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Overview Much of what happens in healthcare is about understanding the expectations of the many departments and personnel within the organization. Reimbursement drives the financial operations of healthcare organizations; each department affects the reimbursement process regarding timelines and the amount of money put into and taken out of the system. However, if departments do not follow the guidelines put into place or do not capture the necessary information, it can be detrimental to the reimbursement system. From the moment you make an appointment to see your physician, the provider needs to track all of the financial elements involved in providing care. Medical billing software is one component utilized to track the financial elements, from verifying insurance coverage and determining copayments, as well as sending claims electronically to various third-party payers. Revenue cycle management (RCM) describes the combined administration of these essential financial processes. An important role for patient financial services (PFS) personnel is to monitor the reimbursement process, analyze the reimbursement process, and suggest changes to help maximize the reimbursement. One way to make this process more efficient is by ensuring that the various departments and personnel are exposed to the necessary knowledge. For your final project, you will assume the role of a supervisor within a PFS department and develop a white paper in which the necessary healthcare reimbursement knowledge is outlined. In Milestone One, you will take a closer look at how reimbursement impacts other healthcare departments, and you will dive deep into analyzing the revenue cycle, utilizing data, tracking records, and ensuring compliance within individual departments. Pay-for-performance is a requirement for Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare, and commercial plans, requiring reporting on quality outcomes. Prompt Submit a draft of Sections I and II of the final project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle Describe what reimbursement means to a healthcare organization. What would happen if services were provided to patients but no payments were received for those services? Illustrate the flow of the patient through the cycle from the initial point of contact through the care and ending at the point where the payment is collected Departmental Impact on Reimbursement Many different departments utilize reimbursement data in a healthcare organization. It is crucial the healthcare organization monitors this data. What impact could the healthcare organization face if this data were not monitored? Describe why collecting data is required for pay-for performance incentives. Describe the activities within each department in a healthcare organization for how they may impact reimbursement. What specific data would you review in the reimbursement area to know whether changes were necessary? Identify the responsible department for ensuring compliance with billing and coding policies. How does this affect the department's impact on reimbursement in a healthcare organization? What to Submit Your paper must be submitted as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources, which should be cited in APA format.

Most Viewed Questions Of Cultural Considerations In Health Care

Assessment Deliverable Write an 875- to 1,225-word response to the ethical committee regarding your recommendation as a health care manager presented with this case. In your response, you should: • Identify the major stakeholders in the case. • Identify the ultimate decisions makers (e.g., medical team, parents, etc.) in the case. • Explain Baby Bundle's rights in this case. • Describe the ethical theories or principles that pertain to the case. • Analyze your role as a health care manager in this ethics committee decision. • Based on your review of the case and the fact that the parents are not in agreement, state your recommendation to the committee for next steps. Cite at least 2 sources according to APA guidelines.

Question 1: Think of a situation in which you must treat various cultural populations at a health care organization. How could you utilize diversity and cultural training within your own work environment to better serve these diverse populations? Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when this had an impact on the organization. Give answers in 300-500 words in APA format

