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Write a 3-5 page paper (750-1250 words) that shows as

best you can that you understand, and have met, one of

the four program standards listed below:

1. Standard 1, Element 2: Candidates are

knowledgeable about how adolescents read texts

and make meaning through interaction with media


2. Standard 2, Element 3: Candidates are

knowledgeable about how adolescents compose

texts and make meaning through interaction with

media environments.

3. Standard 6: Candidates demonstrate knowledge

of how theories and research about social justice,

diversity, equity, student identities, and schools as

institutions can enhance students' opportunities to

learn in English Language Arts.

4. Standard 7: Candidates are prepared to interact

knowledgeably with students, families, and

colleagues based on social needs and institutional

roles, engage in leadership and/or collaborative

roles in English Language Arts professional

learning communities, and actively develop as

professional educators.

Your essay should draw on evidence from your

introspection/experiences/development as a

learner/teacher as well as some information gleaned

from published, relevant expert sources.