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t.] Give the standard form for the 3D TANGENT LINE to the associated curve:

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Most Viewed Questions Of Embedded System

Given a memory with a 14-bit address and an 8-bit word size: How many bytes can be stored in this memory? If this memory was constructed from Ik x 1 RAMs, how many memory chips would be required? How many bits would be used for chip select?

Using the ADALP2000 analog parts kit / breadboard, construct the R-L voltage divider circuit using a 1k2 resistor and 10 mH inductor (code 103) as shown below. With the ADALM2000 SCOPY signal generator, adjust the input voltage (Vin) to 4.0 volts peak- to-peak (2.0 volts peak) at a frequency (f) of 60 kHz AC signal. Using the oscilloscope function of the SCOPY, display on your computer, both the input (Vin) and output (Vout) voltage waveforms on the same screen. Use the ADALM2000's 1+ and 1- wires to measure the voltage across Vin and the 2+ and 2-wires to measure the voltage across Vout. Note that once the circuit is connected to the signal source, the measured value of Vin on the oscilloscope will be slightly less that 4V p-p (2 V peak). This is due to the internal resistance of the SCOPY. For your calculations, use the measured value of Vin rather than 2.0V peak. Set Vin scaling for 500 mV/div and Vout scaling for 200 mV/div. Assume that the input voltage (Vin) is reference (Z = 0º). Remember that for a 60 kHz signal, the period, t = 1/f = 1/(60 x 10³) = 16.67 usec. Therefore, a 90° phase shift would result in a time difference (At) of 4.18 usec. Set the time-base scale on the SCOPY to 2.0 usec / div. Measure the time difference between the zero crossings of the two voltage sinewaves as the voltages are going positive in order to compute the phase angle difference (40) most accurately. Attach a picture of your circuit mounted on the breadboard as well as a screenshot from SCOPY showing both input and output voltage waveforms to this page. What At between the two waveforms and output voltage amplitude did you measure? Calculate the phase angle shift from At: Vout degrees (peak) (15 points) At= Is the output voltage (Vou) leading or lagging the input voltage (Vin)? Justify your answer by referencing the screenshot of the input/output waveforms. (2 points) Use hand calculations to verify your Vout measurement on a second piece of paper. What is the % error for the amplitude and phase shift measurements? (3 points) V₁ L + RV

5. Practice Exercises 5.1 Multiplexer Design and implement an 8-1 Multiplexer using a case statement. 5.2 Array Adder Design and implement an Array Adder. Depending on an input bit named 'op', if: • op is 1: Add together two integer arrays with addition and stores the result in a third array. • op is 0: Subtract one integer array from the other and store the result in a third array. You can assume all three arrays are hardcoded as signals. 5.3 Array-Mapped Increment Design and implement an Array-Mapped Increment circuit that takes an integer named "x" as input and adds "x" to all elements in an integer array. If an array value exceeds 9, that array element is reset to zero. You may assume that the integers are hardcoded signals. 6. Deliverables Practical demonstration of the sample exercises will be requested during the lab and instructor may ask for their code to be submitted on Moodle. Complete work of the practice exercises must be submitted on Moodle by the specified deadline. Provide the following for all designs: 1. Complete VHDL code. 2. Flow Summary and Successful Compilation. 3. RTL Viewer. 4. Power Consumption. 5. ModelSim simulation for the designs.

Changes to this answer. Question 2 A microcontroller (not the Tiva) has a 19-bit-wide address bus. What is the theoretical maximum address space it can address? Give your answer in MegaBytes (not bytes, kilobytes, or gigabytes). Moving to the next question prevents changes to this answer. Question 2 of points Save Ar

Question 5 4 points Save Answer The following piece of program is performed. Assume that GPIO PORTA_DEN_R has been correctly defined as the address of Port A's Digital Enable Register, and that GPIO PORTA_DIR_R has been correctly defined as the address of Port A's Device Direction Register. GPIO PORTA_DEN_R=0x18; GPIO PORTA_DIR_R=0x10; GPIO PORTA_DEN_R=0x40; GPIO PORTA DIR_R=0x01; Select all the following (possibly more than one) which are true of Port A: Bit 0 will work as an input. Bit 0 will work as an output. Bit 2 will work as an input. Bit 2 will work as an output. Bit 3 will work as an input. Bit 3 will work as an output. Bit 4 will work as an input. Bit 4 will work as an output.

estion 3 Port D has a switch connected between bit 3 and +3.3 V, and a switch connected between bit 6 and +3.3 V. Both have pull-down resistors. Both bits are programmed as inputs. Nothing else is programmed as an input. GPIO PORTD_DATA_R is correctly defined as the address of the data register. 4 points Sav The following piece of program is run: unsigned char In = GPIO PORTD_DATA_R; int a, b, x = 0, y = 0; a= (In & 0x08): b = (In & 0x40) >> 3; Question 3 if (In)x= 1; if (a^b) y = 1; Select all the following (possibly more than one) which are true: x will be 1 if no switch is on. x will be 1 if one or two switches are on. x will be 1 if both switches are on. x will be 1 if one switch is on but the other is off. y will be 1 if no switch is on. y will be 1 if both switches are on. y will be 1 if one switch is on but the other is off.

↳ Moving to the next question prevents changes to this answer. Question 4 How many bits are needed to present the number 256 as a signed binary number? A signed binary bit representation represents both positive and negative numbers.

Moving to the next question prevents changes to this answer. Question 1 Consider the following piece of C code: unsigned char a, b, c, a = 0x15; b=0x51; a = (1 << 6): b^= (1 << 2); c=alb; What is the value of c? Give your answer in hexadecimal, including the Ox.

Use the C2000 microcontroller and set up pins as GPIOS for LEDs. Toggle LED2 and LED4 every 1000000 loops in background. Submit the only main.c please. Remember to put comments to explain your code. < To Do Assignment Details Elec Machines and Drives Lab 002

3- A MOV assembly instruction copies the value of the source register to the destination register. What is the value of the destination register r1 after the following instruction is executed? Memory Address www 0x08000166 Assembly Instruction MOV rl, pc