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9/17/23, 3:40 PM A THE UNIVERSITY 02 203 401 • Signature Assignment - Infographic Infographics coParti: Signature Assignment - Infographic Proficient (Partially Responsive) 7.5 points Content Tonic 1) Listen Health Disparity Submit Part I: Signature Assignment - Infographic - HPS 387 FA23 101-102 203 401 - University of Arizona Exemplary esponsive) points The infographic's first section is exemplary in its responsiveness. It not only clearly describes the chosen health topic but also effectively conveys why it is a significant health disparity. The information is well-structured, concise, and supported by relevant data or statistics. The audience can easily grasp the relevance and urgency of the health disparity issue based on this section alone. Cancel The infographic's first section is proficient in its responsiveness. It provides a clear description of the chosen health topic and offers some insight into why it is considered a health disparity. While the information is mostly accurate and adequately presented, there may be minor gaps in data or explanations that could further enhance the audience's understanding. Overall, it effectively communicates the Limited (Not Responsive) 1 point The infographic's first section is not responsive to the rubric's criteria. It either fails to describe the chosen health topic or does not effectively convey why it is a health disparity. The information presented may be unclear, irrelevant, or entirely absent. This section does not provide the necessary context for the audience to understand the health disparity issue, and significant improvements are needed to meet the criteria. Criterion Score / 15 Print 1/11 9/17/23, 3:40 PM Content - Topic and Population Population Explained Content - Linkages to Course and Intervention Incorporating Ideas from Course Reading and Lecture Including Data about Interventions Format - Visuals Exemplary (Responsive) 15 points The affected population defined and details provided. Exemplary (Responsive) 10 points Part I: Signature Assignment - Infographic - HPS 387 FA23 101-102 203 401 - University of Arizona Proficient (Partially Limited (Not Responsive) 7.5 points Ideas and material from the Course reading and lecture is well incorporated. Data about the interventions related to the health disparity is included and well explained. Level 3 7 points The affected population defined but no further details is provided. Proficient (Partially Responsive) 5 points Ideas and material from the Course reading and lecture are partially incorporated. Data about the interventions related to the health disparity is included but is not well explained. Level 2 4 points Responsive) 1 point The affected population is not defined. Limited (Not Responsive) 1 point Ideas and material from the Course reading and lecture are not incorporated. Data about the interventions related to the health disparity is NOT included. Level 1 1 point Criterion Score / 15 Criterion Score / 10 / 10 Criterion Score 2/11 9/17/23, 3:40 PM Format - Visuals Visuals Hierarchy Level 3 7 points Highly sophistic Part I: Signature Assignment - Infographic - HPS 387 FA23 101-102 203 401 - University of Arizona Level 1 1 point ated visual hierarchy, leading to effortless informati on compreh ension. • Skillful use of size, color, and font to direct attention and create a strong sense of visual flow. • Demonstra tes a deep understand ing of visual organizatio n principles. • Visuals are highly relevant, creative, and enhance the content's meaning. • Skillful use of visuals to convey information Level 2 4 points • Clear visual organizatio n with evident grouping of elements. ● Effective use of size, color, and font to establish contrast and emphasize important information Generally consistent in maintaining visual hierarchy throughout the design. • Visuals are somewhat relevant to the content presented. Adequate use of visuals to support and clarify key points. • Visuals contribute to the overall presentatio n but may lack creativity • Elements are distinguisha ble, but lack clear organizatio n. • Limited use of size, color, and font to create visual contrast. • Some inconsisten cy in grouping related elements. • Visuals are scarce, generic, or unrelated to the content. • Use of visuals does not enhance understand ing or appeal. • Poor integration of visuals with the overall presentatio n. Criterion Score 17 3/11 9/17/23, 3:40 PM Format - Visuals Engaging Visuals Format Level 3 7 points effectively and engagingly. • Visuals are well- Part I: Signature Assignment - Infographic - HPS 387 FA23 101-102 203 401 - University of Arizona Level 1 1 point integrated with the overall presentatio n, complemen ting the text. • Visuals are highly relevant, creative, and enhance the content's meaning. • Skillful use of visuals to convey information effectively and engagingly. • Visuals are well- integrated with the overall presentatio N, complemen ting the text Level 3 6 points Level 2 4 points or originality. • Visuals are somewhat relevant to the content presented. Adequate use of visuals to support and clarify key points. • Visuals contribute to the overall presentatio n but may lack creativity or originality Level 2 4 points • Visuals are scarce, generic, or unrelated to the content. • Use of visuals does not Level 1 1 point enhance understand ing or appeal. • Poor integration of visuals with the overall presentatio n Criterion Score 17 Criterion Score 4/11 9/17/23, 3:40 PM Format Clear Message Level 3 6 points Part I: Signature Assignment - Infographic - HPS 387 FA23 101-102 203 401 - University of Arizona Level 1 1 point The message regarding the health disparity is clear Level 2 4 points The message vague and requires some more work. The main message of the infographic is not clear. Criterion Score 16 5/11

WHAT TO DO Nina Goldberg has been asked by her manager to give a presentation to employees about changes the company is going to make in health care benefits. Using the seven steps described in chapter 10 (in the Verbal Messages section), how should Goldberg prepare her presentation? Be specific in connecting what she should do for each step. Be sure to separate each of the seven points into a separate paragraph or set of statements. Need to do in 100 - 200 words

Instructions • In Module 1, you thought about and/or selected your potential topic of interest that you would like to investigate throughout this course. Based on your selected topic, formulate and write: an introduction to your proposed study statement of the problem or purpose statement research question(s) . . conceptual framework research hypotheses Note that the topic you select Research topic: How do the types and frequencies of medication errors vary across different health care settings, specialties, and professionals, and what factors influence their occurrence and reporting? Should address an issue of interest to you that is at doctoral level. Should align your research question with a research type. Your paper should conform to APA style. Page Limit 3 Pages Read the paper and make the changes you find and best is to eliminate AI content.

Respond to these 2 following posts Response #1 Minouche Please use a different article as reference for this post Health disparities are changes in health results based on different characteristics that have roots in past events and systemic issues like racism. Differences in health care access and quality are what health care disparities focus on. As I looked through the text, I understood that health justice means fixing the problems that cause health injustices as a result of structural inequities. For example, the racial wealth gap and the fact that the COVID-19 outbreak hurt communities of colour more than other communities show that systemic racism can lead to health inequalities (Tobin-Tyler & Teitelbaum, 2019) Response # 2 Stefan n the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses (2015), Provision 4 states that it is a nurse's duty to take action and promote health to all patients while giving optimal care in regard to their health treatments and decisions. This goes hand in hand with social justice that was defined by the previous reading (Fawcett, 2019), and the author's own take on social justice and how it relates to health equity. Social justice and health justice go hand in hand in a way that social justice, promotes and advocates for health justice. Both aim to fight health disparities. Key points related to all three of these topics is public policy, erasing patient stigma between personal and organizational interests, and healthcare policy advocation for all.

A new discussion has been started that may be interesting to you: Week 2 Assignment--Discussion #1--Due on Sunday, 02/04/24 Discussion #1 Question # 1. For Soft Skills: Could you share an example of a time when your communication skills made a significant impact on a team project or collaboration? How your ability to communicate effectively contribute to the overall success? Question # 2. For Hard Skills: Could you share about a challenging technical problem or project you have encountered. How did your technical skills and expertise help overcome the obstacles and achieve a solution? Instructions • To answer the questions above, click REPLY, the user can like replies and respond to another peer's answer. • Your answer should contain at least three sentences. • See the grading rubric .