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Guided Exploration 02: Arrays Chapter 06

Purpose: Explore 1D and 2D arrays, how to define, initialize and pass.

Effort: You can work on your own or collaborate with others. If you collaborate with others,

each person will submit their own answers. This means you work together but each person is

doing each part on their computer and writing in their own words. Write your own code but

you can discuss approaches and problems after you have written the code. Do not use

someone else's code as yours.


20 (see rubric in canvas)

Deliverables: Upload this document with your answers and your

GE04RenterSurveyLastName.c file. Do not upload a zip file.

I encourage collaboration on Guided Explorations. If you are not understanding some of the

concepts please look at my office hours so I can support you. Discussing concepts to

understand them better is an important skill.

If you collaborated with others include name(s):

Part 1: Explore Code

Explore book code fig06_11 from your repository. Answer the questions and update the code.

Commit and push your code using GitHub desktop when you finish.

Explain as if you are teaching someone.

verb (used with object)

1 to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible:

to explain an obscure point.

2 to make known in detail:

to explain how to do something.

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Internal Combustion

Problem 3 Gas Mixtures (50 points) A gas mixture with mass fractions of C4H10 butane (6.11%), oxygen (21.88%), and nitrogen (72%) is compressed in a piston-cylinder device during the compression stroke of an ideal Diesel cycle. Copyright © 2023 Scott D Sawyer. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Scott D Sawyer. Any unauthorized use of this material is a violation of copyright law and will be pursued to the limit of civil and criminal penalties. The initial volume of the cylinder is 0.5L, and the initial conditions are 95kPa and 290K. The engine compression ratio is 22. (a) the mole fractions of the components (b) the molar mass of the mixture (c) the gas constant for the mixture (d) the specific heat ratio for the mixture (hint k-Cp/Cv) (e) the mass of the mixture in the cylinder (f) the temperature at the end of the compression process (g) the work done on the mixture during the compression process (kJ) *There's no value of Cp for Butane in our text. Please use Cp = 1.7164 kJ/kg K

Problem 1 Otto Cycle (60 points) Use an air-standard Otto cycle to model a 4-cylinder engine. At the beginning of compression, the cylinder volume is 0.55L, the pressure is 98 kPa, and the temperature is 290 K. Copyright © 2023 Scott D Sawyer. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Scott D Sawyer. Any unauthorized use of this material is a violation of copyright law and will be pursued to the limit of civil and criminal penalties. At the end of compression, the cylinder volume is 0.046L. The temperature at the end of the combustion process is 2700 K. Use the specific heat ratio k = 1.4, and gas constant R = 287; kg.K Draw a schematic of the cylinder showing the volume at TDC, BDC, and displacement. Draw the cycle on T-s diagram Identify the 4 processes of the cycle Determine: (a) The compression ratio (b) The engine displacement (c) The temperature at the end of compression T₂ (d) The specific heat input qu (kJ/kg) (e) The temperature at the end of the power stroke T4 (f) The specific heat loss q (kJ/kg) (g) The specific work per cycle Wnet (kJ/kg) (h) The mass of air in the cylinder (kg) (i) The power produced by the engine at 8,500 rpm

HOMEWORK PROBLEMS [To turn in for grading] The internal combustion engine (ICE), both spark-ignition (i.e., gas fuel) and compression-ignition (i.e., Diesel engine) has been the main source of propulsion for our transportation system for the last 100 years. But, due to the harmful effects of its emission on the environment, there is an ongoing push to relace it with electrified propulsion, which is driven by battery power. However, there are ongoing research to modify ICE or use different fuels to power it in order to reduce the emissions to a desirable level. Based on the above, investigate the following items under consideration, analyze any related issues, discuss possible solutions and trade-offs, and provide recommendations. 1. There are many recent developments in the design of the current of ICE (gas or Diesel). Identify 3 such advancements and describe in no more than 3 slides each. 2. Identify 2 types of entirely new alternative-fuel (not a gasoline or Diesel blend) ICE technologies under investigation; for example, hydrogen-powered ICE. Then, identify their applications, advantages, shortcomings, and key technical attributes, etc. Summarize your findings in no more than 5 slides each. Present your work in a PowerPoint presentation format; refer to Appendix A for details. Upload a soft copy on Canvas before the deadline: a. Upload your native electronic PPT file onto Canvas; PDF or scanned photocopies or photographed pages are not accepted. b. In addition to the PPT file, you can upload a PDF copy of you file to ensure the formatting is preserved in cas the PPT file get distorted. c. Use the following file name convention: AUE 400_HW_XX_YYYYYYYY.zzz, where the bolded characters are: XX is the HW number, YYYYYYYY is your Uniqname, and zzz stands for the appropriate file extension (e.g., pptx, pdf, etc.). This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Each student must submit their own work in order to receive credit.

