Option One
As we have established, Michel Foucault proposes that systems of social order, control, and
domination are exercised through four major types of technology: 1. technologies of
production, 2. technologies of sign systems, 3. technologies of power, and 4. technologies of
the self. Of these, Foucault was most concerned with the latter two: technologies of power,
which externally regulate the way individuals conduct themselves, and technologies of the
self, which have to do with how people control themselves (their bodies, thoughts, and
actions) through internal practices of self-monitoring, self-scrutiny, and self-regulation.
Technologies of the self avail individuals the opportunity to transform themselves in order
to attain a state of 'happiness, purity, perfection, wisdom, or immortality' (Foucault 225).
But as Foucault makes clear, the main point is not to accept this knowledge at face value,
but rather to critically analyse the specific techniques that people use to understand
themselves, particularly in relation to dominant discourses and ideologies.
Choose a lifestyle influencer who has a prominent digital media presence a case study.
Critically analyse your case study's social media in relation to technologies of the self.
Depending on your own interests, you might pick an influencer whose speciality is health
and fitness, fashion and cosmetic, travel, food, or some other lifestyle. The influencer may
endorse or subvert dominant social norms. It is up to you, as long as they are relevant to
technologies of the self.
While the theoretical foundation of your analysis needs to be Foucault, you may weave
Butler's work on gender performativity, and any other relevant material covered in the
course so far, into your discussion.
Reminder: You will need to read and employ Foucault's "Technologies of the Self" for this
option. It is linked with this assessment on Blackboard, and is available under "Big Ideas I."
**Do not analyse any of the influencers from the the celebrity lecture. Additionally, your
influencer MUST have achieved their fame through social media in the first instance. They
must not be a celebrity who THEN went on to be a social media influencer. So, for
example, any of the Kardashians are NOT suitable case studies for this assignment.
Similarly, someone like Gwyneth Paltrow is also NOT a suitable case study. If you have
any doubt about the suitability of your influencer, please check with your tutor.
1/nOption Two
Expanding on Simone de Beauvoir's assertion that "one is not born, but, rather, becomes a
woman" (de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 27), Judith Butler maintains that gender differences
are not biological or natural, instead they are socially constructed. In other words, gender
identity is tenuously instituted over time through the stylised repetition of bodily gestures,
movements, and enactments, which work together to create the illusion that gendered
identity is natural and stable. As Butler states, gender is "a constructed identity, a
performative accomplishment [...] the stylised repetition of acts over time, and not a
seamless identity" (Butler, Performative Acts, 520). These gendered performances are acted
out in accordance with dominant ideals and discourses, which provide a framework for our
We have explored Butler's theories of gender performativity in relation to the construction
of celebrity identity, but how do these accounts influence everyday life? Examine scholarly
material on gender identity presented in the course so far in relation to YOUR OWN social
media presence. You may choose to focus on selfies and other images that you post on a
single platform such as Instagram, or you might like to take a multimedia approach and look
at your self-presentation across different platforms or different formats. Either way, you
should provide a close critical analysis of a sample of relevant images/texts. Remember,
though you are using your own social media identity as the object of analysis, you will still
need to maintain a critical scholarly approach.
While the theoretical foundation of your analysis needs to be Butler, you may weave
Foucault's work on technologies of the self, and any other relevant material covered in the
course so far, into your discussion.
Reminder: You may use any or all of the course texts relating to gender performativity to
address this topic. However, you must read and employ Butler's "Performative Acts and
Gender Constitution" as the foundation of your analysis. It is linked with this assessment on
Blackboard, and is available under "Big Ideas I."
This paper should be presented in essay format (Introduction, main body, conclusion, and
works cited list).
Your introduction should be approximately 10% of the overall essay length, so one