Consider a 4-input static logic gate implementing Boolean function, z = A(B+C)+BCD. The input signal
probabilities are given as: p(A) =p(D) = 0.25; p(B) = 0.33; p(C) = 0.5.
a) (20 pts) Assuming that the inputs are uncorrelated and that all signals are temporally independent,
what is the average power dissipation at the output of this gate if it is driving a 100 ff total load at 500
MHz and VDD = 1.2V?
b) (20 pts) Next, assuming kn=kp=200uA/V2, Vtn= |Vtp|=0.3V, Tin=100ps and Tout=250ps, calculate
short circuit power dissipation.
Fig: 1