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To Do

Make sure to revise your Research Objectives to be specific enough (must be written by you) so

that you can do the Data Analysis and Business Recommendations. See Sample Research Report.

Sources: Must have 2-4 or more foreign sources and 3-5 or more Canadian sources, maximum 1-2

journal articles.

APA: In-text citations and References must match. Number References.


3 graphs (made by you in Excel) must have sufficient information: Question/Theme at the top and

Title (including method) at the bottom.

Data in research objective must match Data Analysis. Purpose in research objective must match

Business Recommendation. Common purposes are marketing campaign, pricing strategy,

distribution plan, product adaptation, promotional strategy, etc.

Your research objectives must come from your sources, not taken from the sample.

Writing: Single-spaced. Do not change key words in sources. Use "Ctrl+A" to ensure consistency

in font and format.

Please note: There will be no re-do/re-submission after the due date. Make sure you have the

required sources, APA, content and writing. Avoid copy/paste or any writing that is not yours. Avoid

putting in References sources you did not use, webpages without content, or sources that are not


Example name Sample Report is how it is supposed to be done and above is the specific

instructions to be followed for sample report.

Some background info, I had two work done here on my topic " Corey Nutrition Company

#Exporting pet foods to Jamaica". I will have them attach so to get a clear example of where we are

going. Research Proposal and Intelligence report for my research proposal.

Topic link-(also attached)


Need to make 10-12 pages single spaced excluding references

Fig: 1