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Stage 1 was done last year, you don't need that to complete stage 2 Now only stage 2 is to be done Note: In stage two two reflections were asked, one is already done → which is attached in reference section Now you have to do another reflection of stage 2 in 1000 words following the template attached Note : It should be about either situation happens to me in the pharmacy with patients over the counter Or in taking history of the patient in hospital Situation : I worked in Sj james hospital in uk, leeds I saw i patient and i took her medication history she was and elderly woman/n1) Reflect on an experience where you have consulted with a patient at the medicines counter or bedside to ensure safe and effective care. 2) Gibbs Model with TWO SMART Action Plans and a SWOT analysis for each action plan 3) Word limit: 1000 words. 4) Include a 'close the loop statement' to demonstrate you have actioned your previous action plan (from reflection C). 5) Use the reflection template provided earlier in the year./n

Fig: 1