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H.W: If L1 = 10", L2 = 15", L3=36"and A1=1 in^2 , A2= 2 in^2 , A3= 2.5 in^2 and E1=20 ksi , E2 = 15 ksi, E3 = 10

ksi . A. Find Si if the wall at (1) is removed & F1 = 240 K & F2 = 30.0 K . B. Find the reactions P1 & P3 when both walls at (1) & (3) are resisting the displacement of the compounded cylinders 1,2 & 3. *

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Intoduction To Earth Sciences

Problem-5. A rectangular plate submerged in water is 5 m by 4 m, the 5-m side being horizontal and the4-m side being vertical. Determine the magnitude of the force on one side of the plate and the depth to its center of pressure if the top edge is (a) at the water surface; (b) 1.0 m below the water surface; (c)100 m below the water surface.

Problem-3. A rectangular plate 5 ft by 4 ft is at an angle of 30° with the horizontal, and the 5-ft side is horizontal. Find the magnitude of the force on one side of the plate and the depth of its center of pressure when the top edge is (a) at the water surface, (b) 1.0 ft below the water surface.

Problem-6. A rectangular area is 5 m by 6 m, with the 5 m side horizontal. It is placed with its centroid 4m below a water surface and rotated about horizontal axis in the plane area and through its centroid.Find the magnitude of the force on one side and the distance between the center of pressure and the centroid of the plane when the angle with horizontal, 0 = 90°, 60°, 30°, and 0°.

Problem-7. The hemispherical body shown in the Figure (r 2 ft) projects into a tank. Find the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the hemispherical projections for the following cases: (a) the tank is full of water with the free surface 5 ft above A;(b) the tank contains CCI4 (s = 1.59) to the level of A overlain with water having its free surface 5 ft above A; (c) the tank is closed and contains only gas at a pressure of6 psi; (d) the tank is closed and contains water to the level of A overlain with gas at a pressure of 2 psi. Assume the gas weighs 0.075 lb/ft3.

Problem-4. The gate MN in the Figure rotates about an axis through N. If a= 3.3 ft, b = 1.3 ft, d = 2 ft, and the width perpendicular to the plane of the figure is 3.0 ft, what torque applied to the shaft through N is required to hold the gate closed?

1. From well log data you have found a potential limestone reservoir of 23 m of gross thickness. The average of RHOB density in the zone is 2300 Kg/m3, the true resistivity from DLL after environmental corrections is 1.5 ohm-m, water formation resistivity was found from SP measurements to be 0.025 ohm-m. The lecture of the sonic log is almost a constant value of 60 us/ft for the compressional wave, and 90 us/ft for the shear wave. From SCAL in core plugs, it was found that a=1.1, m=1.9, n=2.1. Calculate the following: (20 points) (a) Average (total) porosity in this reservoir (in fraction, two decimals) = (b) Average micro-porosity in this reservoir (in fraction, two decimals) (c) Average Sw (in fraction, two decimals) = (d) Average So (in fraction, two decimals) = (e) Average Bulk Modulus (in GPa, one decimal) = (f) Average Shear Modulus (in GPa, one decimal)= (g) Average Poisson ratio (one decimal)= (h) Is this a hard or soft rock? Why? Compare with what? (i) Average Hydrocarbon Pore Thickness (in m) G) Is this a pay zone if the cutoff of porosity and water saturation are 0.2 and 0.4 respectively?(yes or no)

5. Using Figure 23.3, answer the following questions: (12 points) (a) What does Rwa mean? (b) What does Rxo mean? (c) What does Rt mean? (d) According to the discussion of this figure in the textbook, what is the best use of Rxo/Rt? (e) What is the figure in the textbook showing the Hingle plot? (f) What does this Hingle plot used for?

4. A carbonate rock layer was logged and found to have a porosity of 18%. The water resistivity is estimated to be 0.2 ohms-meters, and the true resistivity was measured to be 10 ohms-meters (assume m=n=2). (4 points) (a) What is the water saturation? (in fraction, two decimals) (b) What is the oil saturation? (in fraction, two decimals)

3. Using Figure 7.21 of your textbook, answer the following questions: (8 points) a. What are the zones A, B, C, and D indicating? b. The resistivity of the mud filtrated is higher, lower or equal to the resistivity of the formation? c. Would you use focusing electrode tools in this well? (yes or no) d. Why?

Problem-1. A plane surface is circular with a diameter of 2 m. If it is vertical and the top edge is 0.5 m below the water surface, find the magnitude of the force on one side and the depth to the center of pressure.