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7.3C: Form Validation


You are required to complete a simple form where the user can input a number of fields, simulating a page where a student could register for help on a given unit.

The form should ask for 4 separate fields, as shown in the figure below.

Write a javascript function that allows the data entered by the user to be validated, and where there is an error (the user has input data in an incorrect format) the form should be updated showing the correct format.

What will you submit?

You should submit:

Screenshots (similar to the above examples) of the web page.

• HTML file of the web page with JavaScript.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

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SIT774 Web Technologies and Development 9.2C: Create a Response Page Tasks You are provided with an online form that implements a simple Online Order Form for our fictitious dKin Pizza company. An example of the empty order form is shown in the screenshot below: 2022/T1 Task 9.2C First name dKin Pizza Order Form Thank you for choosing dkin Pizza! Please fill in the customer & pizza order details blelow. Customer Details Mark Delivery Address localhost:3000/order.html 123 Apple St City Geelong Email address your@email.address Pizza Selection Select your pizza: Select a size: Special requests: Please select a pizza type.... Last name Smith Submit State Choose... Mobile number 04XX XXXX O Extra-Large Large O Medium O Small Postcode ◆ 3216 Number of pizzas: O Extra Cheese O Roasted Garlic Thick Crust No Chilli oo Reset 1 0 x Task 9.2C Incognito ⠀ Task9.2.1 Example form layout Again, to assist, the HTML source code for this order page is found on the Ontrack website, in the task 9.2℃ through the Resources link found in the 1/4 SIT774 Web Technologies and Development bottom right-hand corner of the page. You are required to implement the express server code to process the content of the submitted pizza order form and to return a formatted response. This would be implemented in Node.js application program (i.e., a index.js file). When the order form is completed by the user it can then be submitted to the server for processing, using the inbuilt form submit mechanism to the route (API) address /order through a POST request. A sample of a completed pizza order (form) is shown below: ← 2022/T1 Task 9.2C → C Ⓒ localhost:3000/order.html dKin Pizza Order Form Thank you for choosing dkin Pizza! Please fill in the customer & pizza order details blelow. Customer Details First name Anna Delivery Address 331 Seawater Drive City Torquay Email address Pizza Selection Select your pizza: Select a size: Special requests: Marinara Pizza Last name Kelp Submit State VIC Mobile number 0411223344 O Extra-Large O Large Medium O Small ◆ Postcode 3228 Number of pizzas: ✔ Extra Cheese Roasted Garlic O Thick Crust ✔ No Chilli Reset 2 Task 9.2C Incognito x Task9.2.2 Example completed form The Node.js application program should process the data submitted in the form 2/4 SIT774 Web Technologies and Development (extracting the relevant fields form the request.body message) and return a formatted response similar that shown in the screenshot below: Hints Task 9.1P localhost:3000/order 2022/T1 Order Confirmation Thank you for your order received on: Wed Sep 08 2021 13:49:07 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Pizza Details • 2 x Medium Marinara Pizza [Options: Extra Cheese, No Chilli] Customer Details • Customer: Anna Kelp • Address: 331 Seawater Drive, Torquay, VIC, 3228 • Contact mobile: 0411223344 • Contact email: Estimated Delivery Time Delivery expected by 2:34:07 PM (9/8/2021) -- or the pizza is free! To return to the previous page to order another pizza, please click here: RETURN 0 oo Incognito X : Task 9.2C Task9.2.3 Example survey response NOTE: The processing of the form should include: 1. The current date/time the order was received. 2. The expected delivery time of the pizza (simply 45 minutes added to the current time). Some things to consider in completing this task: • The response page shown in here uses Bootstrap formatting, although you can use plain HTML/text responses if you wish. • In the server code, with the handling the POST request for the form, set a local variable to be the current Date object, (i.e., orderDate). Then when calculating the new delivery time (45 minutes in the future), create a new Date object and set it with the following function (which you can add to your index.js file): 3/4 SIT774 Web Technologies and Development function addMinutes (date, minutes) { return new Date(date.getTime() + minutes*60000); } This could be called with: js deliveryTime = let orderDate = new Date(); addMinutes ( orderDate, 45 ); • To display the date/time as a string (in the two formats shown in the screenshot above), look at the Date object methods date.tostring() and date.toLocaleDateString(). References on these methods can be found here: • 2022/T1 US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date • • What will you submit? You should submit: let US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toLocaleDateString Task 9.2C • Source code of the Node.js file (i.e., the index.js file). • Screenshot of the browser window showing the form web page with entered customer and pizza data. • Screenshot of the browser window showing response message after the "Submit" button is clicked. 4/4

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7.3C: Form Validation Tasks You are required to complete a simple form where the user can input a number of fields, simulating a page where a student could register for help on a given unit. The form should ask for 4 separate fields, as shown in the figure below. Write a javascript function that allows the data entered by the user to be validated, and where there is an error (the user has input data in an incorrect format) the form should be updated showing the correct format. What will you submit? You should submit: Screenshots (similar to the above examples) of the web page. • HTML file of the web page with JavaScript.