Problem 2 Simple propulsion cycle Jumo 004 (90 points) Given engine design parameters: • Compressor pressure ratio 3.14 ● Compressor isentropic efficiency 74% • Turbine inlet temperature 1050K ● Turbine isentropic efficiency 82% Inlet air flow rate 23.5 kg/s ● ● Cruise condition 205 m/s at 3 km altitude on a standard day Copyright © 2023 Scott D Sawyer. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Scott D Sawyer. Any unauthorized use of this material is a violation of copyright law and will be pursued to the limit of civil and criminal penalties. Draw the cycle on a T-s diagram Identify the process in the cycle Calculate the pressure and temperature for the following states: (a) Freestream condition (Ta, Pa) (b) The compressor inlet (T₁, P₁) (c) The compressor ideal exit condition (T25, P₂)

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Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: The Initial Assessment Form will be used as the basis for planning your work over the coming academic year. You should refer back to this document in order to monitor your own progress. In preparing the Initial Assessment Form, you are making a commitment that you will deliver a number of objectives within a specified timescale. For this reason, it is vital that you agree what these objectives and timescales are with your supervisor as soon as possible. The purpose of the Initial Assessment Form is: • To demonstrate that you understand the context and purpose of your project • To agree a list of formal objectives and deliverables with your supervisor • To develop and communicate an initial project plan i.e. a work breakdown structure supported by a Gantt chart or timeline

PARAMETRIC: An ICE is tested with liquid octane (C8H18). The air-intake system is being tuned over the range of 70% - 130% theoretical air. Both fuel and air enter at 298 K, and the exhaust leaves at 700 K. All hydrogen in the fuel is assumed to burn to H₂O at all times. Heat transfer from this engine is just equal to the work done by the engine. Plot the following parameters vs. % theoretical air: a)The power output of the engine [kW], if it burns 18 kg/h of fuel. b) The CO emission [ppm].5

1.1. Learning Outcomes 1. By the end of the lab, the student will be able to: identify the major parts of a Honda GX160 (IC Engine, link to MECH109 year 1). 2. Identify the processes of the Otto cycle. 3. Perform an engine test over a range of speeds and for two different throttle settings. 4. Explain the effect of key engine parameters on performance: spark advance, speed, load, valve timing and throttle setting. 5. Calculate basic performance measurements from collected data. 6. Analyse, plot and fit data (review MECH113 learning resources in CANVAS for support). 7. Draw conclusions on engine performance from plotted data.

Guided Exploration 02: Arrays Chapter 06 Purpose: Explore 1D and 2D arrays, how to define, initialize and pass. Effort: You can work on your own or collaborate with others. If you collaborate with others, each person will submit their own answers. This means you work together but each person is doing each part on their computer and writing in their own words. Write your own code but you can discuss approaches and problems after you have written the code. Do not use someone else's code as yours. Points: 20 (see rubric in canvas) Deliverables: Upload this document with your answers and your GE04RenterSurveyLastName.c file. Do not upload a zip file. I encourage collaboration on Guided Explorations. If you are not understanding some of the concepts please look at my office hours so I can support you. Discussing concepts to understand them better is an important skill. If you collaborated with others include name(s): Part 1: Explore Code Explore book code fig06_11 from your repository. Answer the questions and update the code. Commit and push your code using GitHub desktop when you finish. Explain as if you are teaching someone. verb (used with object) 1 to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point. 2 to make known in detail: to explain how to do something.

Problem 4 Psychrometrics (40 points) A flow of air (350 cfm) enters an automotive A/C unit at 14.7 psia, 104°F and 50% relative humidity is cooled to 55°F. Copyright © 2023 Scott D Sawyer. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Scott D Sawyer. Any unauthorized use of this material is a violation of copyright law and will be pursued to the limit of civil and criminal penalties. (a) Draw a schematic of the system Determine: (b) the mass flow rate of dry air for at the inlet (c) the rate of heat removed in (Btu/hr) (d) the rate of liquid water condensation (if any, in lbm/hr) *If you use a psychrometric calculator, please include screenshots that show your work