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Instructions This assignment is designed so that the student will learn how to do scholarly research in the University Library as compared with merely finding information through Google or Wikipedia. You will learn what constitutes a peer-reviewed source and gain skill in using the USF Library search engine to locate peer-reviewed articles. You must follow explicit instructions to locate two peer-reviewed resources using the library search engine. You must cut-and-paste-and-edit the citation ((MLA, APA or Chicago style sheet) and write an original summary of the article and post as a report on Canvas (100-300 words for each summary not including the citations) in proper format (two citations, each followed by its own summary). The articles must not be ones that are listed on the modules for this course already. Please check the M7 Optional Readings to make sure you don't include any of those articles in your webliography. Late assignment submittals will be accepted within the two-day grace period, but there will be a maximum of 80% possible for those that are late. The two citations are worth 60 points (30 points for each) and the abstracts are worth 40 for a total of 100 points. You must upload this assignment an approved file format just like your other assignments. The instructions are also on the home page tab for Part 6. This assignment is not peer reviewed. Here are the specific things you need to do: 1. Select two of the topics to research more in-depth: Gendered athletes Women in sport Bullying on sports teams Performance of masculinity in sport Racism in tennis or soccer Sexualization of sport The stadium and the community 2. Now you'll locate two peer-reviewed resources to synthesize. You can do this by going to the USF Library home page and putting your key words into the search box. Make sure to check the box for "Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Articles only" directly underneath the search box. You could also go to USF eJournals (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Google Scholar (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., but most students have found journal articles using this method. 3. You must post your two annotated citations on this assignment. Please make sure you use a style format such as MLA or APA. Many USF citations cut-and-pasted from the library resources are NOT in the correct format. They are often in all uppercase letters or worse. Tess Carr, teaching assistant for this course, recommends that you clean up your source citations: "EBSCOhost tends to put extra information in citations that aren't a part of normal college citations. I encourage you to use OWL at Purdue to help you with properly formatting a citation. I would plug in the information you have from EBSCOhost into OWL at Purdue's formatting to give you the cleanest looking citation." 4. You must write an original summary. If you merely cut-and-paste the existing abstract for the article, you will lose points. Purpose of Assignment: Someone asked if it was acceptable to just cut-and-paste the abstract from the journal article, but I require that you use your own words. Otherwise, this final assignment becomes merely a finding exercise and not a reading comprehension task. The intent is for you to experience the process of scholarly research in the field. Annotated citations are part of the literature search that you might do for your Master's or Doctoral thesis should you decide to go to graduate school. This assignment gives you a small sample of that activity. Note on finding peer-reviewed sources: We require that your final references indeed come from peer-reviewed sources, i.e. no Wikipedia! Students at all levels (undergrad/grad) sometimes struggle with the definition and location of peer-reviewed sources. To remedy this, I have defined what a peer-reviewed source is and provide a link to help you determine whether a source is peer-reviewed. Peer-Reviewed Journal Article - What is this? It is a published research article that has been submitted by its author(s) to a journal for publication, but first reviewed by several other researchers (the “peers", also known as "referees") for appropriateness and to meet that field's standards, in order to obtain approval for publication. You can guarantee that your article is from a peer-reviewed journal by narrowing your search results to only peer reviewed articles. See the video above for more information. Here's a tutorial on Peer Reviewed Journals: How to determine if an article is peer reviewed.Links to an external site. Here are four examples of citations with abstracts in the proper format. You may not use these examples per se, but you may model your citations after them. Vertinsky, Patricia Anne, and John Bale. Sites of Sport Space, Place, Experience. London: Routledge, 2004. Print. This article asks the question: "What would be lost if the sensory experience derived from attending a sporting event in a stadium were replaced by the anesthesia of a sporting non-place?" In other words, what are the elements that we experience upon attending an event in a stadium. Our primary means of experiencing events is rooted within place (seats, sections, sides, ends, boxes), rooted within space (the stadium), with a larger place (the city), within ever larger spaces (region, state, hemisphere, globe) contributes to the idea that all senses contribute to an awareness and appreciation of the qualities of particular places. It covers the five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste as well as the sense of belonging to a crowd and the historical community as subsequent reports allow witnesses to expand their understanding of the event they helped create and those who weren't at the stadium to participate in the collective memory (or history). This article reminded me of the excitement of attending a Monday Night Football game at Raymond James when Warren Sapp and the Bucs defeated the Green Bay Packers and being part of the amazing spectacle before and during the game. It also helped to understand my experience as a young Little Leaguer with my father and coach upon entering Fenway Park in Boston after the game had already started. Hearing the crowd cheer outside the stadium as my coach said "that's a strikeout," and then seeing that perfectly manicured field and "Green Monster" left-field wall. I thought it was heaven. Johnson, Jay. "Through The Liminal: A Comparative Analysis Of Communitas And Rites Of Passage In Sport Hazing And Initiations." Canadian Journal Of Sociology 36.3 (2011): 199-227. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This article focuses on hazing in sports, and how most of the time it is not seen as anything bad but more of a "right of passage" and initiation. The author discussions multipleaspects and degrees of hazing from singing a school song to punching and humiliation. In my opinion, rites of passage are ritualistic, but there should be respect for the human being. Whether it is appropriate depends upon what the "activity" is and its severity. Initiation rituals will never be banned, but perhaps hazardous activities with unfortunate outcomes could be curtailed. Rees, C. Roger. "Bullying and hazing/initiation in schools: How sports and physical education can be part of the problem and part of the solution."Journal of Physical Education New Zealand Feb2010, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p24 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus The peer-reviewed article above discusses the charged topic of bullying in sports, commonly known as "hazing." After reading, it was explained that team members find membership extremely important and hazing is seen as a right of passage into their tight bond of the team. New members are often put through psychological, physical and sexual humiliation to see if they have what it takes to stay true to their teammates. Unfortunately, things get out of hand and this can become extremely dangerous. As a coach or physical education teacher, they urge students to make sports about having fun and competing instead of making it apart of their athletic identity and hazardous. I found this articele very helpful in the sense of realizing both sides to the story. As team mates, when a new member joins, you want to make sure they won't mess up the flow of the perfectly molded team you already have established. By originall doing very begnine and silly tasks to see if they'll stick around, could convince teammates that they are worthy of trust. Unfortuneately, the article explains that this silly thing has run wild and gotten extremely dangerous. The article also talks about how to possibly end hazing and bullying in the sports world, and that the solution is actually the love of the game itself. Jirasek, Ivo; Kohe, Geoffery Zain; Hurych, Emanuel. "Reimagining athletic nudity: the sexualization of sport as a sign of a 'porno-ization' of culture." Sport in Society Aug2013, Vol. 16 Issue 6, p721 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus This article traces and exposes a few historical and contemporary times in which sporting naked physiques have been used to affect certain agendas. This article also argues that the physical body has been degraded over the years and made people think that it should be more and more sexual. To satisfy society's needs and desires, bodies, especially sporting bodies, have been sexualized to the extreme. This is a symptom of a wider porno-ization of western culture and cultural products. It has limited our contemporary readings earning no respect for the body and its educational, transformative, artistic and emancipatory potential. Through all of this article readers to appreciate athletic nudity and to re-imagine the beauty of sporting bodies in cultural terms and to artistic appreciation rather than as provocative objects of sports managers and capitalistic desires. This is your final assignment.

