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Note: Review all M6 readings and media prior to completing this discussion. Initial Post The ANA's Scope and Standards of Practice establish that nurses engage in self-reflection of professional knowledge (Standard 16), participate in continual professional development (Standard 13), and participate in professional activities and organizations for professional growth and influence (Standard 12). One way to meet these standards is to become a member of professional organizations. Standard 12: Leadership - The registered nurse leads within the profession and practice setting. • Standard 13: Education - The registered nurse seeks knowledge and competence that reflects current nursing practice and promotes futuristic thinking. • Standard 16: Professional Practice Evaluation - The registered nurse evaluates one's own and others' nursing practice. Search the internet for a professional nursing organization you would consider joining. In your response to this discussion, address the following prompts: . . Purpose of mission statement and goals for each organization Membership requirements and any fees . Resources provided by the organization Explain how the organizations support ethical or legal nursing issues • . How the organization can assist you with your entry into practice and with meeting ANA Standards 12, 13, 16 Would you consider joining this organization? Why or why not?

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Most Viewed Questions Of Adult Health Nursing

Instructions: Watch the six (6) 'Defining Hope' videos. Reflect on what you learned by creating a written reflection paper. Discuss how your new knowledge and/or skills can be applied to your practice. Be sure that your reflection incorporates and answers the following: • Fully discuss the learning concepts explored in the six (6) 'Defining Hope' videos; what are your five (5) take-aways? ● Explain how your 5 take-aways can be applied to practice. • In the last video you were introduced to Jose, a heart transplant recipient. Explain how palliative care could be helpful to Jose's family in the situation you learned about. • Considering developmental level, what communication techniques could you use when Jose says, "sometimes I cry..."? What might you say? References are not required for this reflection paper. APA format is required. Please see grading rubric for expectations in the completion of this assignment./nDefining Hope Videos "Defining Hope is a story about people weighing what matters most at the most fragile junctures in life, and the nurses who guide them. It's a documentary that follows patients with life-threatening illness as they make choices about how they want to live, how much medical technology they can accept, what they hope for and how that hope evolves when life is threatened. It is optimistic and reminds us that we have choices in how we die. This movie is critical and relevant right now, with our rapidly aging population and incalculable challenges in healthcare and end-of-life care. We aren't dying the way we used to. We have ventilators, dialysis machines, ICUS-technologies that can "fix" us and keep our bodies alive-which have radically changed how we make medical decisions. In our death-denying culture, no matter how sick we get, there is always "hope." The will to live is a powerful force, and eventually we will all have to make individual decisions when faced with very complex choices." These educational materials have been thoughtfully created by the American Nurses Foundation Links to an external site. and D. Mager, DNP, RN-BC, Associate Professor of Nursing, Fairfield University, for the American Nurses Foundation, with funding from the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation./nVignette 1: Knowing it's the Right Thing (6 mins): to an external site. Vignette 2: Remember This Song? (5:08 mins): to an external site. Vignette 3: Hospice is Hard to Accept (7:39 mins): to an external site. Vignette 4: 1 Signed the Papers (6:28 mins): to an external site. Vignette 5: Is it Worth it? I Don't Know (10:25 mins): to an external site. Vignette 6: I Said "Yes" Because I Want to Live (3:08 mins): to an external site.

Question 2: Re-read: Rogers, R. (2022) "Unpacking Child Centered". Reimagining Early Childhood Through African and Indigenous Lenses How does Rogers talk about children? How do her ideas challenge your image of the child? How can you relate her perspective to something else you have read/watched in the course so far? Provide one example.

3. A relational understanding of nursing obligations supports the nurse to discern the most appropriate action in a complex situation. Identify the intrapersonal, interpersonal and contextual factors that are shaping this situation as you consider how to respond.

Question 3: Re-read: Munroe & Lambert (2022). If I could change one thing in education: Community- school partnerships would be top priority What is your understanding of how Munroe & Lambert talk about environments? How can you relate their work to ideas about implicit bias and barriers to equity discussed in class and in the course text: Don't Look Away? Provide two examples.

3. A relational understanding of nursing obligations supports the nurse to discern the most appropriate action in a complex situation. Identify the intrapersonal, interpersonal and contextual factors that are shaping this situation as you consider how to respond.

Question 3: Re-read: Munroe & Lambert (2022). If I could change one thing in education: Community- school partnerships would be top priority What is your understanding of how Munroe & Lambert talk about environments? How can you relate their work to ideas about implicit bias and barriers to equity discussed in class and in the course text: Don't Look Away? Provide two examples.

Question 2: Re-read: Rogers, R. (2022) "Unpacking Child Centered". Reimagining Early Childhood Through African and Indigenous Lenses How does Rogers talk about children? How do her ideas challenge your image of the child? How can you relate her perspective to something else you have read/watched in the course so far? Provide one example.

2. Using the document titled CNO Practice Standard: Professional Standards, Revised 2002 (2018), choose one (1) standard (i.e., Accountability, Continuing Competence, Ethics, Knowledge, Knowledge Application, Leadership, Relationships), that would inform your response. Provide rationale to support your choice and include two (2) indicators as exemplars.

2. Using the document titled CNO Practice Standard: Professional Standards, Revised 2002 (2018), choose one (1) standard (i.e., Accountability, Continuing Competence, Ethics, Knowledge, Knowledge Application, Leadership, Relationships), that would inform your response. Provide rationale to support your choice and include two (2) indicators as exemplars.

4. Discuss how you might develop your relational capacities (i.e., 5 C's) as the nurse in this situation. Include strategies from a minimum of two (2) relational capacities.