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PHM 423: Pharmacy Practice Laboratory 2 Community Health Empowerment (CHE) Presentations Student Guidance Document Purpose: Demonstrate effective patient communication skills (verbal and non-verbal), at an appropriate level for a mixed audience consisting of patients, caregivers, and the general public. Communication should be empathetic to a wide spectrum of educational levels and cultural backgrounds. Groups should also be able to elicit feedback, validating understanding of the central message that is communicated. Grading: See ‘CHE Presentation Rubric' (Brightspace→CHE folder) Deadlines: Due date Deliverable(s) Item # 1 Presentation topic selection Item # 2 Finalized slide deck to be submitted Item # 3 Deliver presentation during assigned lab session Instructions Only ONE designated member from the group should submit their topic choices by completing and e-mailing the topic submission form to your section facilitator. All groups MUST submit their finalized slide deck by this date. Details regarding the method of submission will be forthcoming. No changes can be made to the slide deck once submitted. These slides will be used during your actual presentation. All students within the group must be present and involved in the presentation. If you are absent for your presentation, you will receive a '0' for this assignment and an 'INC' course grade. Deliverables: Item # 1 Deadline Guidance Presentation topic Only ONE designated individual from your group should submit topic choices by e- mailing your section facilitator the completed topic submission form (blank form available on Brightspace→CHE folder). Make sure to copy all your group members on the e-mail. With your group, decide on at least THREE topics in order of preference, that are pertinent to the general public within our local community (Greater NYC area). Topics should be narrow in scope, such that it can be adequately covered in 10 minutes. Groups should also identify an appropriate target audience or group, towards which their presentation is geared. Topics cannot be duplicated amongst other groups in a given lab section. Topics should be relevant to patients within an identified area. Groups should access 'Community Healthy Profiles' in a focused area of NYC by accessing the following link: Developed by AJA; modified by SG 1/24 1 Form Identify relevant topics to present by reviewing the community profile for your target area. For example: Looking at the community profile for Bushwick (Brooklyn), what percentage of residents smoke? How does this compare to the rest of Brooklyn or NYC? Would a smoking cessation presentation focused on non-pharmacological strategies to stop smoking be relevant to residents of Bushwick? Your rationale for a topic selection must stem from data shown through the community health profile. **Additionally your group may choose to include a fourth and fifth topic choice for consideration (not required)* ** Sample Topic If your group is interested in diabetes, the disease state itself would be too large in Submission scope to appropriately discuss in 10 minutes. Instead, consider one aspect of diabetes such as making healthy carbohydrate choices. Your presentation could include how to count carbohydrates and swapping poor choices with healthier alternatives (e.g., white bread with wheat/whole-grain/rye bread). This presentation would be targeted towards patients diagnosed with pre-diabetes or those that have uncontrolled diabetes in a given neighborhood of NYC. Item # 2 Sample Topic Submission Form (see below): FIRST TOPIC CHOICE a. Enter the title of topic choice # 1: Making healthier carbohydrate choices b. Enter the specific audience and region of NYC you want to target with this presentation: Patients diagnosed with pre-diabetes or those that have uncontrolled diabetes in South Crown Heights and Leffert Gardens. c. Provide the rationale/need to present this topic choice to your targeted audience listed above: Based on community census data available, approximately 11% of the adult population in South Crown Heights and Lefferts Gardens are diagnosed with diabetes. Moreover, death rates due to diabetes are higher than citywide rates. Diabetes is also ranked as the 3rd leading cause of death in this area of Brooklyn. Note: do not select this example topic as one of your topic choices Submit finalized presentation slide deck Deadline Guidance All groups MUST submit their finalized slide deck by this date. Details regarding the method of submission will be forthcoming. No changes can be made to the slide deck once submitted. These slides will be used during your actual presentation. Developed by AJA; modified by SG 1/24 2 Sample See below for guidance on developing your slide deck: You must select THREE learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy (see 'Guide to Writing Educational Objectives' on Brightspace), and THREE assessment questions (see 'Tips for Writing