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Bonding Forces and Energies whic

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2.15 Calculate the force of attraction between a Ca²+

and an O2- ion whose centers are separated by a

y many ding distance of 1.25 nm.

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2.14 (a) What electron subshell is being filled for the

rare earth series of elements on the periodic table?

(b) What electron subshell is being filled for the

actinide series?


2.16 The atomic radii of Mg and Fions are 0.072

and 0.133 nm, respectively.


(a) Calculate the force of attraction between

these two ions at their equilibrium interionic sepa-

ration (i.e., when the ions just touch one another).

plin (b) What is the force of repulsion at this same

separation distance?


2.17 The orce of attraction between a divalent cation

and a divalent anion is 1.67 X 10-8 N. If the ionic

radius of the cation is 0.080 nm, what is the anion


2.18 The net potential energy between two adjacent

ions, EN, may be represented by the sum of

Equations 2.9 and 2.11; that is,

Thank you so much!



Calculate the bonding energy E, in terms of the pa-

rameters A, B, and n using the following procedure:

No, it's not.




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ntly ionic

on struc-




and any

Eo between the two ions.

Calculate the bonding energy E, in terms of the pa-

rameters A, B, and n using the following procedure:


of the bonding energy

(c) Mathematically determine the ro and Eo val-

ues using the solutions to Problem 2.18, and com-

pare these with the graphical results from part (b). 2.26




r p"

2.20 Consider a hypothetical X-Yion pair for which

e the equilibrium interionic spacing and bonding en-

ergy values are 0.38 nm and -5.37 eV, respectively.

If it is known that n in Equation 2.17 has a value of 8,

using the results of Problem 2.18, determine explicit

expressions for attractive and repulsive energies EA

and ER of Equations 2.9 and 2.11.


2.21 The net potential energy En between two adjacent

ions is sometimes represented by the expression





D exp(-)



in which r is the interionic separation and C, D, 2.1

and p are constants whose values depend on the

specific material.

(a) Derive an expression for the bonding energy

Eo in terms of the equilibrium interionic separa-

tion Yo and the constants D and p using the follow-

ing procedure:




(i) Differentiate En with respect to r, and set the

resulting expression equal to zero.




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This question is about the theoretical compound tetrachloro(oxo)krypton, KrOCl4. ) Draw a dot and cross diagram for tetrachloro(oxo)krypton. b) Use your answer from Q1a) to deduce the molecular geometry of tetrachloro(oxo)krypton, c) The pressure of steam at 298K is 3.5kPa. 1.25g of water is put into a closed container that has a total volume of 1.50dm3. i) Deduce the number of moles of water that were vaporized. ii) Determine if there was any liquid water left in the container after vaporization.

8. Suppose we used the particle in a three-dimensional cubic box as a crude model for the electron in a hydrogen atom. What value of 1 (the width of the box) would you have to use so that the energy of transition between the ground state (111) and the first excited energy level (112, 211 or 121) transition for this model would be the same as the exact value determined for the n = 1 → 2 from the Rydberg formula En = 2.1799 x 10-18/n²? Is this a reasonable value for the size of a hydrogen atom?

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3- Names of lonic Compounds (5pts) Complete the table with the positive ion, negative ion, and the name for the compounds. Use the subscript (X₂) and superscript (X2) buttons as needed.

Examine the following image of sodium chloride. Use that image to describe the compound. Then look up and record its density and melting point from the reference materials.

a) Draw the skeletal structure for both geometric isomers of 2-bromo-3-chloropent-2-ene.(in your answer, you must clearly label each of your structures as either E or Z)(3 b) A second compound, indene, was hydrated by reacting it with steam in the presence of an acid catalyst. Write the full mechanism for this reaction, showing all arrows and charges in your answer. Observe the reaction scheme shown below: c) For the products A, B and C: ) Draw the structure of the product ii) Deduce the IUPAC name of the product iii) State the name of the reaction that formed this product

2 - Formulas of lonic Compounds (5pts) Complete the table with the positive ion, negative ion, and the formula for the compounds. Use the subscript (X₂) and superscript (X²) buttons as needed.