Consider conditions for which hot gases at T = 1700 K and cooling air at T = 400 K provide outer and inner surface convection coefficients of h = 1000 W/m².K and h, = 500 W/m² K, respectively. If a 0.5-mm-thickzirconia TBC is attached to a 5-mm-thick Inconel blade wall by means of a metallic bonding agent, which provides an inter facial thermal resistance of R = (10^-4)m² K/W, can the Inconel be maintained at a temperature that is below its maximum allowable value of 1250 K?Radiation effects may be neglected, and the turbine blade may be approximated as a plane wall. Plot the temperature distribution with and without the TBC. Are there any limits to the thickness of the TBC?♥
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3