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Question 4: Discuss the influence of Chinese family values on the lives of Chinese-

Australian adolescents.

Most Viewed Questions Of Global Public Health

TASK 1. Identify three (3) potential challenges to effective communication you have begun to note during this semester(Language barriers, cultural differences, and perceptual barriers). Discuss how communication skills (Active listening, empathy, and cultural awareness) can be used to overcome each of these challenges. Use of third-person in this section is expected. 2. Seek feedback from someone you interact with regularly concerning the challenges (language barriers, cultural differences, and perceptual barriers) and communication skills (Active listening, empathy, and cultural awareness) you have identified above, in terms of your own communication style. Write about the feedback you have received and how you can use this to enhance your own communication skills relevant to your area of study or future profession (Paramedicine/Paramedic). Use of first-person is acceptable in this section. Presentation Length 1000 words excluding references. This essay is to be typed on a word processor; must contain an introduction that outlines the logical structure of an essay, and a conclusion that critically reflects on the implications of your essay. The use of first-person in this essay is acceptable (see Task instructions)./nAssessment criteria Understanding of challenges to effective communication (30%) Analysis of communication skills required to overcome these challenges (30%) • Ability to integrate feedback into a reflection on personal communication skills that works towards patient/client-centred outcomes (20%) • Clarity of expression and adherence to essay writing standards (incl. flow, logic, punctuation, grammar and spelling) (10%) Evidence of wide reading (use of no less than eight (8) references from academic journals or texts), and adherence to referencing standards (APA 7+). At least three (3) of these references will be from the unit materials (10%) MUST USE 3 OF THE BELOW REFERENCES 1. Title: Communication: Core interpersonal skills for healthcare professiona Is Author: O'Toole, Gjyn 2. Title: Interpersonal communication: relating to others Author: Beebe, Steven A., 1950- author. 3. Title: Communicating as professionals Author: Archee, Raymond. Mohan,Terry, 1930-; Gurney,Myra. 4. Title: Basic Personal Counselling: A Training Manual for Counsellors Author: Geldard, David; Geldard, Kathryn; Foo, Rebecca Yin

Question 2 The use of pesticides is not a new concept in terms of dealing with pests. Provide examples of pesticides that were used in historical times and continue to be used today. Have their uses changed over time?

Question 3 When DDT was first made available for public use in the 1940's it was thought to be a "wonder chemical". Over time both expert and public opinion changed. What are the environmental and health effects that were concerning regarding DDT? What prompted this opinion change?

1. Complete the textbook readings first: Chapter 17 and 18. 2. Then watch the following podcasts and video. 3. Your reflection should discuss thoughtfull what you take away from the materials as important ideas or points for a public health practitioner. You should discuss at least two points in the reflection and the length must be 200-300 words total. 1. Podcast: Bioethics for every generation. Link: generation 2. Podcast: Moral science. Link: 3. Lecture on "Ethics and decision making in Public Health" by Dr. Lisa

Summarize your health behavior change project. Submit to Canvas in assignments. Final paper is 2-4 pages in length. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax are required. Proofread your work. APA is not required. Describe the health behavior you changed and include all of the following: • State the Healthy People 2030 objective and objective number. State your goal for behavior change in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. • Describe your plan, including target behavior, why it is important to you, timeline, strategies for success and overcoming obstacles. • Provide rationale for each implementation strategy you used. • Evaluate each strategy for effectiveness. What worked and what did not work, and why? • Evaluate your goal attainment. Describe whether the goals you set were met based on your measurable criteria. Provide the proof (ex. a log) of your goal achievement. • Has your health promotion project met the Healthy People 2020 objective you selected? Why or why not? • Will you continue with your plan? Why or why not?

Bisexual Health and Advances in Research with Gender and Sexual Minority Youth in the 21st Century Question 1. Discuss the unique experiences of cultural stigma faced by bisexual individuals both from within and outside the LGBT community

Question 5 How do the combined issues of both pests and pesticides present a challenge to the public health community? Which issue do you think should be prioritized and why? How can Integrative Pest Management (IPM) balance the public health implications of these two issues? Imagine you are counseling a family regarding how they could use IPM to deal with mosquitoes in and around their home. What advice would you give them?

Talk about one preventive action that you took to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Explain why you took this action. (Maximum is 100 words). In Toronto- Canada, where you are living, reflect on the types of services that are available to the public (i.e., groceries, restaurants, hospitals). How were these adapted for COVID-19? Identify a service, including their name. Describe how they have adapted their services because of COVID-19. Please explain the action. For example, "The swimming pool has reopened in the community. Numbers allowed in the pool are limited to 50% capacity. Before entering patrons are screened. Physical distancing of two meters is required between groupings (at the entrance, in the halls, showers, pool deck). Face masks must be worn in the indoor areas. Signage is posted throughout the building." (Maximum for this section is 100 words) Two services and noted adaptations due to COVID-19 In response to COVID-19 and attempting to reduce its spread and its severity, governments have been working to make it possible for people to access vaccines. The aim is for "herd immunity." Please read the infographic by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR): Herd Immunity. Now that you have reviewed CIHR's infographic, explore the how the City of Toronto is supporting this aim via the vaccination effort. City of Toronto immunization program. There are many immunization strategies that Toronto is taking. Select and name one of these actions. Explain how this action is beneficial in promotion of health (Maximum is 150 words)

Learning Journal In your reading, [SSteinbach, R., & Eni-Olotu, M. (2016) Inequalities in health (e.g. by region, ethnicity, soci-economic position or gender) and in access to health care, including their causes], inequality in the Access to health services is described. Based on this information, look up a current and relevant barrier to equality in access of health care (e.g. travel times, transportation or communication, access to new information and treatments, wait times, and/or cost) either in your own country, or any other, and discuss the potential causes and effects of this barrier to access. [e.g. inequalities in access due to urban/rural residence in Canada] RESOURCE Steinbach, R., & Eni-Olotu, M. (2016). Inequalities in health (e.g. by region, ethnicity, soci-economic position or gender) and in access to health care, including their causes. Equality, Equity and Policy. Access at:

Detailed instructions for Strengths Based Approach Project Part 1 ● The activity cannot be anything that is for children, anyone on a NDIS plan or Myaged Care - it must be an activity that anyone could attend ● The activity must not be a 1 off activity or an activity done in isolation for example you could not include going to the movies or the zoo (1 off) or joining a library (done in isolation) ● The activity must be one that a person goes back to on a regular basis to build on friendships/relationships or networks ● Do not give me multiple choices for different activities on different days etc just pick 1 and provide the details about that one. Part 2 Now you have the activity describe the type of person who might be interested in it-this will depend on the activity for example if you have included a community garden project it could be a person who is • Interested in gardening • Likes fresh organic produce • Enjoys being outside • Likes to be physically active • Etc Part 3 Describe how to access the service/program/facility. Membership considerations, how to gain further information etc. • What is required to join become a member? Will any of these be a barrier i.e. skills, equipment, physical abilities, costs, mobility, additional support etc Part 4 Identify any barriers/risks to participation and strategies that address these. Skills requirements to participate, access to building equipment, safety concerns, staffing requirements, transport, costs, equipment etc. ● Once you have answered all of the previous parts you should now be able to identify anything that may be a barrier to participation, if you can identify a barrier think of a way you could overcome this barrier - this is where you might need to consider a person's disability in the answer. Part 5 Describe how the organisation/service which provides the activity supports participants to be active citizens. This is at the organisational level so you will need to look at the bigger picture and not just the activity. Remember that active citizenship is about making people part of that community where they are heard, get the opportunity to expand and make positive changes and people care about them. So, an organisation might have AGM where members vote or stand for committee positions, have a complaint and feedback mechanism to improve services etc or they provide opportunities to expand i.e. an art class may offer the opportunity to exhibit art or entre into competitions etc. Part 6 Describes how the organisation/service which provides the activity upholds human rights This is at the organisational level so you will need to look at the bigger picture and not just the activity. Look at the goals, vision, bylaws etc do they include things such as non- discrimination, freedom of speech etc You need to do all of these for all 3 activities. If you choose activities that are held by the same organisation, then Part 5 & 6 will only need to be answered once. Once you have all 3 activities then you do Part 7 & 8 just the once. Part 7 Describe how information could be made available to people including people they support, family members and other support officer. This is about how you get the information that you have just researched back to the workplace. It is not about referring people to websites or phone numbers it is just about telling them about the great activities that you have found. Consider how information is currently shared amongst staff, clients and families now. Part 8 Design a feedback form that could be used by parties for the activity. This must be your own design not one copied from the internet and must be generic enough to be sent to any activity. The form is to determine that the person likes/dislikes, is learning/meeting others, wants to continue to go etc. Think about the type of feedback you would provide to an activity and put it into a feedback form that could be used for any activity.