What do you need to do for this assessment?
Previously you have produced a research project proposal and completed a literature review relating
to the topic you have chosen for the research project.
In this current assignment you have to:
conduct your proposed research project, after which you will produce a Written Report about the
findings in your research project.
You will write your report for an academic audience, so a formal, academic style should be maintained
The aim of this task is to give you practical experience in conducting research, collecting and
analysing data, and reporting research findings.
Your tutor will also provide written and/or verbal feedback and guidance on draft versions of your
report throughout the term before the submission deadline. 1:1 discussions with your tutor can be very
useful to enhance your final submission.
Please note:
This is an individual assessment so you should complete it by yourself./nChapter 4: Research Findings (400-500 words)
This section should present and describe your key research findings and include, as appropriate,
graphics to support and aid the reader.
Chapter 5: Discussion (550 - 650 words)
This section should analyse your key research findings and link these to the existing body of literature
on your chosen topic. You should also consider how the research data you have collected helped you
answer your research questions.
Note: it is possible to combine chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 6: Conclusion/Recommendations (550 - 650 words)
This section should summarise the key findings for your project and reflect on how these could be
useful in your chosen field and also recommend how this topic can be further researched in the future.
Reference List (excluded from the word count)
In this section you should include a list of all sources you have referred to in the report, in accordance
with VON Harvard referencing conventions.
Appendices (excluded from the word count)
This section may include a copy of a reflective diary about your research process and also other
documents such as a copy of your research instrument(s), your ethical approval form, a copy of your
informed consent form, participation information sheet, interview transcripts (if applicable), a summary
of the data collected and any other relevant supporting information.
Note: Word lengths indicated are recommendations. Exact word lengths of sections can vary
across projects to best meet the project objectives.
Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:
Both primary and secondary research approaches must include supporting sources and you must find
and use relevant sources independently.
You should aim to refer to a minimum of 15 sources specific to your topic in your research project.
You may wish to use some informal sources for background research on your topic e.g. newspapers,
reputable websites, in addition to a diverse range of academic sources available to you through
your college and the internet including journals textbooks and chanters in edited volumes as well as/nStructure:
Structure of the Written Report: (4000 words ±10%)
The Written Report should include the following sections:
Cover page: The cover page should include the final title of your research project (10-20 words) and
the details outlined further below (see 'Submission requirements' section)
Abstract (excluded from the word count): In less than 200 words, summarise the key contents of
your completed research project.
Table of contents (excluded from the word count)
List of Tables and Figures (excluded from the word count)
Chapter 1: Introduction (500 - 550 words):
In this section you should provide some contextual information about your chosen topic and explain
why this topic is worth studying. This should be a developed from your original research proposal
based on feedback and your own reflection. This section should contain the aims and objectives of
this research project and a description of the research questions (maximum three) that it aims to
answer (and hypothesis).
Chapter 2: Literature Review (1200-1300 words)
In this section, you will act on previous feedback to improve and possibly extend your previous
literature review. You should critically review the available academic literature on your chosen topic.
You should compare and contrast existing research findings in order to identify gaps which your
research aims to fill, and critically evaluate the quality of existing literature on your chosen topic.
Chapter 3: Methodology (650 - 750 words)
This section should describe and justify your overall methodology. This can be developed from your
research proposal but must describe and justify what has been done. In addition, you are required to
discuss a range of methodological issues, such as:
1. If you choose primary research methodology you should consider:
The research perspective and strategy (Did you apply a quantitative or qualitative
approach? Why?)
Your data collection methods (Did you use questionnaires, interviews, focus groups,
etc? Why?)
Your sample size and sampling technique
Your research approach for data analysis
A reflection on the limitations of your methods
In this section you should also consider the ethical issues which are relevant for your project and also
provide concrete solutions of how these will be solved.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3