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PART B - ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS (50 MARKS) Build a complete Java program, a UNIMY SHOPPING SYSTEM for UNIMY Supermarket using any appropriate choice of control statements. Firstly ask the

user for membership card using confirm dialog box. If "Yes", they are entitled for 15% discount from the total amount purchased. If "No", no discount available. Your code will acquire the user for the product code and the quantity that the user wanted to purchase. You may use sentinel value. 1. Given the price list as follows: PRODUCT CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CATEGORY Cloths Cloths Cloths Cloths Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical Household Household Household Grocery Grocery Grocery PRODUCT Sports Shoe Men's T-Shirt Slim Fit Pants Jeans Fan Iron Rice-Cooker Toaster Knife PRICE >RM2000 Frying Pan Cup Rice (10kg) Oil (1kg) Butter (250g) >RM1000 >RM500 >RM200 Your program will calculate and display all the products purchased and the total amount of the price to be paid. Prompt a message to do the payment, if the amount paid is less than the amount purchased do display an error message and urge the user to key in the amount again. Your code will calculate and display the change amount to be returned. If the user bought either product code 1, 4 or 10 and the total price more than RM200 (for each product code purchased) they are entitled for RM15 rebate voucher. If the user purchasing any one product from electrical category and it must be more than RM50, they are entitled for RM5 special rebate voucher (for each product). These vouchers can be redeemed immediately meaning that the voucher price will be deducted from the total purchased amount. PRICE RM134.55 Apart from that your program can also give a discount on the total purchase price as follows: DISCOUNT 30% RM54.29 RM64.35 RM184.20 RM55.59 15% 7% 2% RM24.45 RM51.99 RM24.76 RM12.49 RM138.37 RM2.34 RM23.39 RM12.45 RM6.56

Fig: 1

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System 1: Pizza HouseA new home delivery-focused pizzeria opens up in the neighborhood. At first, the demand is low,but the pizza's quality is excellent, as well as the delivery times. After a while, the pizzeria getsnoticed and is featured in a local online food blog. As a result, the demand for pizzarises sharply.But the pizzeria owners are reluctant to purchase more delivery capacity (pizza delivery vehiclesand personnel) along with higher pizza production capacity (additional pizza ovens). That resultsin higher delivery times and a larger percentage of undercooked pizzas, in turn lowering the numberof returning customers. As a result, the pressure for additional investment in both delivery andproduction capacity is eliminated. The pizzeria owners are happy that they held off on the additionalinvestment.For the system above, please include the following in your submission:Problem 1. System Boundaries Diagram and Table (30 pts)A. Internal Processes and Componentsa. List any entities/subsystems/internal processesincluded in the system (e.g. ordering, baking, etc.).Include at least 4 (you can include the examples).These need to be included in the table below (notrequired for the system boundaries diagram, but willbe helpful for creating the flowchart).b. List what resources/components are used by theseprocesses (eg delivery vehicles, ovens, etc.). Includeat least 4 (you can include the examples). These needto be included in the table below and as internalcomponents in your system boundaries diagram

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What is the value of the variable a when the following code gets to the RETURN statement? It might help if you look at the equivalent code, written in Matlab in threading material.

A. Parts Store Class Scenario: your cousin owns a parts store and wants you to write a program to help them manage the parts inventory. First, you must create a Parts class to define the inventory for other programs to access the data. You must write two different programs, the Parts Class program and the demo program. The Parts class should include the following fields: Part Number, Description, Quantity, Cost, and Retail Price.

A. Parts Store Class Scenario: your cousin owns a parts store and wants you to write a program to help them manage the parts inventory. First, you must create a Parts class to define the inventory for other programs to access the data. You must write two different programs, the Parts Class program and the demo program. The Parts class should include the following fields: Part Number, Description, Quantity, Cost, and Retail Price.

A. Parts Store Class Scenario: your cousin owns a parts store and wants you to write a program to help them manage the parts inventory. First, you must create a Parts class to define the inventory for other programs to access the data. You must write two different programs, the Parts Class program and the demo program. The Parts class should include the following fields: Part Number, Description, Quantity, Cost, and Retail Price.

Task 1: En tites! 1. Customer 2. Flight 3. Reservation 4. Payment weak Entity Seat Relationships: 1. Customer books a reservation for flight 2. Reservation is made for a specific Seat onflight 3. Payment is made for areservation 4. Flight multiple reservations Composite attributes: Address attribute for Customer entity Multivalued attributes: Amenities attribute for Flight entity Generalization and Specialization! Reservation entity can be generalized into Economy Reservation and Business Reservation, and Seat entity is a weak entity that belonge to the Reservation entity.

B. - Lawn Mower Class Scenario: You're working a summer job to raise money for school by cutting people's grass. You want to write a program to figure out how much to charge people, then report on the money earned. You need a class that stores the customer name, the length of the yard in feet, and the width of the yard in feet.

B. - Lawn Mower Class Scenario: You're working a summer job to raise money for school by cutting people's grass. You want to write a program to figure out how much to charge people, then report on the money earned. You need a class that stores the customer name, the length of the yard in feet, and the width of the yard in feet.

2. Create a Java Program that reads the name of a person and your code be able to calculate the number of characters consists in a name, the number of consonants and vowels as well. Your program also will be able to calculate the destiny number. This number is calculated using your name. The value for each alphabet is shown below. 3 7 с G L P U Y A J S B K T D M V 5 E N W NAME COUNTER ? F O X Now add the digits assigned to each alphabet in your name. Then, add the individual destiny numbers to get the single digit which will be your final destiny number. Display your output using window. Your output shall display all the following information as shown in example below. X Your name: Ahmad Khalil Musa Total characters: 15 Vowels: 6 Consonants: 9 Destiny number: 8 OK 8 H Q Z I R Note: 1. Your code can accept spaces and both uppercase and lowercase letters. 2. You MUST change the icon/symbol of your output based on your own creativity. 3. You are NOT allowed to use Array. (20 marks)