The assessment tasks in this unit require you to identify hazards and assess risks for a case study organisation and then to complete activities to eliminate/minimise risks.This assessment is to
be completed in the Upskilled online environment Required Access to textbooks and other learning materials Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access WHS information provided by the state/territory regulator relevant to your location. See the following link for access to the relevant regulator: information at: Policy and Procedures WHS Plan including Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool Timing Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.Submit Completed Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool Screenshot of stored files Handouts x 4Assessment criteria For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence. | assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students complete the following activities:carefully read the following scenario1.A Best Events is an event management company that organises arrange of events. The company is committed to health and safety and has implemented a work health and safety management system.As part of the event planning process, an event work health and safety plan is to be used to identify actual or foreseeable workplace hazards including hazards associated with the physical environment, plant/equipment, work practices and security issues.You are an Events Manager with Best Events organising an event and you are required to identify hazards and assess risks relevant to an upcoming event you are planning. This can be an event of your choice such as an open day for an education institution or a conference or a local craft fair. You are also required to control risks for the event.With this in mind, you are to complete all of the activities below.2.Review the Best Events WHS Policy and Procedures and access relevant documentation Review the Best Events WHS Policy and Procedures to identify the procedures that need to be followed, as well as methods forhazard identification and risk assessment for an event.Following your review, access the WHS Plan that includes the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool from the student resources folder.Carefully review these documents in preparation for the next task.Make notes as required.3.Conduct a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment As per the company's policy, you are not required to identify hazards, assess risks and develop risk control measures.As indicated in the WHS Policy and Procedures, this will be through an initial review of available information about hazards and risks, as well as consulting with colleagues in activity 2.3.Proceed to preparing your Hazard Identification and RiskAssessment Tool by reviewing the information as per the link under "Required" and by visiting the web site of the WHS regulator relevant to the state or territory you are located in and identifying at least one item of relevant information from there.Follow the instructions in the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool, ensuring that you identify a minimum of 10actual or foreseeable hazards and associated risk assess mental and controls.Create a suitable folder in your drive. File your work as Draft Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool.Take a screenshot of the folder structure to show that you have filed and kept this record.Submit Draft Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool to your assessor. You will discuss your work in a meeting in the next activity and your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting. Take measures to eliminate or control risks5.Assume that you have identified risks for your event as follows:Physical environment - Slips and trips Plant/equipment - Safe manual handling Work practice - Fatigue management Security issue - Customer behaviour e.g. customers consuming too much alcohol In order to control the risks you are required to:Develop four short information handouts to address all of thepa22following risks and that can be provided to staff for information nd guidance on each issue. The format and style for the handouts are as follows:Create clear and concise one (1) page handouts.Using simple and clear language. For, example, use simple English and avoid colloquial language or slang.Use appropriately sized fonts and present well-formatted,grammatically correct information.Ensure that the handouts you create use the same layout,font, colours and style.