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Homework #1: Osmolarity/Tonicity Problem: A patient has the following volumes of distribution: deuterium oxide: 40 liters inulin: 13 liters Evans blue: 2.8 liters Her plasma Osmolarity is 285mOsM. 1. How much solute (osmoles) exists in each of the above compartments? Using the data above as the initial conditions in each case, determine the effects of the following procedures on the water and solute in the ECF and ICF after equilibrium has occurred. You should be able to give the numerical values for volume and osmolarity of the ECF and ICF. Briefly explain your rationale for solving each problem. (Treat each solution below as a separate problem; do not make them additive.) 2. Patient ingests 1 L of water, which is absorbed totally from the digestive tract. 3. Patient ingests 0.18 moles of NaCl, all of which is absorbed into the body. Use dissociation constant of 2 for NaCl in all problems. 4. Patient receives an intravenous infusion of 2 L of 0.9% NaCl solution. 5. Patient ingests 1 L of water containing 0.3 moles of urea, all of which is absorbed. Instructions 1. Use this template and write your answers in neatly. 2. Rounding as instructed or your answers may not be correct. For volume, round to 0.1 L For solute, round to 0.001 osmoles For osmolarity, use mOsm (e.g., 300 mOsM) 3. Explanations should be brief and should largely address rationale for distribution of solute and water. Scanned with CamScanner 1. (10pts) Vol L Sol osmol mosM 2. (20pts) 3. (20pts) Total Vol L Sol osmol mosM Explanation: Vol L Total Total ECF ECF ECF ICF ICF ICF Plasma Scanned with CamScanner Sol osmol mOsM Explanation: 4. (20pts) Total Vol L Sol osmol mosM Explanation: Vol L ECF 5. (30pts) Work in 2 steps. Step1: Add water only, not penetrating particles yet. Remember to explain why? Total ECF ICF 40 Sol osmol q mOsM Explanation: ICF 13 27 d 3.705 7.698 + 285 Scanned with CamScanner Step2: Add penetrating particles and calculate new osmolarity. Total ECF ICF Vol L Sol osmol mOsM Scanned with CamScanner

Most Viewed Questions Of Human Physiology

3. Calculate sugar as a percentage of total carbohydrate for each cereal listed. Calculation: % of total carbohydrate = grams of total sugar + by grams of total carbohydrate x 100 EXAMPLE: 10 grams total sugar, 25 grams carbohydrate 10 grams total sugar/25 grams carbohydrate = .40 x 100 = 40% Cereal General Mills Raisin Nut Bran General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Kellogg's Krave Chocolate Kellogg's Special K Red Berries Kellogg's Raisin Bran Fiber One Honey Clusters Calculation (Must show your work for full credit.)

1.Explain the anatomical (structural) concepts associated with muscular tissue (at a microscopic level). Such as the types, their specific content, the layers and the content associated with each layer. Remember to use anatomical terms, directional terms, etc. to describe the content and its locations. Summarize this module's key points in a minimum of 5 sentences.

Question 57.* Which of the following statements is correct in respect to lever systems in the human body? When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have a disadvantage over those with longer levers. (select) Levers with mechanical disadvantage are more suited to endurance-based activities When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have an advantage over those with longer levers. When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have a disadvantage over those with longer levers. Levers with a mechanical advantage are less suited to power/strength style training

Case Study Questions Describe the function of the hormones of the thyroid gland. Describe the feedback system for regulating thyroid hormones. How does this relate to Ashley's thyroid hormone levels? Describe the signs and symptoms of Grave's disease. Describe treatments for Grave's disease. Include descriptions of the treatment and mechanisms of actions of any medications.

2. Explain the physiological (functional) concepts associated with muscular tissue (at a microscopic level). What is it responsible for and how does it perform it's intended functions via muscle contraction. Summarize this module's key points in a minimum of 5 sentences.

Management of Patients with Dermatologic Disorders Case Study Exam Please complete the following 2 case studies Case 1 A 24-year-old man who regularly bites his fingernails accidentally tears out a small piece of the corner of the nail on his right index finger. The damaged skin starts to bleed lightly, so the man presses on the area with a tissue until the bleeding stops. Two days later, the man notices that the finger has become infected. A small area of skin near the corner of the nail is red and swollen. The skin is yellowish white in the center of this area, where the swelling is most noticeable. The man, who knows just enough about infections to be dangerous, opts to treat himself. He "lances" the center of the swollen area with a needle that he sterilized by heating it in a candle flame. Pus then oozes out of the opening, confirming the presence of infection. The man presses and squeezes the area around the infection to force as much of the pus out the injured area as he can. He removes the exuded pus with a sterile cotton ball, cleans the finger with a topical antiseptic and covers the area with a small bandage. Five days later, the man develops a fever and severe pain in his forearm. His arm is swollen, red, and warm to the touch, so he gets worried and goes to the nearby ED for advice. On examination, he appears sweaty and hot. His temperature is 40.40C. There is a patchy red rash with poorly delineated edges on his right arm. The rash extends from the elbow to the shoulder. Lymph nodes in the axilla are enlarged and tender. You are the provider assigned to see the patient and you take the patient's recent history and learns about the nail infection incident. 1. What is your diagnosis? 2. What are the most likely causative agents? 3. How can you identify the causative agent? 4. Does this agent cause any similar diseases? 5. What other agents cause this disease?

1. Briefly describe the four types of attachment, and do a google search for why attachment is so important. Share one of your findings about consequences or later effects on learning and/or development. 2. Explain and give an example of social referencing with emotions. 3. Explain the evolution from parallel play, to simple social play, to cooperative play. At what ages do these emerge? Share an example from your life or a show/movie of one of these. 4. There are a lot of beliefs and stereotypes about differences around gender, and it's a widely studied area. On pages 144-146 in the textbook there's a list of research-supported differences. Paraphrase one of them and give your response to it - do you agree/disagree? Do the messages you received about gen der growing up support or contrast with the findings?

Assignment - 1 Word limit 250 - 300 Read page 190 in your textbook regarding food cooking methods and watch the above video in order to answer the questions below Scenario: You are working at a hospital and your supervising physician just asked you to conduct patient education with "Mrs. Jones" about improving nutrient intake on her limited budget. She currently eats out frequently and when she eats at home, it's usually a packaged meal. The vitamins and minerals pamphlet that you usually use to explain how to cook foods to retain their nutrients is missing. Remembering what you learned in this class, you tell her: Which vitamins are fat soluble and which vitamins are water soluble and why their solubility matters during food preparation. (See section 8.1d on page 190) What foods she can select that will increase her nutrient intake Explain to Mrs. Jones has a few habits or techniques she can use when storing and preparing food to maximise its nutrient content. Provide Mrs. Jones with one or two meal examples using the principles you showed her above.

2. Look at the cereal label for nutrition and health claims noted. Search online (Google, Duck Duck Go, etc.) or go to the store and look at actual labels. is an easy way to search each of the labels online. EX: "This cereal contains soluble fiber which may lower your cholesterol." "Contains 14 grams of whole grains." Cereal General Mills Raisin Nut Bran General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Kellogg's Krave Chocolate Kellogg's Special K Red Berries Kellogg's Raisin Bran Fiber One Honey Clusters Health Claims

1. What are some advantages and disadvantages to using a 3-day Food Record versus a 24 hour recall to assess dietary intake? What were the advantages and disadvantages to the two analysis programs used in part 2 and 3?