tp 1 ift 2035 1 overview this lab aims to improve the understanding of
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TP #1
1 Overview
This lab aims to improve the understanding of functional programming by using
a functional programming language (Haskell) and writing a part of an
interpreter for a functional programming language (in this case a kind of Lisp).
The steps of this work are the following:
1. Improve your knowledge of Haskell.
2. Read and understand this data. This will probably take a significant
portion of the total time.
3. Read, find, and understand the important parts of the provided code.
4. Complete the provided code.
5. Write a report. It should describe your experience during the previous
points: problems encountered, surprises, choices you had to make,
options you consciously rejected, etc. The report should not exceed 5
This work is to be done in groups of two. The report, in LATEX format only
(compilable on ens.iro) and the code are to be submitted by electronic
submission before the indicated date. No delay will be accepted. Clearly
indicate your name at the beginning of each file.
Those who want to do this work alone must first obtain permission, and the
evaluation of their work will not take it into account. Groups of 3 or more are
excluded. e ::= n
| (Axe)
| (e0 e1 ... en)
| (ref! e)
|(get ! e)
| (set! e1 e2)
|+| - | * |/
Signed Decimal Integer
A variable
A function with an argument
A curried function call
Construction of a ref-cell
Find the value of the ref-cell e
Change the value of the ref-cell e1
Predefined arithmetical operations
|< | > | = | <= | >= Boolean operations on integers
| (if e1 e2 e3)
If e1 then e2 else e3
|(let x e1 e2)
Simple local declaration
| (letrec ((x1 e1) ... (xn en)) e) Recursive local declarations
Fig 1. Slip syntax
2 Slip: A kind of Lisp
In this project, you will work on the implementation of a functional language
whose syntax is inspired by the Lisp language. The syntax of this language is
described in Figure 1. It is important to note that, as always with Lisp-style
syntax, parentheses are significant.
The let form is used to give a name to a non-recursive local definition. The
letrec form is a more complex variant that allows for multiple simultaneous
local definitions, which can also be recursive, including mutually recursive, as in
the Haskell let.
2.1 Dynamic semantics
Slip, like Lisp, is a dynamically typed language, meaning that its variables can
contain values of any type. There is therefore no static semantics (typing rules).
The values manipulated at runtime by our language are integers, functions,
booleans, and references that point to ref-cells, which are memory cells whose contents can be modified (the rest of the values manipulated by Slip are
A ref-cell is constructed with ref!(), which takes the initial value of the cell as an
argument, allocates the cell somewhere in memory, and returns a reference (its
address). The current value of the cell can then be retrieved with get!() and the
value changed with set!().
(λ p (set! p (+ 1 (get! p)))) is a function that increments a cell by adding 1.
The fundamental evaluation rules are as follows:
((Axe) v)
(let x v e)
(letrec ((1 v1)... (In Un)) e)
Un/1,, In]
(eg €1
((eo €1)... en)
Where the notation e[v/x] represents the expression e in an environment
where the variable x takes the value v. The use of v in the rules above indicates
that it is indeed a value rather than an expression that has not yet been
evaluated. For example, the v in the first rule indicates that when calling a
function, the argument must be evaluated before entering the body of the
function, i.e. we use call by value.
In addition to the two ẞ rules above, the different arithmetic primitives behave
as expected:
mi — m2
(+ n₁ n₂)
(- n₁ n₂) ~
(* n1 n₂)
n1 x n2
So it is a variant of the X-calculus, no big surprise. The scope is static and the
order of evaluation is by value.
However, the reduction rules below do not take into account the presence of
impure operations ref !, get !, and set !, which require the use of more complex reductions where we consider not only the expression to be reduced but also
the state of the memory (also sometimes called the heap).
More specifically, the rules above have the form ee' but should actually be of
the form (M; e)(M; e'). Thus, the impure rules can be defined as follows:
(M; (ref! v)) > (M, e 7⇒ v; e) e is a new address
(M; (get! )) (M; v) M(e) = v
(M; (set ! & v)) ~> (M' ; v) M' = M, e 7 → v
Haskell code remains pure and will therefore follow these semantic rules in a
fairly straightforward way: the eval function will receive an argument that
represents this M which will be modified in a pure way.
3 Implementation
The implementation of the language works in several phases:
1. A first phase of lexical and syntactic analysis transforms the source code
into a representation described below, called Sexp in the code. This is not
yet a complete abstract syntax tree (it actually resembles XML).
2. A second phase, called s21, completes the syntactic analysis and begins
compilation, by transforming this tree into a true abstract syntax tree in
the representation called Lexp in the code. In a sense, this phase already
begins compilation since the Lexp language is not identical to our source
3. Finally, an eval function proceeds to the evaluation of the expression by
A portion of the implementation is already provided: the first phase as well as
various pieces of the others. Your task will be to fill in the gaps.
3.1 Lexical and syntactic analysis: Sexp
The lexical and syntactic analysis is already implemented for you. It is more
permissive than necessary and accepts any expression of the following form:
e ::= n | × | '(' {e} )' n is a signed decimal integer.
It is represented in the Haskell tree by: Snum n.
x is a symbol that can be composed of any number of alphanumeric and/or
punctuation characters. For example, '+' is a symbol, '<=' is a symbol, 'voiture' is
a symbol, and 'a+b' is also a symbol. In the Haskell tree, a symbol is represented
Ssym x.
'('{e}')' is a list of expressions. In the Haskell tree, lists of expressions are
represented by simply linked lists consisting of pairs Scons left right and the end
marker Snil. left is the first element of the list and right is the rest of the list.
For example, the parser transforms the expression (+ 2 3) into the following
Haskell tree:
Snode (Ssym "+")
[Snum 2, Snum 3]
The lexical analyzer considers that a ';' character starts a comment, which ends
at the end of the line.
3.2 The Lexp intermediate representation
This intermediate representation is a kind of abstract syntax tree. In this
representation, +, -, ... are simply predefined variables.
3.3 The execution environment
The provided code also defines the initial execution environment, which
contains the predefined functions of the language such as addition, subtraction,
etc. It is defined as a table that associates to each predefined identifier the
value (of type Value) associated.
3.4 Evaluation
The evaluator uses the initial environment to reduce an expression (of
type Lexp) to a value (of type Value). It also takes an argument that represents
the memory state M and which is returned (possibly modified) with the value
resulting from the evaluation of the expression.