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Problem 4. (30 points) Single-stage amplifier frequency response calculation

(a) What is DC value of Vdc,in and Vdc,out?

(b) Capacitance analysis of M1: Calculate CGS1, CGD,1, CDB1.

(c) Capacitance analysis of M2: Calculate CGs,2, CSB,2.

(d) What is the small-signal representation for M2.

(e) What is the small-signal model for the whole amplifier.

(f) What is small-signal gain A, = Vout/Vin at DC?

(g) What is the dominant pole for the amplifier (Note: remember to simplify analysis by

adding capacitors that appear in parallel in the small-signal model). What is w3dB?

(h) Plot the Bode plot (magnitude and phase) for the amplifier gain, A. (please make the

usual approximations).

Fig: 1