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5. A. Based on your three day food record analyzed in part 2 (using the reports

from Diet Analysis). List the nutrients you consume in excess of/ over your

goals. State whether your excess consumption is of any health concern (i.e.

does it exceed the tolerable upper intake level or other nutritional guidelines

and/or contribute to your risk for disease - again remember if you obtain

information from another source you must properly reference it)? List the

major food sources in your diet for these nutrients.

B. Based on your 24 hour recall analyzed in part 3 usinng ASA24. List the

nutrients you consume in excess of/ over your goals. Was this similar or

different from those based on your three day record in question 5 part A? If

different can you explain why they might have been different.

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Nutrition and Dietics

3. Calculate sugar as a percentage of total carbohydrate for each cereal listed. Calculation: % of total carbohydrate = grams of total sugar + by grams of total carbohydrate x 100 EXAMPLE: 10 grams total sugar, 25 grams carbohydrate 10 grams total sugar/25 grams carbohydrate = .40 x 100 = 40% Cereal General Mills Raisin Nut Bran General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Kellogg's Krave Chocolate Kellogg's Special K Red Berries Kellogg's Raisin Bran Fiber One Honey Clusters Calculation (Must show your work for full credit.)

Assignment - 1 Word limit 250 - 300 Read page 190 in your textbook regarding food cooking methods and watch the above video in order to answer the questions below Scenario: You are working at a hospital and your supervising physician just asked you to conduct patient education with "Mrs. Jones" about improving nutrient intake on her limited budget. She currently eats out frequently and when she eats at home, it's usually a packaged meal. The vitamins and minerals pamphlet that you usually use to explain how to cook foods to retain their nutrients is missing. Remembering what you learned in this class, you tell her: Which vitamins are fat soluble and which vitamins are water soluble and why their solubility matters during food preparation. (See section 8.1d on page 190) What foods she can select that will increase her nutrient intake Explain to Mrs. Jones has a few habits or techniques she can use when storing and preparing food to maximise its nutrient content. Provide Mrs. Jones with one or two meal examples using the principles you showed her above.

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages to using a 3-day Food Record versus a 24 hour recall to assess dietary intake? What were the advantages and disadvantages to the two analysis programs used in part 2 and 3?

2. Look at the cereal label for nutrition and health claims noted. Search online (Google, Duck Duck Go, etc.) or go to the store and look at actual labels. is an easy way to search each of the labels online. EX: "This cereal contains soluble fiber which may lower your cholesterol." "Contains 14 grams of whole grains." Cereal General Mills Raisin Nut Bran General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Kellogg's Krave Chocolate Kellogg's Special K Red Berries Kellogg's Raisin Bran Fiber One Honey Clusters Health Claims

5. Use the nutrient data, ingredients, calculations, and health claims to choose which of the cereals you would choose as the best choice for breakfast? This must be more than your opinion based on preference and must include nutrients, ingredients, calculations, and/or health claims to justify your choice. Discuss your reasoning in detail! [Type answer here.]

6. Identify 1 nutrient that you are the most interested in or concerned about based on your diet analysis. Why is this nutrient of interest to you? What effect do you think this nutrient might have on your health (you do not have to be correct, this is just an exploratory exercise)?

There's a video to watch to answer the following questions website: http://www.monkey Understanding Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load/n1. What is the difference between glycemic load and glycemic index? (Hint: look at how many carbs's worth of food is used to calculate glycemic load vs. glycemic index)

4. Using the nutrient data, ingredients, and above calculations, compare the cereals based on fiber and added sugar in each. Discuss in detail if the cereals with higher amounts of fiber contain less ADDED sugar or if total sugar was more than 50% of total carbohydrate, and if lower fiber cereals contained more than one source of sugar. [Type answer here.]

8. Write at least one PES statement about your assessment of your own diet. You may write several but each one should be only about one nutrient. Please be sure to watch the lecture on the Nutrition Care Process, Chapter 3, for instructions on how to write your PES statement. Remember each nutrition problem belong in one PES statement, as one sentence.

7. What dietary changes could you make to correct or improve the nutrient you identified in question 6 in your diet? How likely are you to actually make this change in your diet?