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⚫ Objective: The objective is to design and simulate an op-amp conditioning circuit to be used to interface a temperature sensor to a processing circuit. • Specifications: Temperature sensors are widely used in various applications. The objective of this project is to apply the knowledge acquired within the course to design conditioning circuit in this simulation and an active filter in the next simulation to interface the temperature sensor with an analog to digital converter. The temperature sensor adopted for this project is the AD592, low cost precisions IC, from Analog Devices. The datasheet of this IC is attached to this document. The AD592 operates as a high impedance current source that provides a current proportional to the measured temperature. In this project, this temperature sensor will be used to measure temperatures varying between 0 and 70 °C. The block diagram of the complete circuit is shown in Fig. 1. The AD592 is to be connected to a 1k resistor to generate an input voltage Vin. This input voltage will be applied to the conditioning circuit to be designed within this simulation. For temperatures within the desired measurement range, the conditioning circuit should result in an output voltage that varies between -5V and +5V. This will allow for high resolution conversion within the analog to digital converter. AD592 +V + 1ΚΩ + Vin Conditioning Circuit Figure 1. Schematic of the circuit to be designed • Tasks: Design the conditioning circuit (using opamps) so that the input voltage that corresponds to temperatures between 0 and 70 °C is scaled between -5V and 5V, respectively. The temperature sensor is expected to provide a reading every 1ms. Hence, the frequency of the signal at the output of the sensor can be considered to be 1kHz. 1. What should be the minimum input impedance of the conditioning circuit in order to limit the variation of Vin to less than 1% when the AD592 is loaded by the conditioning circuit. 2. Derive the equation relating the output of the op-amp circuit to its input. Determine theoretically the values of the components needed for this circuit. 3. Simulate the designed circuit using Advanced Design System Software. The OpAmp component can be used for the simulation of the ideal operational amplifier. I_DC and ItPWL components can be used to model the sensor output. a. It is recommended to run two DC simulations using the I_DC source with the magnitude being set to the current when the temperature is 0 and 70 °C, respectively. For each case, report the input and output signals of the conditioning circuit. b. Simulate the temperature variation by using the ItPWL source and making the current vary linearly over the entire measurement range in steps of luA per 1ms. For this simulation, report the input and output signals of the conditioning circuit. Use a Transient simulation where the StopTime is 100ms and the MaxTimeStep is 1ms. • Deliverables: - Submit a brief report that describes the theoretical and simulation parts along with their results, and comment on any discrepancy observed between calculated and simulated results.