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The project description: As a programmer, you have been asked to write a Java console application, using OOP and JDBC concepts, for a Students Information System with the following requirements: ? -The database name (in MySql DBMS) should include your last names of the group members such as: StudentsDB_AlHarby_AlDosary -Create a database table using a name that contains the name StudentsTBL and your first names such as: StudentsTBL_Amr_Mohamed -The database table should include the following fields with their data types and constraints: -ID: Integer, Not Null, Auto Increment, Primary Key -FullName: Varcchar(40), Not Null -DateOfBirth: Date, Not Null -GPA: Float, Not Null

4.Which statement terminates the current pass through the loop and returns control to the top of the loop? a. interrupt b. break c. continue d. proceed

A particular system is controlled by an operator through commands entered from a keyboard.The average number of commands entered in an 8-hour interval is 60. Show your work toreceive full credit. a. Suppose the CPU scans the keyboard every 100ms. How many times will the keyboard bechecked in an 8-hour period? b. By what fraction would the number of CPU visits to the keyboard be reduced if interrupt-driven 1/0 were used?

The following is the code for the none optimizedbubble sort: Update the bubble Sort function so that it is optimized and runs in 30 steps for the above provided example

Provide an example to show the difference between following 6 commands: [25 marks] Uniq -cuniq -duniq -uuniq -D -wgrep -Igrep -iw

What do you think would happen if you invoked the following command on the shell? Why?Explain. (10 marks)

1. Write a program (in java or any other language) to access and manage the contents of database tables. Follow the following steps to set your computer for the assignment and accomplish the goal. a. Download the University database from the class textbook website and load it to your local MySQL database server. b. Load the simple data set. smallRelations InsertFile.sql c. Download the database driver ( for java language) set it up with your system select flatform independent zip file d. Create a Java program to display the content of any table in the database. When the table name is given, it should display the content of the table. i. Program should ask the table name to display when selecting the display data option from the main menu. Then display the content of the selected table. e. Add the functionality to insert record to the instructor table. i. User should be able to select the option to insert data from the main menu ii. User should be asked to enter each column data one after the other and once the final column data is inserted, it should insert the data to the department table. f. Add a main menu item to select set of classes of a given instructor i. Program should ask the instructor id to display the classes of the instructor. ii. The program should list the classes that the given instructor teaches in the current semester. Instructor may have previous records of teaching in previous semester, we do not need to display them. g. Add a main menu item to add a class to an existing instructor i. User should be able to insert the instructor id to who you need to assign a class ii. The user is presented to enter the class information. You must insert the information in corresponding relation/s.

a) Complete the table with bit value of D and C b) If the bit stream user received has been changed to "10110001", please show how hamming encoding can detect it and find the position? Please use the review slide to demonstrate.

Write a bash script to display a left triangle on the terminal using integer array elements (sizeof 4) ( 10 marks)

Question 3: Write a program to get the grades of five students and get an average of them.

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