minimum Length (L_min) 80mm 30 mm 20 DETAIL A SCALE 1:1 Figure 4: Front Landing Gear Module Spring Position a. Design a suitable spring which is able to cater for all loading conditions.

Need to make a Report in 2 pages APA format + PPT of two slides Topic is: The International Civil Aviation Organization Explanation of the following Annexes (6,8,13,16) related to airworthiness - u can refer to the ICAO website and the chapter 3.1 of the book - U can add pictures tables diagrams The ppt is related to the report so the same thing but just in short form in the ppt

doing research on the F-35 fighter program to discuss the design, logistics, and maintenance features of the new F-35 fighter. With the new design requirement approach, what kind of advantage(s) & disadvantage(s) do the F-35 fighter program gain in future logistics and maintenance operations (compared to current available fighter programs)? Why the program is significantly over budget now and what should be done from logistics point of view to improve the situation? Also discuss the potential influence of COVID-19 pandemic situation to the F-35 supply chain.

The thrust required for a cargo aircraft to fly straight, level and steady was measured. In each measurement the speed and altitude of the aircraft was the same but the weight changed. When the weight was 130 kN, empty weight with no cargo and little fuel, the thrust required was T =18.7 kN. When the weight was 30 kN above the empty weight the thrust required increased by dT0.50 kN (Total thrust in this case is T+ dT kN). What (total) thrust would be required to fly at the same speed and altitude if the weight was 50 kN above the empty weight? The answer should have units of kN.

In House Assessment- Mechanica Figure 1: AC-101 Aircraft Design The AC-101 aircraft has been developed as a multi-purpose aircraft with the following specifications: Cruise Altitude Maximum Altitude Empty Weight Maximum Take-Off Weight Range Maximum Take-off Roll Maximum Deceleration under Braking Minimum Landing Roll Cruise Velocity Maximum Velocity Maximum Structural Loading i. Wheel locations ii. Wheel installation and fixation arrangement iii. Suitable bearing arrangement RESTRICTED 700m AMSL 1500m AMSL Revision: 1 40 kg 50 kg 150km 200 m 0.8g 1. Problem 1 aircraft consists of a standard tricycle landing gear arrangement for which the front landing gear needs to be detailed. on the layout given in Figure 2, determine: a. The maximum load on the front landing gear module. b. A suitable diameter and material for the Front Landing Gear Axle. C. Given the Wheels specified in Figure 3, propose a suitable design for the axle. Include at least the following: 10 m. 140km/h 160 km/h Vertical: -3g/+5g Lateral: -1.5g/+1.5g Axial: -1g/+1.5g/nMo 62mm 70mm KAGRISD 550mm 35mm 64mm Figure 2: AC-101 Landing Gear Arrangement Aluminium hub rubber wheels 735mm New Aluminium hub rubber wheel SIZE 5.00 - AL 1050mm CNC Aluminium hub rubber wheels Dis Dimm 127 RESTRICTED Figure 3: Front Wheel Specification 02 REMARK

AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT 1/92 Air Accidents Investigation Branch Department of Transport Report on the accident to BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990 This investigation was carried out in accordance with The Civil Aviation (Investigation of Air Accidents) Regulations 1989 London: HMSO © Crown copyright 1992 Applications for reproduction should be made to HMSO. First published 1992. ISBN 0 11 551099 0 1/90 2/90 3/90 4/90 5/90 1/91 2/91 3/91 1/92 LIST OF RECENT AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORTS ISSUED BY AIR ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATION BRANCH Sikorsky S-61N G-BDES in the North Sea, 90 nm north-east of Aberdeen on 10 November 1988 Boeing 747 N739PA at Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, Scotland on 21 December 1988 Sikorsky S-61N G-BEID 29 nm north-east of Sumburgh Shetland Isles on 13 July 1988 Boeing 737 G-OBME near Kegworth, Leicestershire on 8 January 1989 Bell 206 B Jetranger, G-SHBB 2 miles east-south-east of Biggin Hill Aerodrome, Kent on 18 December 1989 British Aerospace ATP, G-OATP at Ronaldsway Airport Isle of Man on 23 December 1990 Sikorsky S-61N G-BEWL at Brent Spar, East Shetland Basin on 25 July 1990 Lockheed L1011-500, C-GAGI 1 nm south-east of Manchester, Cheshire on 11 December 1990 BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990 (iii) May 1990 September 1990 September 1990 October 1990 February 1991 August 1991 October 1991 These Reports are available from HMSO Bookshops and Accredited Agents December 1991 April 1992 Department of Transport Air Accidents Investigation Branch Royal Aerospace Establishment Farnborough Hants GU14 6TD February 1992 The Right Honourable Malcolm Rifkind Secretary of State for Transport Sir, I have the honour to submit the report by Mr D F King, an Inspector of Air Accidents, on the circumstances of the accident to British Airways BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT, that occurred over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990. I have the honour to be Sir Your obedient servant K P R Smart Chief Inspector of Air Accidents 3 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3(a) 3(b) 4 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS SYNOPSIS. FACTUAL INFORMATION History of the flight Injuries to persons Damage to aircraft Other damage Personnel information Aircraft information . Meteorological information Aids to navigation Communications Aerodrome information Flight recorders Wreckage and impact information Medical and pathological information Fire . Survival aspects Tests and research Additional information New investigation techniques ANALYSIS. . General. Engineering Factors ATC Emergency Procedures CONCLUSIONS. Findings Causal Factors SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS (vi) Page (viii) 1 3 3 4 45 4 5 5 6 7 7 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 16 38 39 39 40 50 52 52 54 55/nSubje Aircr ● I also require one short written brie (one per group), a precis of what you think of the accident investigators final report - no more than 3 pages (agree and state why or disagree and argue why) Comm