Project Management

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Consider the following project activities: Activity Name Immediate Predecessor

Aim The Mayor's Entrepreneur Competition challenges University students to use their creativity, inventiveness and spirit of innovation to make London cleaner, greener and ready for the future. The aim of this group coursework project is to enable students to develop critical employability skills for the workplace such as problem solving, teamwork and presentation skills. TOPICS Students are challenged to use research skills to investigate and critically assess a problem within the following categories: The Environment, Tech, Creative Industries and Health: Areas where Engineering can play a pivotal and crucial role. This will lead students to develop creative ways to make improvements, demonstrating creative engineering and design. The ten best LSBU projects have a chance to win £20,000 to bring the idea to life! You will be working in groups of four, as specified by your lecturer. The list of groups will be provided at the same time as this coursework brief. Both documents can be found in the Week 7 folder on the VLE.

Q3 As a project manager of a Software project, you have received given data about the different type of Issues identified in the project: - Issue 1 - 85 occurrences; Issue 2 - 125 occurrences; Issue 3-28 occurrences; Issue 4 - 395 occurrences; Issue 5-185 occurrences; Issue 6- 128 occurrences; Issue 7 - 85 occurrences; Issue 8 - 169 occurrences; Issue 9 - 148 occurrences; Issue 10 - 209 occurrences. Which diagram you will use to prioritize the Issues? Generate the diagram using any tool and paste it here.

A project is scheduled to complete in six months durations. There are two activities in the project. The actual cost of Activity

Question 3: You are a planner for a construction project, assigning additional crews made available to the project. The additional workers can be used for the activity of bricklaying or the activity of wall plastering and painting. You have the following facts: ● You have a total of 10 additional crews. Each crew costs 1,000 AED. Each additional crew assigned to bricklaying reduces total project duration by 5 days. Each additional crew assigned to plastering and painting reduces total project duration by 4 days. Each of the activities has to receive at least 1 additional crew. As plastering and paining cannot proceed faster than bricklaying, the number of additional crews for plastering and painting should not exceed the number of additional crews for bricklaying. Each 1 day reduction in total project duration earns you a 500 AED bonus.

ITM 300 - Lab 5 - Vendor Selection The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate your ability to select a software vendor that best meets the requirements outlined in Lab 4. Current Situation ● Acme manufacturing is located in Kansas City, MO ● Total employees - 200 ○ 50 office employees, e.g. CEO, Sales, Finance/Accounting, HR, IT, Legal, Engineering ○ 150 employees in manufacturing ● Revenue - $50M annually ● Product ○ Specialty project used in construction ○ Weighs 4 ounces ○ Inventory held in 3 warehouses, east, mid-west, west ○ Product is $5/unit, the average sale is 20 units ($100) ○ Product sold via company website (credit cards) or telephone orders (purchase order) ○ Products sold in domestically in the US only (no international sales) ○ Discounts offered to loyal customers Assignment ● You have now created your 8 high-quality requirements from Lab 4. The goal for this lab is to recommend a software vendor to meet your requirements. Use the following table to present your work:

RD MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY You have been appointed RD manager of a small new boutique 5* resort, in the Algarve area. Next week, you have the opening, but as you have a great sales team that has been working for more than one year in advance, the levels of occupancy are quite good. 1 Your GM has asked you to generate the organizational chart of the rooms division and to include it in the welcome pack of your employees so that they have a clear idea of who reports to whom.

EVM exercise In the following project: a. What is the project length and total budget? (Develop network diagram to help you out)(2) b. Please load the network schedule with activity costs and develop monthly spend profile using Excel. Please assume activity costs are equally distributed along the duration of each activity. (2) c. It is the end of phase D in month 48 and the following table represents the actual progress of the activities in the project. What are the values for CPI, SPI, EAC, ETC, CV, SV and VAC? (3) N.B. For the forecasting model, assume the existing CPI and SPI work well for the remaining works as well. c. We are in month 48. Please calculate EACT, ETCt & VACt using both EV technique and network diagram. Please note, for the calculation of ETCt, EACT & VACt, focus on the network critical path and NOT only EVM calculations as EVM calculations may be misleading. Provide explanations. (2)

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