Student note : do the research presentation on the OPEN Architects. Chapel of Sound. Chengde, China. 2021 ONLY DO THIS PART AND READ THE RUBRIC FOR DETAILS: 1/How the forms, spatial
layout, material choices, structure, etc. of the building reflect the architect's individual style or an architectural movement associated with the architect. These should include your own observations based on your analysis of the photographs and drawings of the building. 2/ The set of design principles espoused by the architect and/or his movement that shaped the design of the building Need to make 4 slides and need speaker notes as well first sllide is starting with overview/n Group Oral Presentation on a Contemporary Building This assignment asks you to take some of the analytic skills that we have been honing together in class and apply them to significant works of architecture from the 21st century. In doing so, you should focus on how the work of architecture grows out of, extends, or subverts the traditions of modernism we have been examining in our class. On your assigned date, prepare a 5-7 minute presentation on your building. The presentation should clearly explain the significance of the work of architecture by describing the following: ● ● Winter 2024 ARLH 208: Modern Architecture II Prof. Williamson ● How the forms, spatial layout, material choices, structure, etc. of the building reflect the architect's individual style or an architectural movement associated with the architect. These should include your own observations based on your analysis of the photographs and drawings of the building. ● The set of design principles espoused by the architect and/or his movement that shaped the design of the building How the social and cultural context of the project and the architect gave rise to the particular design solutions he or she pursued. In addition, you will submit a peer and self-assessment to the submissions folder in Blackboard on the day your presentation is due. Please briefly describe each student's role in the presentation and give them a score of 1-10 in terms of the contribution they made to the group. (1-5 = F; 6 = D; 7 = C; 8 = B; 9-10 = A) A comparison between the work of architecture and a work of architecture from class that you think reveals the ways that the building grows out of and/or subverts important principles of modern architecture. Some things to keep in mind when crafting your Power Point presentations: ● This is a collaborative presentation. The presentation should not feel disjointed, as if it is three individual presentations pieced together. Thus, the presentation should have a unified aesthetic, fonts, etc. Backgrounds may be aesthetically pleasing but should not distract from the images you show. Do not include your entire script as text on the slide. If you include text, make sure you use bullet points that highlight only the most essential information. ● ● ● ● In general, if you include text, it should be used with an image. The text should not overwhelm or dominate the image. ● Try to avoid using video clips in your presentation. It is fine to include very short video clips in the presentation, as long as you are using them to fulfill one of the four tasks of the project described above. However, in general, long interview clips of the architect describing their own project should be avoided. It is better to simply quote the architect yourself for brevity's sake. All images should be labeled. The first time you show a work, the label should include the artist (if known), title of the work, period style and/or culture who produced the work, and date. If the work is architecture or a site specific work, please include the location (city, country). You may also want to include the medium and dimensions of the work. Make sure that you do not distort the proportions of your image. A variety of views of the building, including interiors, plans, and other drawings are often helpful in making your point. When comparing two buildings, it is best to put the two images side by side to better make your points. The last slide should be a bibliography of ALL sources you consulted in making your Power Point presentation, including sources of your images. MLA or Chicago Style is preferred for the bibliography, but not necessary. Some things to keep in mind as you research your work: You need to find a minimum of three other sources that will complement the formal observations you make on your own, and the information provided in the textbook. It is highly recommended that you begin with the architects' own website. The presentation should include your own observations, particularly with regard to the formal properties of the work. If ideas come from other sources, you should mention that in the presentation. The presentation should not be a recitation of some other source. If you use internet sources, you must use your own critical judgment about the quality of the source. Even Wikipedia entries can contain false information. In general, citing Wikipedia shows a lack of initiative. Some things to keep in mind as you prepare your presentation: Part of the grade will be on your presentation skills. Practice in advance so that you feel comfortable with what you are going to say. ● ● Please make sure you are organized and that the presentation fits the allotted time. If you go over ten minutes, I will ask you to conclude. Please make sure that every student has a role in the presentation. This means that every student must have a speaking role. Part of your grade is based on a self and peer evaluation that documents the contributions of each member of your group. Criteria Visual ● Oral The presentation includes clear views of the buildings, including interiors, exteriors, and plans, that relate to the content of the presentation. All images are properly labeled. The visual and oral components are well organized. This also means that the group chooses fonts and backgrounds that are appealing and do not distract from the presentation. Research Sample Grading Rubric The presentation includes a Works Cited page with at least three quality sources The student speaks in a clear, articulate manner that engages the audience (individual assessment) Comments Points 15 15 15 15 __/10 Content How the forms, spatial layout, material choices, structure, etc. of the building reflect the architect's individual style or an architectural movement associated with the architect The particular set of design principles espoused by the architect and/or his movement that shaped the design of the building How the social and cultural context of the architect gave rise to the particular design solutions he or she pursued Comparison to a significant work of architecture from the class that reveals how the new building extends or subverts modernist ideas. Group Participation: All members of the group contributed to the presentation and had a role in speaking. (This is primarily based on students' peer and self assessment of their contributions). /15 /15 /15 /15 /10 Total= /100