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Programming Challenge: 25 - Student Line Up Using Files The program should prompt the user for the file name and read the data from the file. A suitable file of names (List of Random Names) is provided on Moodle. Note that these names might include spaces; handle your input accordingly. The expected output is two names; do not show the entire file (or you will regret that code when you do the associated programming quiz that processes thousands of names). Do not use arrays or sorting for this problem! Deliverables: Program file (PC5-25.cpp) and screen shot (using the RandomNames.txt file) for this Programming Challenge.

One of the function definitions given below is added at line 3. Match the resulting output from the program to the function definition:

The following program is designed to read in a number from the user, check if it is between 1 and 10, if not, the user is repeatedly they entered: What, if any, statement needs to be added to line 12 to make this program work? Select one: O a. return 0; O b. continue; O c. exit; O d. cycle; O e. break; O f. cout << "Valid input!";

In this assignment, you are asked to write a twitter content moderator software that: 1) Provides two different sets of users: a. the user: those who will read and write tweets. b. the managers: those who will set the content not allowed in the platform. 2) Displays the top 10 most dangerous users with blocked content 3) The user statistics based on reputation score

Write a C program, mysh, which simulates the Unix sh for command processing. Modify lab2 base.c to meet requirements of the task. IDE is VS code.

Background Zeller's Congruence is a formula that calculates the day of the week on which any date falls, given the month, day, and year. Zeller's Congruence is: (D+ (M+1)*26/10 + Y + Y/4 + C/4 - 2*C) % 7 where C is the century (the left-most two digits of the year, for example, 19 if the year is 1948), Y is the year within the century (0-99), D is the day number (1-31), and M is de- termined from the month as follows: Assignment Write a C++ function called weekday that uses Zeller's Congruence to calculate the day of the week on which a chosen date falls. The arguments of the function are three integers that indicate the chosen month (1-12), day (1-31), and year, for example, 3, 28, and 2022 for March 28, 2022. The return value of the function is an integer in the range 0-6 to indi- cate the weekday on which the date falls. Input dates from an input file. Output weekdays to an output file.

9. Implement the constructor and the display function of the array-based stack class below.(15 Points)

Define a problem with input, output, and Operator Overloading. If no output explain the reason why and what you are going to do make sure it does not happen again aka learning from your mistakes. Problem:Design:Code:Output:

a) Consider the code in Figure 2 (with lines numbered 1-34) and answer the questionsbelow related to processes and signals in C. i) Indicate which process(es) handle(s) the signal. Explain your answer by describing when the signal is registered, sent and what happens after. ii) Explain the activities performed by the child process and all its outputs. iii) Describe the semantics of line 30 and explain the parameters of the function inrelation to the program shown in Figure 2. iv) Complete the statement in line 31 and indicate which process(es) perform(s) this output.

Write a program that translates a letter grade into a number grade. Letter grades are A, B, C, D, and F, possibly followed by + or-. Their numeric values are 4, 3, 2, 1,and 0. There is no F+ or F-. A + increases the numeric value by 0.3, a-decreases it by 0.3. However, an A+ has value 4.0. Enter a letter grade: B- The numeric value is 2.7.

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