Imagine that you are given ten minutes in a Zoom interview to demonstrate how you would design a
connected product application for Travis Gordon, to help him manage his hospital network. Write
a simple script for your interview that includes text, graphics from the textbook (which may be
annotated), and sketches you make.
Problems and Related Solutions
• Specifically, Travis needs to be able to sense (read, learn) and actuate (write, control) the real-
time status of all the IT equipment in the hospital. Consider end-user devices typical of a hospital
(desktops, laptops, and phones but also smart monitors, smart beds, smart anything electronic or
mechanical in the hospital) and the networking devices needed to connect everything using
edge, fog, and cloud computing.
• Travis must administer this network from any of his devices (home and office desktops; tablet
that he walks around the facilities with; and smartphone when he is away).
• Study his persona, but you do NOT have to solve ALL of Travis' problems!
• Travis is NOT a patient; he has to keep all the equipment (not just desktops and phones) in the
hospital running. So you can use the book example networks as a starting point, but speculate on
how to change them./nTechnology
• the technology you are asked to use is loT - Health Care and Well-Being (see Library Course
Materials, Enabling the Internet of Things. Iqbal textbook B).
• Figure 4.9 (pregnant woman) and Chapter 7.3 (Figures 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4) are the most relevant.
But remember, Travis isn't the patient, he is the IT person who has to run the systems explained
in those diagrams. So you will have to modify the diagrams to include Travis' perspective.
• the system must include local sensors and actuators (both), an loT gateway, a cloud service. and
the web application and mobile app
• the sensors and actuators (loT medical instruments), and the loT gateway, should be located
around the hospital
• the loT gateway (to which the sensors and actuators are connected), the cloud service, the web
app, and the mobile app are all connected to the Internet, but they not are not physically in the
same place
• you need not concern yourself with the details of the ISP Tiers or the core Internet for this design
question; they provide "transport"/nDesign
• include some details about your "empathize, define, ideate, prototype and testing steps," to show
the interviewer that for you, the word "design" means "a user-centered design process". Don't
just say "I'd follow these steps", give brief examples of how you would DO the steps for this
design problem (you don't have to actually "do" all of them)
• once you study Travis' problems, propose a solution in the MadLib format: [USER] needs to
• assume Travis has 2 desktops, 1 tablet, and 1 phone - all in different locations
• for describing your solution:
• (graphic 1) include a physical topology illustrating where some of the sensors, actuators, loT
medical equipment, gateway, and Travis' devices, at different places in the hospital
• (graphic 2): include a 3-panel storyboard front-end mock-up of the web site or web
application Travis uses to manage his IT "kingdom"
• (graphics 3 and 4): include a horizontal architectural diagram and a vertical architectural
diagram, which can be modified versions (including annotated or marked up versions) of
graphics from Library Course Materials Iqbal textbook
• (graphic 5) once you choose your architecture, you should to sketch a simple sequence
diagram to help describe (roughly) how the system will work (choose a typical problem Travis
might face, and how your connected product application might help him; don't try to do every
problem, just choose)
• your design should be considered an early iteration, so I am not looking for finished products or
prototypes. I just want to see you think!
• NO minimum amount of brainstorm required, but describe how you'd do the brainstorm
• NO Packet Tracer is required to answer this design question, but if you found it helpful for
making diagrams, that's fine
• NO actual prototype model is required