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Choose three symbols (artifacts) and that each represent a

different value in your life (for example, family, culture, friendship, goals,


Prepare a speech that explains these symbols.

Forbidden artifacts: Cell phone / headphones (this includes earbuds) / car


Remember: You must present your artifacts by either bringing them in class

or display by PowerPoint/Google Slides.

Most Viewed Questions Of Public Relations

Choose three symbols (artifacts) and that each represent a different value in your life (for example, family, culture, friendship, goals, education). Prepare a speech that explains these symbols. Forbidden artifacts: Cell phone / headphones (this includes earbuds) / car keys Remember: You must present your artifacts by either bringing them in class or display by PowerPoint/Google Slides.

CONTEMPORARY JOURNALISM, FALL 2022 ASSIGNMENT 2, WRITING A STORY TASK: Pretend you are a journalist trying to write a story about a major international event. I will give you a list of facts and quotes. Your job is to pull out the important facts and quotes and make a story. Your story should be written in the style of a Western news article, not an academic paper. Here are some points to keep in mind: - Make the lead the most interesting or gripping part of the story - Keep your sentences short - Keep your paragraphs short - Don’t forget to use quotes - But some of the quotes or facts may conflict with each other. Be careful. - Include a “nut graf” that summarizes the main point of the story and explains why readers should care - Include “color” that helps paint a picture of the scene for readers - You shouldn’t use all the facts and quotes. Choose the best ones. - Don’t forget to include a “dateline” that tells where the story is happening. - Write a “headline,” or title, that explains your story. - When you use a fact or information from a quote, make sure to say who the source is. The list of background facts is all fictional. I made them up, loosely based on reality. But they are similar to the details of real-life stories that international correspondents often face.

4. How does Ettore Scola engage with the tenets of Neorealism that we've studied, all the while creating a film with elements we have not yet seen? What do you think is the message of this film?

Question 2. According to encoding/decoding theory, decoding is the more important part. This is from the audience perspective, but what about from the perspective of someone working in/for the media? How much thought should be put into thinking about the encoding of messages and the ideology presented?

Case Study Instructions Your Case Study analysis requires you to read and respond to the case reading provided above titled: "Blackfish Backlash."  Discussion Questions 1. Write a 1-paragraph summary of the case in your own words including the public relations issues/challenges (no more than 10-12 complete sentences) 2. Discuss the use of bots as two-way communication. Are they effective? Why or why not? 3. Do you believe SeaWorld brought more attention to the film with its response? Explain. 4. SeaWorld did not break any laws by sending an employee to PETA to pose as an animal rights activist. If no laws were broken, was this behavior ethical? Justify your answer with connections to the textbook. 5. What are the ethical boundaries of advocating for your own organization? 6. Ending the breeding program was framed as SeaWorld's decision, as though the company was listening to its consumers. Do you believe this approach was acceptable and ethical? Why or why not?

Chapter 1 CMCN 384 | Dr. Stephenson Waters CMCN 384 | Dr. Stephenson Waters CMCN 384 | Dr. Stephenson Waters Chapter 11 Assignment Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding Chapter 11. Each question should be answered in one or two thorough, complete paragraphs. Question 1. Discuss the social mediated path of influence as proposed by social cognitive theory of mass communication. For what programs have you interacted on social media with other fans? In hindsight, what kind of influence did the media have on you? Write your answer here. Question 2. According to encoding/decoding theory, decoding is the more important part. This is from the audience perspective, but what about from the perspective of someone working in/for the media? How much thought should be put into thinking about the encoding of messages and the ideology presented? Write your answer here. Question 3. Since the public is now able to interact and report news, does this change agenda setting theory? Does anything need to be added to the theory presently to make it stronger? Write your answer here. Question 4. How would agenda setting theory explain the concept of “fake news”? How does one determine what is and what is not “fake news”? Write your answer here. Question 5. McQuail has identified five key characteristics of the mass media that have stood the test of time despite advances in technology. The fifth assumption is that the media is a source of enormous power and influence. Is mass media now too powerful? Is there a way to harness its influence? Write your answer here.  Total Word Limit- 800 (Including 5 questions)  Reference work and formatting in MLA style  Typed solution required  AI solutions will be penalized  Book is in the reference section.

1. Think of Il pollo ruspante [Free Range Chicken] in terms of the heavy socio-cultural impact the Economic Boom had on Italians in all walks of life.  What do you think Gregoretti's main critique is in his contribution to RoGoPaG?

Question 5. McQuail has identified five key characteristics of the mass media that have stood the test of time despite advances in technology. The fifth assumption is that the media is a source of enormous power and influence. Is mass media now too powerful? Is there a way to harness its influence?

Course Name Project Title Section Student Name This assessment will assess the following Learning outcome/s: CLO2: Explain the critical process of communication and basic theoretical concepts of media literacy to illustrate how messages create meaning in text, images and sound. CLO3: Apply media literacy skills to analyze various forms of media and usage to local media situations based on perceptual indicators. CLO4: Analyze mass media's interrelationship on the use of technology and production processes in formulating media messages COM 1153 Media Literacy AS_Written Assessment Declaration: Individual • No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book) When another person's words are used, this is shown in the text with "..." and referenced. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person. • I have a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged. Name: Received By:. Signature: N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed. If the declaration is found to be false, appropriate action will be taken. Plagiarism is copying and handing in someone's work as your own. Any student found guilty of this type of cheating will be dismissed from the college. Date:

Writing Assignment Italian Film 1. Consider both Roma città aperta and Ladri di biciclette. Compare and contrast the two films based on the tenets of neorealism that appear in both. Use specific scenes to support your argument. Bicycle Thieves Rome, Open City (1945) | Roberto Rossellini