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Question 1

Which of the following is not one of john Ruskin's seven lamps of architecture?


℗ truth



E) memory

10 Points

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of History Of Architecture

ANTH 3: Coyote Wash Pueblo Chronology Construction Project For this project, you are presented with a set of data from the Coyote Wash Pueblo, a hypothetical Ancestral Pueblo site from the American Southwest. Using the information provided (e.g. site plan, provided dates, ceramic information) on the course project Gaucho Space page, write up a chronological report analyzing the history of the site. Including an introduction and conclusion, your project report must address the following: N 3 Reconstruct the relative chronology of the construction and expansion of the pueblo. Using the information on the site plan (e.g., architecture, wall alignments, presence of subfloor deposits) identify the set of rooms first constructed. Next, determine the blocks of rooms that were apparently added to the initial construction, and the sequence in which they were added. Include a figure that indicates the sequence of construction, accompanied by a written justification. You may find a color-coded approach using the provided maps to be best suited for this. Using the tree-ring and radiocarbon dates, offer your best interpretation of the absolute dates associated with each construction phase or room addition. Include a figure that indicates your best interpretation of the chronological phases. Again, a color-coded approach may be well suited for this. How do you interpret the differences in the total number of pottery sherds found on the floor's surface in each room versus the sherds found in excavation (i.e., total fill sherds)? Include a graphical representation of the pottery fill sequence alongside your written explanation. The text of the Pueblo Construction Chronology Project must be approximately two [2] pages in length or approximately 500-750 words. It must include graphs, data, and images included in the project handout to provide support for your arguments. No sources aside from course resources are required for this assignment. You must properly cite, in text, any resources you do use from the class to defend your arguments. All information from these sources must be properly cited according to Chicago Author/Date format. Each posted question must include an associated graph/figure visualizing how you are interpreting the relative chronology for a minimum of three [3] included figures. Each paragraph must directly reference and explain your figures and each graph must come with a key. Plot out and explain the patterns you observed in the archaeological record – why did you come to the conclusions you reached given the data provided to you? Grading Criteria Assignment Rubric Quality: content accuracy, specificity, citations to support arguments, depth of argument, persuasiveness. Quantity: adequacy (length), compactness. definitions of terms used, provides details, provides examples to illustrate points, comparisons used when appropriate. Visualization: use of graphs to visualize data. Graphical Representation Content Style: Organization Structure: includes all listed sections. Includes robust introduction and conclusions. Includes thesis statement. Sequence (rational flow, logical organization - doesn't ramble), appearance (correct margins and headings, neatness, etc.), pagination, correct citation format (Chicago Author/Date). Total Score: Style: Clarity Sentences: clarity, relevance (on-topic), fluency, no use of clichés, no use of unknown referents. Paragraphs: structure (topic sentences, development), length (not too short or too long - minimum paragraph size is 3 sentences; a paragraph should not extend longer than the full length of a single page), coherence. Diction: conciseness, no overuse of the passive voice and weak verbs, no repetitive phrasing, does not use exaggeration, no overuse of modifiers or misplaced modifiers. Vocabulary: correct word choice, no repetition of words, no use of colloquialisms. Style: Grammar Use of correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Appropriate sentence length. Score 30 30 10 20 10 100

Book Link: cultural-history/page/v/mode/2up Questions - Select ONE of the following: A. In what ways did architectural cultures we have studied engage with the cosmos? Were there common practices that transcend time and geographic locations? Reference specific projects to explain your answer. B. In Modules 1-4 we saw examples of symbolism in a variety of places, including cities, buildings, theories, and objects. Identify and explain three examples of symbolism in any of the above categories. For each example, explain what it is, where it's located, who created it, and what it symbolizes (one paragraph for each example). Are there any commonalities among your three examples? If so, explain why they exist. If not, explain why you think there are no commonalities. Questions - Select ONE of the following: C. Religion played an important role in shaping architecture and urbanism outlook of various cultures. Explain this role comparing and contrasting the three major built cultures we covered thus far (Olmec, Greco/Roman, Chinese). D. A theme that repeated across the modules we have studied thus far is how the designed environment (architecture and urbanism) engaged with nature. Explain the different attitudes to incorporating elements of nature among Harapan, Aegean, and pre-contact American architecture. Support your answers with specific examples. E. Select and explain three historical instances where technology influenced the designed environment. Support your answers with specific examples. Format: Select one question from A-B and one from C-E. You will answer two questions total. The answer to each question should be in 600 words (+/- 50). Write in full sentences and paragraphs paying attention to spelling and grammar. Bullet points and/or outlines will not be accepted as an answer. Use proper and consistent citation. Submit your answers through Canvas. See below for instructions on submission. Sources: Your answer must be supported by scholarly published materials such as your textbook (Ingersoll textbook). However, you can also use the following to support your answer Sources listed under LTU library guide on Architecture: Extra readings posted to Canvas Recorded lectures and your notes from them 1 LTU e Page Exam outlines and Module Review recordings from Canvas Discussion notes Example of unacceptable sources • Material published on the internet blogs & pages. • Anything prepared by or with another student. Grading: ● This is an open book, open note essay exam. This is NOT a group project, so do not consult with or work with your friend on this exam. Any indication of collaboration and/or plagiarism is considered cheating which would be reported as a potential honor code violation. • Each question is worth 10 points earned according to the following criteria: 5 pts Content: Correct and cited information, contribute to your answer, focused and logical argument. Spelling, grammar, staying within the word count limit. Using proper word choice, tone, and terminology. Overall organization. Explaining answers with specific examples. 2 pts 2 pts 1 pt Plagiarism Lawrence Technological University and the College of Architecture and Design are committed to academic integrity and honesty. All members of the LTU community are charged with upholding the Academic Honor Code in their academic work. Students are expected to present and submit only their own work in tests, and assignments. If you have a question regarding proper attribution of work of others, contact the professor prior to submitting your work for evaluation or refer to the university policies on the subject. Plagiarism in any form is a serious academic dishonesty offense that will not be tolerated. Violators will receive a failing grade and will be subjected to disciplinary action. Some examples are: Quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing written material, even a few phrases, without acknowledgment. Page 2 • Failing to acknowledge the source of either a major idea or an ordering principle central to one's own paper. LTU e ● Relying on another person's data, evidence, or critical method without credit or permission. . Submitting another person's work as one's own. • Using unacknowledged research sources gathered by someone else. Reference chapters are mentioned which you can find on the book (link is provide). re to search MODULE 1 MODULE 2 MODULE 3 MODULE 4 Date Aug. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 30 Sept. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Discussion Groups None 1-3 4-6 7-9 None 1-3 B 4-6 7-9 ASSESSMENT DAY NO CLASSES None 1-3 4-6 7-9 None 1-3 4-6 7-9 None Lecture Topic Introduction Prehistory Mesopotamia/SW Asia/Achaemenid Persia Old and New Kingdom Egypt MODULE 1 REVIEW SESSION Biblical Jerusalem Indus Valley/Mauryan India The Aegean Sea Classical Architecture MODULE 2 REVIEW SESSION The Greek City-State Ancient Rome Ancient China MODULE 3 REVIEW SESSION Ancient Mexico Mayan Pre-Contact America MODULE 4 REVIEW SESSION Textbook Sections Preface 1.1-1.3 2.1, 4.1 2.2, 3.2 3.3 2.3, 4.3 3.1 None 4.2 5.1 5.2, 7.2 5.3 7.3 10.3 Notes Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Midterm Exam posted 72°F Sunny