Most Viewed Questions Of Physical Education

How did the ideas in the required readings guide your Virtual Volunteering experience? How did your Virtual Volunteering experience shape/change/influence your interpretations/reactions to ideas in the readings? How did you change and/ or what did you learn from this experience? Required Readings for the Assignment: “Karma Yoga: Do Yoga, Do Good” by Alan Reder (Yoga Journal on-line) in Moodle and “The Devil and the Muse” page 87 and “In Praise of Imperfection” page 205 in Survivors on the Mat.

In the principles section of your response you are to list and briefly explain the following considerations in beginning physical activity. Briefly explain each of the following: 1. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. 2. The need for appropriate clothing. 3. The need for appropriate footgear. 4. Physical Activity in the heat and cold. 5. Heat Related Injuries. 6. Water vs. sports drinks 7. Soreness and injury. 8. Muscle cramps. 9. The three parts of a work-out. 10. The Rice Formula. This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss your personal approach to beginning physical activity. How might your attitude affect your starting physical activity? How might you overcome a negative attitude? You may respond to this section by referencing any related source, but Corbin also provides good references (pgs. 53 to 55). This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

With a partner, you will perform the exercise. You will analyze the movement in order to identify the joint(s) involved and describe the movement produced (be specific!). Describe the body parts that you feel when performing the exercise Then you will determine the origin and insertion of the muscles involved in order to produce the movement.

Implications In the implications section of your response you are to: 1. Identify which of the "Health Benefits" is the most important to you and why it is the most important. 2. Identify which of the "Four Fitness Zones" you believe to be the zone that identifies your level of physical activity.

DELIVERABLES: 1) The Topics of choice are (highlighted). 2) Read the files attached for the same. 3) Need to write the summary (following the instructions). 4) Need 7 minute worth material for each model. 5) Total 14 minute worth material. 6) FOLLOW THE RUBRIC. Keep the material according to the durations mentioned.

Discussion Question 2 - Referenced from the text in Preparing for Physical Activity, pgs. 43 to 62. The most important consideration in beginning physical activity is to just get started. Still, the text notes that there are factors to consider prior to and during physical activity (Corbin, pg. 44). Principles In the principles section of your response you are to list and briefly explain the following considerations in beginning physical activity. Briefly explain each of the following: 1. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. 2. The need for appropriate clothing. 3. The need for appropriate footgear. 4. Physical Activity in the heat and cold. 5. Heat Related Injuries. 6. Water vs. sports drinks 7. Soreness and injury. 8. Muscle cramps. 9. The three parts of a work-out. 10. The Rice Formula. This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss your personal approach to beginning physical activity. How might your attitude affect your starting physical activity? How might you overcome a negative attitude? You may respond to this section by referencing any related source, but Corbin also provides good references (pgs. 53 to 55). This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

Students will comment on the actual or probable impact on society due to recent developments in healthcare as they apply to health, wellness, and physical fitness in the United States. The word count is between 200 words

Corbin has presented a concept that is identified with a figure known as the Physical Activity Pyramid . It shows steps (levels) of activity and gives examples. Moderate physical activity is noted as being "... the foundation of an active lifestyle." Principles In the principles section of your response you are to briefly discuss what the author means by "moderate physical activity". Additionally, you are to give examples of the following: 1. Light physical activity. 2. Moderate physical activity 3. Vigorous physical activity This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss how you might personally move from one step (level) in the physical activity pyramid to another level. You are to give one or more examples. This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

IN 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mental and Psychological Health Social Class and Sport Race and Ethnicity in Sport Violence in Sport Deviance in Sport Gender and Sport Commercialization and Media in Sport

Referenced from the text in Health Benefits of Physical Activity and How Much Physical Activity is Enough? (Corbin, pgs. 63 to 94). Principles In the principles section of your response you are to address two considerations. They are: 1. List and briefly explain at least ten health, wellness, and fitness benefits of physical activity. 2. Briefly explain the significance of the "Four Fitness Zones" (pg. 89).