Quality Exam Questions' on Brightspace). Each of the 3 assessment questions should relate back to one of your 3 learning objectives. These questions will be presented to your audience BOTH before and after your presentation in order to validate your audience's comprehension and retention of your presentation's central message and objectives. Your group should document your audiences' response and collect data to compare aggregate scores of your audience before and after the presentation. You should use the SAME questions both before AND after your presentation. Your group must use a slide deck for your presentation. There is not a minimum or presentation maximum number of slides you must include in your presentation. The content you outline Sample present must be sufficient to adequately convey your topic to your audience while not exceeding the 10-minute time limit (including pre/post assessment questions). Sample slide outline (see below): Slide 1: Title slide with group member names (include course # and date) Slide 2: Three presentation objectives based on Bloom's Taxonomy Slide 3: Pre-assessment questions Slide 4: Describe why this presentation is important/relevant to audience (use this slide to support your rationale for why you chose this topic) Slide 5: What is a carbohydrate? Slide 6: What types of foods contain carbohydrates? Slide 7: Why are carbohydrates important to maintain normal body functions? Slide 8: What can happen if you eat too many carbohydrates? Slide 9: How can you count carbohydrates based on a USFDA Food Label Slide 10: What are some examples of poor carbohydrate choices? Slide 11: What are some healthy alternatives to common carbohydrates readily available to Americans? Slide 12: Summary slide: Review key take-away points related to presentation objectives from Slide # 2 Slide 13: Sample case - Identify how many carbohydrates Mary consumed and decide whether her choices were healthy or poor. Slide 14: Review answers to sample case Slide 15: Post assessment questions (SAME as pre-assessment questions) Slide 16: References using AMA formatting; references must be appropriate, reputable sources of information Slide 17: Questions? Contact information of presenters. At the conclusion of this presentation, the audience should be able to: presentation 1. List negative effects of consuming large portion sizes of unhealthy learning carbohydrate choices on health objectives 2. Distinguish healthy carbohydrate choices from unhealthy options. 3. Calculate total grams of carbohydrates per serving size of a food based on a USFDA food label provided Developed by AJA; modified by SG 1/24 3 Sample pre/post assessment questions Item # 3 Deadline Guidance *Use the ‘Guide to Writing Educational Objectives' to help you formulate objectives These questions must stem from the presentation objectives. You can use Kahoot! or another polling mechanism to assess your audience. General structure should include the stem of the question and four answer choices (multiple choice: a,b,c,d −or- true/false). Also include the correct answer when submitting to your faculty instructor. 1. [Based on objective 1] True or False. Type 2 Diabetes is a negative health consequence of eating excessive portion sizes of unhealthy carbohydrates. a. True, b. False Ans: (a) 2. [Based on objective 2] Which of the following is a healthy alternative to drinking whole milk? a. skim milk, b. vanilla-flavored almond milk, c. buttermilk, d. all the above Ans: (a) 3. [Based on objective 3] Tom eats 1 cup of cereal. If a portion size for a cereal is 2 cups and there are 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving size, how many grams of carbohydrates did Tom eat? a. 10 grams, b. 5 grams, c. 20 grams, d. 15 grams Ans: (b) Deliver presentation during your assigned lab session Week 10 (during your respective lab section) All students that are part of the group MUST be in attendance during the presentation. All students within the group must be involved in the presentation. Work for the presentation should be equitably assigned. You will receive 10 minutes to present, with 5 minutes designated at the end of the presentation for questions from other students and the faculty. Handouts are not required, unless your group feels supplemental materials provided to your audience will strengthen your presentation delivery. One paper copy of the slide deck must be submitted to the faculty on the day of your presentation to be used for grading. Most importantly, feel free to have fun with your presentation. This is geared to a general lay audience, so the more creative you are, the more you will engage your audience and capture their attention. Can you present your information through a game or a skit? Are there props you can use? Whatever you decide to do, it should not detract from the quality and effectiveness of your presentation, but rather add to and support your presentation delivery. Think outside the box! Developed by AJA; modified by SG 1/24 4