Make a connection between two or three images/objects/concepts not discussed in the same module. How are they related? Does their meaning change when viewed together? Explain in detail why you have selected these works and why they are important. Write a 750-1000 word (3-4 pages double spaced) response to one of the writing prompts provide using Microsoft Word with TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 pt. font, double spaced. Please use Chicago Manual, APA, or MLA with either (parenthetical citations) or footnotes. A Works Cited or Bibliography must be included on a separate page at the end BOOK LINK: EXTRA INFO: 1. 2 IMAGES TO BE SELECTED NEEDS TO BE FROM DIFFERENT CHAPTERS

Question 7 Which of the following best describes Ruskin's attitude to iron? It is false when cast and used as a structural support, because it is usually used in a way that reflects the structural laws and proportions of an older material, either clay wood or stone. Bit is false when cast and used as a structural support, because it looks too skinny to actually support anything. It represents the law of truth, because it is the true material of the era, rather than a false representation of the past. It should be used as much as possible, because its shininess is a symbolic representation of the "lamp" of truth 10 Points

Assignment Requirements. Written 1000-1500 words, 10-12 point font, standard margins, double spaced, citations in Chicago Style, divided into the following sections: • A thesis that explains the basic concept of your building and how it ties into 18th/19th century architecture • General description of your project ● A research section placing your project in the context of the history of 18th and 19th century architecture by comparing it to at least one other building from that period that is of a similar building type, style, or exhibits similar design principles/nGeneral description of your project A research section placing your project in the context of the history of 18th and 19th century architecture by comparing it to at least one other building from that period that is of a similar building type, style, or exhibits similar design principles • A description of and justification for the style that you have chosen to design your building in. The justification should be specific, and you are encouraged to base your justification on the theories of style of some of the architects we have studied in this course. • • A description of the materials and structure of your building Footnotes that cite the sources listed in your bibliography when you use information or ideas from them • A bibliography (not part of the page count) of at least three non-website sources (scholarly articles and books). You may use internet sources as well, which should also be included in the bibliography. • Images of the building(s) discussed in the historical context section. Images should be numbered, labeled, and referred to in the text.

Question 6 Which of the following is not a type of architectural deceit according to Ruskin? A Facades that hide the true functional layout of a buidling False suggestion of structural support The painting of surfaces to represent some other material The use of machine made ornaments 10 Points

Question 2 Which of the following best describes the difference that Ruskin sees between building and architecture? Architecture goes beyond building by adding useless ornaments. There is no distinction between architecture and building. Any building of cultural significance like religious and public institutions, is a piece of architecture everything else is mere building 10 Points O Architecture is the masterly. correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light. Anyone who does not follow this precept is merely building.

Question 8 Why does Ruskin object to machine made ornament? Ornament should reflect the amount of human labor and care spent upon it. Machine made ornament is too expensive. Machine made ornament allows for buildings to look too ornate and buildings should look as simple as possible. Machines cannot properly imitate historical forms. 10 Points

Question 5 How does religion play into Ruskin's views of sacrifice in architecture? Ruskin believes that one should show one's devotion to God through the sacrifice one puts into a building. Ruskin believes religion should play no part in architectural design. Ruskin believes that religious buildings should focus on the word of God and devotion to others, rather than on impressive ornament that distracts from the word of God and good deeds. 10 Points Ruskin believes that religious ornament from all cultures should be adapted in England to reflect its growing status as an empire.

Field Trip Essay Attend the Ivy Hall tour or the Inman Park tour and take notes to document a building and its history. In a 250-500 word essay describe the building in terms of most or all of the following: plan, function, style, ornament, massing, light, materials, and structure. and compare it to one building discussed in this class or in the textbooks. Responses should not be just a description of the building, but an analysis of its form, space, play of light function, use of materials, etc. Students should ask themselves how the design choices of the architect may be demonstrated in the building. The essay should be written in a formal academic manner with proper grammar, punctuation, and word usage. It should be well organized with a clear and specific thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. Will be graded according to the following rubric: