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SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sensor-based Entry System Learning Outcomes This assignment achieves the following learning outcomes: LO2: Effectively apply relevant practical and laboratory skills to advanced embedded system problems (EP3p) LO3: Critically evaluate relevant technical literature and other information sources (EP4p) LO4: Critically apply quantitative and computational methods in order to solve embedded systems problems and to implement appropriate actions (EA3p) Weighting This assignment will form 40% of the total module mark. NOTE: The assignment is to be undertaken individually. Any instance of plagiarism (i.e. attempting to pass off the work of others as one's own), from whatever source: books, internet, other students etc. will be zero rated. For further information related to Academic Misconduct, please refer to Section 13 of the module guide. 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Coursework Task The aim of this coursework assignment is to: • • Design a preliminary hardware design for a specified microprocessor-based system. Develop and implement the hardware and software of the designed system. The developed system is a sensor-based entry system, which consists of a PIR sensor, buzzer, buttons, LCD display, LEDs, one motor and numeric keypad. The system is activated or deactivated through a system button and a five digit activate/deactivate code. When the system is activated, the LCD display will show the word "ACTIVATED" for 5 seconds and then proceed to the system's default state, with LED1 on to show that it is powered and working. The PIR sensor will then correctly sense the presence of a person and simulate entry of a person through a gate by displaying “OPEN” on the LCD display for 10 second, LED2 is ON and rotate the motor by 90 degrees to show the gate barriers are in OPEN STATE implying that the person is allowed entry. After 10 seconds when the barriers are in OPEN STATE and if the PIR Sensor does not sense human presence, the LCD display will show "CLOSE", the buzzer playing a warning sound and the motor rotating back to the original position (that is CLOSE STATE) to simulate the gate closing. LED2 is then OFF when the gate is closed. In the event of emergency, whereby an emergency button is pressed, the LCD should display "99: GATE OPEN". A warning alarm is sounded in intervals of 5 seconds, LED2 is continuously blinking in intervals of 5 seconds. The servo motor will be in OPEN STATE to simulate the barrier gate is open. The text displayed on the LCD, warning alarm and LED2 blinking should repeat continuously until the system is reset. To reset the system to normal default mode, the user will need to press the reset button for 8 seconds and key in the reset code of four digit numbers. The default mode is where the LCD display shows "GATE CLOSED", LED1 is ON, LED2 is OFF, buzzer is OFF and the motor is at the CLOSE STATE position to simulate the barrier gate is closed. The system can be deactivated by pressing the system button and keying in the four digit activate/deactivate code. When the system is deactivated, both LEDs will be permanently ON and the servo motor will be in CLOSE STATE, to show the barrier gates are closed for no entry. The LCD display will show the word "DEACTIVATED" permanently until the system is activated again. 1.2 System Hardware The system hardware consists of the following components, as listed in Table 1. You will need to design a system prototype on Proteus and also construct a hardware basic target board with the components listed in Table 1, but pin connectors will need to be used to connect and disconnect the PIR Sensor, LCD Display, buzzer, motor and numeric keypad components. You will also need to consider adding connectors to allow the target board to be connected to MPLAB X using the PICKit debugger. 2 Component System Button Reset Button Emergency Button PIR Sensor Buzzer LED1 LED2 LCD Display Servo Motor Numeric Keypad Description A button used to activate and deactivate the system. A button used to trigger the system to reset to the default state. A button to trigger an emergency event. To detect human movement near the gate and barrier gate to be open. A buzzer to be enable when activating a sound or alarm. An LED showing the system is powered and operational. An LED for showing gate barrier OPEN and when emergency status is triggered, LED2 is required to blink in intervals of three seconds continuously. Displaying Message stated in Section 1.1. For simulating gate barrier is OPEN or CLOSE. For keying in code during reset of system. Table 1: System Hardware List Each student will have to refer to Table 2 to determine the allocated port for the Reset button, emergency button and PIR Sensor components that you will have to integrate into the assignment. Student No. RESET Button Emergency Button PIR Sensor 2240518/2 RD5 RD6 RD7 2013839/1 RD3 RD2 RD1 2016223/2 RDO RD1 RD2 2011950/1 RD6 RD5 RD4 0702367/1 RC3 RD1 RDO 2007269/1 RD2 RD1 RD3 2240517/2 RD7 RD5 RDO 2011806/1 RD6 RD7 RC3 Table 2: Electronic Component Allocated Ports Connection 1.3 System Specification The completed system will be required to demonstrate the following supported functionalities: 1) The system will be activated and deactivated when the user presses the system button once for at least 3 seconds and inputting a four digit activate/deactivate code. 2) When the system is deactivated, both LEDs will be ON to show that barrier gates are closed and there is no entry. The servo motor will be in a default state, which is in the CLOSE STATE, to show the barrier gates are closed for no entry. 3 3) In the system deactivated state, even if human presence is detected by the PIR sensor, the barriers will remain closed. • During this deactivated state, the LCD display will show the word "DEACTIVATED". • Servo motor will be in CLOSE STATE. 4) When the system is activated, the LCD display will show the word "ACTIVATED" for 5 seconds and then proceed to the system's default state. LED1 will be ON to show that the system is powered and functioning. Moreover, in default mode, the LCD display shows "GATE CLOSED", LED1 is ON, LED2 is OFF, buzzer is OFF and the motor is at the CLOSE STATE to simulate the barrier gate is closed. 5) When the system is activated and the PIR sensor detects the presence of human within a range, the barrier gate will open for 10 seconds; before closing the barrier again. The following should be shown for this scenario: • When the barrier is open, the servo motor will move to a 90 degree angle to illustrate the barriers opening, LED2 will be ON for 10 seconds to show the gate is open. • The LCD display will show the word "OPEN" for 10 seconds and then "CLOSE" to show that the barrier gates are now closing, if the PIR Sensor does not sense any further human presence. • When the barrier gate is moving into the CLOSE STATE, the buzzer will play a warning sound and the servo motor will move back to the CLOSE STATE to illustrate the barrier gate has closed. LED2 will then be OFF to show that the gate is closed. 6) When the Emergency (ER) button is pressed, the system at any point in time will then display on the LCD screen “99: GATE OPEN”. A warning alarm is sounded in intervals of 5 seconds, LED2 is continuously blinking in intervals of 5 seconds. The servo motor will be in OPEN STATE to simulate the barrier gate is open. The text displayed on the LCD, warning alarm and LED2 blinking should repeat continuously until the system is reset. • If system is in deactivated state and ER button is pressed, then a message on LCD should display “No ER: Deactive”. 7) To reset the system to normal default mode, the user will need to press the Reset button for 8 seconds and key in the reset code of four digit numbers. The default mode is where the LCD display shows "GATE CLOSED", LED1 is ON, LED2 is OFF, buzzer is OFF and the motor is at the CLOSE STATE position to simulate the barrier gate is closed. You will have to complete the development, programming and all testing of the assignment in MPLAB X, Proteus and on a constructed target board, prior to demonstrating a working completed simulated and physical product during the demonstration session. Some supporting materials will be made available on the module contents on Moodle to help you with this activity. However, it is expected that you will need to perform further independent research in and out of the scheduled learning and teaching session to 4 complete this assignment. In addition, the final code will be marked on both functionality, quality of commenting and structure. Each student is required to keep an electronic logbook (see logbook guidance notes and example on Moodle) of the problems they encountered and how these problems are resolved. The following information should also be available in the logbook: Knowledge and Understanding Details of Entry Records, Implementation, Debugging and Testing Procedures Illustrations, Figures, Tables, Schematics, Diagrams and References Reflections and Observations Time, Date, Day, Statement of objectives, Session summary and Suggestion for next session. The logbook should consist of approximately 2000 words ± 10% (excluding references and appendices) and also state how you have ensured to practice hardware and/or software sustainability, maintenance and disposable techniques for this assignment. A draft logbook template has been made available on Moodle. The logbook entries should document the development progress of the hardware and software tasks that you have performed throughout the semester for this assignment. The final MPLAB X codes and files; and the Proteus simulated files includes the .hex file shown in the demonstration will need to be submitted to the assignment box links on Moodle by the 29 April 2024, refer to Section 2.4 of the deadlines. The submission links will be available on Moodle prior to the demonstration session. You are required to observe best professional practice at all times. 2 Assessment Deliverables 2.1 Hardware You will be required to construct the hardware outlined in Section 1 for this assignment. This will include the following: • • • An overall block diagram illustrating your system design. A schematic diagram (pin diagram) illustrating the chosen microcontroller and showing the pin connections and circuit connectivity of the system components. If PCB is constructed, you will also need to include the PCB layout diagram. If Veroboard is used, you will need to include the Veroboard layout planning sheet. For students that are considering developing a PCB board, you will need to email your PCB layout file to Mr Erik Kis-Varga ( by the 22 March 2024 (Friday), 5.00pm, to ensure your PCB board will be ready in time for demonstration. 5

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