Transportation Engineering

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Problem 6 Using the speed data provided below determine the following:

1. Balance productions and attractions based on the data contained in Tables 1 and 2. Also, use the same weighed averages as well as the same population and employment growth factors as the ones used for the in-class example problem. You can use the equations shown below, from the Trip Generation handout, to calculate your zone attractions by trip purpose. (30 Points)

2. A group of transportation planners are interested in developing a regression model that depicts the relationship between the number of autos in a household and the number of auto trips produced by that household on a daily basis. Based on the data contained in Table 3, answer the questions as follows: 2.1. Develop a regression model using the Microsoft Office Excel Program. Copy the output from Excel and paste on your paper to show your work. (10 Points) 2.2. What does the coefficient "₁" (i.e., the slope) suggest? That is, interpret "₁". (10 Points) 2.3. Is the R² from the model high or low? What does this suggest? (10 Points)

3.1. Consider that the rates shown in Table 4 refer to the total home-based non-work trip rates. The rates are given as trips per household per day. Then, how many home-based non-work trip rate and home-based work trip rate categories are there? (10 Points) 3.2. If the transportation planning group wanted to add one more variable (household income) to Table 4 and segregate this variable into 3 levels, how many different home-based non-work trip rates would result? (5 Points) 3.3. Suppose Table 5 presents the zone's expected suburban household composition in 3 years from now. Using also the cross-classification table represented by Table 4, estimate the total number of daily home-based non-work trips that the zone will produce during a typical target-year day. (10 Points) 3.4. Determine the number of expected home-based non-work trips that 4-person, single vehicle households will produce in a high-density zone? (10 Points) 3.5. Suppose the provision of public transportation system is poor in the zone from which the data in Table 5 came. Based on the distribution of the data shown in Table 5, would you expect this zone to be a low- or high-income zone? Justify your answer. (5 Points)

1. Introduction 200-300 words In the introduction, explain the problem statement and how would your project be useful. Also, present the applications of your project. You should discuss as well the importance of intersections in transportation systems and networks. The introduction should talk in general about the report, including the structure of the report. The introduction should include at least a sentence about each section. The objective of the report should be very clear in the Introduction. 2. Design Overview Define the problem Identify all the design requirements and define the design strategy Identify all the design constraints 3. Background Research Your background research should cover the following points: Definition of a roadway, pavement and types Advantages vs disadvantages of different types of pavement Latest studies of the pavement design Different shapes of failures in pavements Causes Pavement Failure If you are using any reference in the background research, you must add it to the list of references at the end of the report. 4. Studying of the Selected Roads Determination of the roads Analyzing the current geometry of the roads Determination of the layers for roads Determination of traffic parameters of the roads

1. Ministry of Transportation asked your team to carry out the Traffic Assignment using the given vehicle trips (Table 1) and highway network (Figure 1). Try to find minimum paths for every zone pairs and assign the traffic using the "All-or-Nothing" method.

Data was collected from an observation station on GA-400, a toll road just north of Atlanta. The traffic flow at this location is illustrated in the figure on the following page. The orange observations on the figure represent the field observations and the curve (in blue) represents a fitted equilibrium model. a) Label and determine the following: free-flow speed, jam density, capacity, optimal density, and optimal speed. b) Use the estimated free-flow speed and jam density to construct Greenshield's model: i. Write the mathematical equation of the model and derive the other two pairwise relationships. ii. Draw the corresponding curves implied by Greenshield's model. You may draw on top of the existing plots or create new ones. iii. Compute capacity, optimal density, and optimal speed according to Greenshield's model. iv. Check the computed capacity against the capacity on the curves that you draw and determine if they match. c) Comment on how the two models compare in terms of fitting the empirical data. Based on the notes, can you determine the model represented in blue?

TERM PROJECT (FALL 2022) CIVL 330 – TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Due Date: 23/11/2022 by midnight The purpose of this project is to engage students in an application of the 4-step urban travel demand forecasting process. This project will not only engage students in a group work environment but also improve their understanding of forecasting travel demand and planning for the future. This project is vital because it reinforces many of the key elements covered during this course. Each group must do its own independent work. Penalties may be imposed on groups that collaborate on this project. Sharing results, spreadsheets, etc., is not allowed. If you have difficulties, please ask the instructor. Projects submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted under ANY circumstances.

Speeds of (in mi/hr) 46, 54, 52, 41, and 60 are obtained from a video image processing system. Describe what type of sensor this is and why. If you are asked to determine space- mean speed, how would you do it? Apply the method you describe and report space-mean speed.

Consider the Greenberg traffic flow model given by: a) Describe the speed-flow and flow-density relationships

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