
2. Consider the reaction time experiment described in Exercise 4 of Chapter 4. a. [3pts] Write down the two-way complete model for the experiment. Remember to explain each term in the

model. b. [3pts] Find the sums of squares that are accounted for by the factors and their interactions, i.e., ssA, ssB and ssAB. c.[5pts] Generate an interaction plot. Do you see an obvious interaction between the two factors? Carry out a formal hypothesis testing for the interaction. d. [3pts] Test the hypothesis that different elapsed times have the same effects on the reaction time. e.[3pts] Find a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the average reaction time from the auditory cue and the average reaction time from the visual cue [Hint: this is to compare the two main effects of factor cue]. f.[3pts] Find an appropriate confidence interval for the difference between auditory cue and the visual cue, when the elapse time is 5 seconds.

Fig: 1