Instructions: Use a 12 point font, single spaced document for the following assignment. Your answers can fit on one page (however if you need more then please write more.)
Read the story below and answer the questions about that story. Be sure to follow all the other instructions and advice too!
Your assignment must have an introductory paragraph. In that introduction you must state your thesis and guide the reader to the assignment. Your thesis is your judgment of his behavior as wrong or not wrong (or “morally permissible”).
Your assignment must have the four answers clearly labeled, i.e. your assignment must have formatting that is easy to understand.
Crucial advice: Be sure to repeat the answer from 1, in 2, to ensure consistency; i.e. don’t change the topic.
Clarity: (iii) asks for what Jimmy should have done. This judgment is based on YOUR knowledge of all the facts; this is your judgment of what Jimmy should have done. (Take care: imagine you are there, able to tell Jimmy what he should do… what would you say?)
Imagine these are the facts about Jimmy the Nasty.
Jimmy enjoys pushing old ladies over and watching them fall in pain. He’s always on the lookout for such old ladies to get his thrills in pushing them over. Jimmy never intends to break their limbs and takes care not to push them too hard. Jimmy works on a construction site and one day an old lady walks by. Jimmy rushes over to her and shoves her to the ground, breaking her hip. She writhes in pain and he laughs. The old lady makes a recovery in hospital after several weeks.
Unknown to Jimmy and the old lady, a wrecking ball was swinging around and, it is a fact that, had Jimmy not pushed the lady to the ground, the wrecking ball would have killed her.